Chapter fourty-eight

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Fear was among him as the Tentacruel took them across the waters to the tower.

This is it, Tisa thought, but why do I have a sense of dread filling me. She wondered as she looked at the lands around her.

For a second, she thought she saw a familiar face, but it vanished as soon she set her eyes upon it. Whatever or whoever it was, though, it sent shivers down Tisa's spine.

For a second Tisa thought she heard whoever it was say, "Let me put you back together, and take you apart all over again."

The voice was so soft, that Tisa couldn't tell if that's what she heard or what.

But how could she hear that voice from right there?

Tisa shrugged it off as her imagination and focused on the tower coming closer and closer.

The Tentacruel took a couple of days to reach it, and boy did he look tired.

He docked, and let them off before screaming and swimming away.

"Maybe we should have killed him." Tudi growled. "He could go tell on us," he continued.

The angered Sandslash took a step forwards, but Sklirós put a ragged hand in front of him. Their gazes were intense.

"No. Let them go."

Tisa was confused by this. Let them go? What good would that do for them?

"Letting them go will allow for our enemies to see we mean business, and treat us seriously. Now let's get that annoying bastard who calls himself God above all pokemon." Skliros scoffed, snorting a bit.

"This time, there is more than an illusion to fear." The same voice soft said, breathing heavily.

Tisa turned around, seeing something that looked like a Beartic disappear.

"Does anyone else hear that?" She asked.

"Hear what? We're so close, Tisa. Stop imagining voices and come along." Skliros told her, seemingly annoyed.

Why is he annoyed? Am I...hearing someone I shouldn't?

She turned forwards and followed Skliros at the back.

They entered the dungeon.

"So here's the plan," the Darkrai said, holding out a piece of paper. He began to draw on it. "We will split up, and whoever finds the stairs first will come get the rest of us. In order to get each other's attention send a signal with one of your moves. Let's register what moves will alert each other that one of us has found the stairs. I'll go first, I'll use Haze to show you guys I've found the stairs, so be on the lookout for this move."

Skliros then created a black haze that surrounded the area.

Pokémon nearby could be heard coughing from it.

"See? So anyways what moves will you guys use to signal if you see the stairs?" Skliros asked curiously.

Lassie went first, not allowing anyone else to show their move first.

She basically did a t-pose before something hard fell on not only Tisa, but everyone besides Pulse.

Tisa gazed up, breathing out puffs of air.

She was smacked by a couple stray icicles of the strange move.

Hail. She decided that was a good move to use.

The Ninetales quickly heated up her body, not wanting to feel the ice melt and become a liquid.

Majnun went next with a smirk, causing Pulse to growl at his Hubris.

He showed his move, which was similar in a way to Lassie's, but more sandy. He used Sandstorm. Who knew an Absol like him could use it.

The sandstorm buffeted Tisa, Skliros, Kiumbe, and Lassie. Lassie didn't like it one bit, whining a bit before Majnun grabbed something in his paw and begun to glow.

He's...he can evolve? Is that...Mega Evolution? Tisa wondered. Her answer came not long after as Majnun grew wings and horns grew where there wasn't any beforehand.

His fur was also far more fluffy than it was before he mega evolved.

"I died before I could get my paws on a stone like that." Pulse growled.

Majnun stuck out his tongue. "Must suck to be an awful villain, huh?" He teased.

Pulse snarled. And seemed to bare his fangs at the suspecting Absol.

"Yeah? And it must suck to have an awfully stupid heir, huh?" Pulse fired back.

Majnun snorted. "Eon and the rest of my family are dead to me. They were of no use to me. No good villain material. All daft weaklings." He remarked.

"Yeah. I'm far more luckier than you." Pulse snarled.

"Yeah yeah, let the grown pokemon talk now, why don't you. Such children." Skliros remarked, putting a paw to his face, groaning at the banter.

The two stood straight up, but they glared at each other like nothing else mattered but their rivalry.

Kiumbe then showed them his move. It was Thunder.

The move caused Tisa to move back a little. It looked so powerful.

Skliros nodded at Pulse who looked amused. "I'm a ghost. I could probably just float through the walls and get you all." Pulse snorted.

"Alright, Tisa you're next."

Tisa began to absorb light in a Solar Beam attack before firing it off against a wall nearby. Parts of it broke off, and Skliros seemed satisfied before turning his attention to Tudi.

During the time it took her to gather energy she didn't notice that Kiumbe mega evolved as well.

Tudi focused all his energy on spinning and then slammed his weight into the wall. Gyro Ball.

Skliros nodded, and then said, "Look for those and signs and then follow them. Hope to see you guys soon."

Everyone left, except Tisa. She started going a way, putting one paw in front of the other.

Be prepared to shoot off a Solar Beam if you find the staircase. She told herself, ripping the throat out of an Empoleon, and they fell with a cry.

The floor pooled with blood.

Tisa wasn't sure if it mattered or not if she had to rip them to shreds, but she couldn't help herself with that Pokemon.

That looked too much like Harley for me to leave alive. She thought as she continued on her way, leaving the rotting corpse on the ground for others to see.

She searched the area with valor. She didn't find the stairs. She was thinking that maybe there were none or that they were invisible when she spots something flashing besides her.

Brown fur stained with crimson flashed in front of her.

She yelped, jumping backwards.

This creature reminded her of one of the villains she's met in the past, but more like the original color a Ursuring was supposed to be, but the only difference was the blood staining his fur, his claws, and especially his teeth.

How this Ursuring could teleport was beyond her.

She never seen this Ursuring before in her life. Why was this weird Ursuring in front of her? What business does it have here?

It didn't seem like the friendly kind of Ursuring too.

If she had five Pokécoins for every Ursaring that didn't look like the friendly kind of Ursaring she would have at least two sets. Which was weird because it happened twice that she saw two oddly unfriendly Ursaring.

"Wh-what?!" She exclaimed. "Who are you?" She questioned.

"I am the ghost of Christmas Murder." The Ursaring commented before loudly laughing his tiny tail off. "I'm lying. I'm a creature of unknown power in the form of a nightmare." He growled.

"You sound insane." She commented.

"You're not so far from nuts yourself. Wait you are nuts." The bloody bear pokemon remarked.

"Why are you here in front of me? I'm not going to stop being evil, and I don't understand anything of what's going on." She commented.

The best sighed. "So you didn't hear anything." He remarked as if she was the most stupid pokemon on the planet. His paws were on his face.

"Those weird voices. Yeah. I don't understand what those mean though." She remarked.

"Don't you realize that Skliros is basically bringing you to your doom. This plot to get to Arceus may be as it seems. If Arceus dies you do realize what's going to happen, right?" The weird bloody bear asked.

"Yeah. If he dies then Skliros will be happy." She barked.

"Yes, and do you know why? Why I, a villain, a nightmare created from dreams have come to you to talk to you?" The bear asked.

Tisa just noticed the bloodstained bowtie and top hat.

Why do so many weirdos wear top hats? What is this some sort of weird top hatted clan?

Tisa shook her head.

"No. There is something unsettling about this, but is it bad?" She asked.

The bear tsked at her like it was so obvious.

"Yes it is bad if even weirdly overpowered evil pokemon like I come to tell you how bad it is." He said sarcastically.

Tisa tipped her head at him.

The bear then sighed.

"If you continue to go down the path that Skliros has for you all....and Arceus falls completely, then....No light can you save now." The Ursaring said, his voice deep and serious.

"What?" She asked, shocked.

"I have to go." The weird pokemon commented. "But know this, I have always been hiding in your shadow. I know how this Darkrai acts, and expect an end of the world of Arceus dies."

Authors note: I don't know why I had a need to do that. I mean use that character in that way.

But, I did. Lol.

Anyways, what ominous meanings to some of those—possibly fnaf quotes—do you think they have?

What's the bloody Ursaring's link to Skliros, and what do you think will happen next?

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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