Chapter fourty-seven

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Tudi, Tisa, and Rau followed Majnun, Skliros, and Lassie out the cave where the ghostly figure of Pulse and Kuimbe were waiting for them.

Pulse snarled a bit, shaking his head. "Took you long enough to get moving. Come on, now. We need to show that bitch of a God who the real Gods are." Pulse growled, kneading the ground with a paw.

Of course since he was transparent he couldn't actually make an indent in the ground.

"Calm down. It took me a bit to collect the Elixirs and other stuff." Tisa barked, turning around to address the Darkrai, Froslass, and Absol behind getting. " You guys took forever." She informed them.

"Again, it was not our fault!" Lassie exclaimed desperately.

"Guys! Stop fighting! What counts is we are going to destroy that fat bull!" Majnun barked.

Skliros nodded his head, beginning to float his way to the dungeon where Arceus lies: Destiny Tower.

The Pokémon began their journey to the journey to Destiny Tower.

"Do you even know where this tower is?" Pulse asked Skliros. Skliros just nodded. "I know almost every place where a Legendary could be since I am one. I think like a Legendary, so I have a pretty good idea on where Arceus is." Skliros said.

"Nothing can stop us now!"

"We're so close to world domination I can taste it!" Pulse growled.

But, he doesn't have a sense of taste now that he's a ghost. Tisa thought, padding forwards along with the rest of the villains.

"What kinda of Pokémon will we be seeing inside the dungeon?" Tudi wondered. "Whatever Pokémon there are inside that dungeon, they're obviously no match for my skills." Kiumbe remarked, flexing his muscles.

"Okay. Don't do that. You're making me want to blind myself." Lassie commented, putting a paw up over her eyes. Of course by then it was too late.

Skliros rolled his eyes. "Amateur." He groaned.

"We will be entercountering more wild Pokémon. Pokémon who are stupid and don't have an education. Some of the Pokémon we will be seeing will in fact be starter Pokémon, so we must be careful. Some are in fact super effective against Tudi and Tisa, so we have to keep our guard up." Skliros explained.

"So how long have you been researching this? Or known this sort of stuff?" Tisa asked him, curiously. She had never seen Skliros to be more than just a weirdly over polite Pokémon.

It was weird to hear him talk about stuff that seemed sciencey.

Then again, Tisa didn't know that much about the Darkrai. There always seemed like there was a shroud of mystery around the strange Darkrai.

He was evil, yet polite. He had a vision, and he researched the dungeon they were going to. It makes me wonder how truly twisted this Darkrai is. And how tricky he is. I mean, he seemed to have tricked us into letting him tag all with us.

"It's...complicated," the Darkrai remarked, looking off who knows where in order to think. "Let's just say I've been researching things for a while now," he continued, taking out his tea set which was floating in midair.

He took a swig of the tea.

"It's nothing of your concern. We are just villains. Our backstories don't matter at all." He informed.

Our backstories don't matter? Tisa wondered.

"What do you mean our backstories don't matter?" Kiumbe wondered out loud, pressing a finger against his chin.

Pulse tilted his head before he got excited.

"He's saying Pokémon don't care about our backgrounds because we're all villains. As long as we're in the world they're just gonna come after us." Pulse remarked.

"Close. What I meant was our backgrounds don't matter because either way we're here now as villains. The injustices of this world can't be put off and ignore. Most Pokémon just love to ignore it. We are truly something special since we are the only ones trying to get rid of it completely. Arceus was the one who started this injustice by creating the world, so once we get rid of him we will be showing the world how truly wrong they are." Skliros distorted.

What is his problem with Arceus in the first place? Tisa wondered as the group of Pokémon continued on the quest. And why are we just going along with it? Am I the only one who knows he's distorting the truth?

Either way, it wasn't for Tisa to ask. They've all got their bad pasts.

But at least I know about Tudi's past. And maybe even Pulse's.

But she never knew anything about Skliros, Lassie, or even Kiumbe's past. Nor would she ever try to guess Majnun's past, but she just assumed that it had something to do with his children since he always seemed disappointed.

Maybe he wanted an Absol child? Or perhaps he wanted a shiny child? Or...something? Maybe he didn't want children, but was stuck with them? Wouldn't put it past him after what he tried with me. Tisa lamented to herself.

The group of villains continued on their journey.

It was indeed too bad that none of the other Pokémon could make it, but then again the squad was always in their way. And that pesky idiot, Harley too. She thought as she pounded the ground with her paws.

It was such a shame they used to be less annoying than this. But, Tisa guesses now they were trying for the impossible the squad will do anything to keep them from gaining control.

Is it so much just to want change? Do all Pokemon who look evil have to be judged as so? She wondered as her gaze turned towards the ground.

The forest around them changed several times, and they even had to cross over a sea.

"The sea? We have to pass this in order to get to Destiny Tower?" Tisa wondered, shivering in such a way. Water was never her strong suit.

She steeled herself. Can't show weakness now of all times! I am a strong women! I can cross that sea. No sea creature can kill me. I killed a Mudkip for Arceus sake! I can definitely cross the sea of deep ends!

"Yes," Skliros said simply. "I know you're weak to water, and you probably hate it, but it is the only way to get there." Skliros continued, putting on a bow tie for some reason.

Was now really a good time to put on a bow tie?

Tisa gulped. "I hate water, but this must be done. The world will rue the day it ever turned its back on me...on us." Tisa lamented.

Tudi nodded. "Right. Water might be super effective against other Fire and Ground types, but Tisa and I got this, Skliros. You can trust us to get this done."

Skliros smirked. "Good. I'm glad to be able to trust you with this task." He commented darkly, rubbing his doll hands together.

"So, how will we cross the sea if none of us know, cross it without drowning ourselves?" Lassie wondered.

"Yeah. I might be a legendary psychic type, but even I cannot help us all across the sea at once. Maybe myself and one of you, but I can't hold everyone up in the air." Kiumbe commented.

"I could send myself there too, but we're all not ghosts. How about we threaten some bitchy overrated water type into sending us there? I'm sure if one sees my ghost they would have no choice." Pulse remarked with a snort.

"Yeah. It's funny how easily some Pokémon go into panic over some villain coming over to steal or kill and everything else." Tisa barked as she dug at the ground.

She was nervous that's for sure. What if they were successful? And she couldn't just give up on these guys. She had to at least try, but she knew this was probably not what was good for the world.

She knew she was supposed to be evil, but she wasn't cruel enough to get rid of the one who created it all. What happened to us just killing starters? Aren't they the ones who wronged us? Arceus never had the goal of making us suffer, that was all Harley the weak Piplup's fault.

"I know. Some Pokémon are such cowards. At least that wimpy Popplio had the guts to defend himself when more starter squad members couldn't. Heck, I bet even a friendly Rockruff who wasn't even trying to catch a villain would have an easier time than some of the members of the squad." Tudi joked.

"Yeah, don't ever joke about that. Rockruff can be difficult to fight." Lassie remarked.

"Forget about that. While you guys were arguing about Rockruff, I had captured a Tentacruel. I was very cruel when catching him." Kiumbe said.

The Tentacruel was being held by a Psychic. The Tentacruel was shivering awfully.

For a Pokémon that was almost always forgotten or hated, he sure did want to hold on to his life dearly.

"Let go of me, you idiots! I will call the Starter Squad and the PK Police on you bastards!" He exclaimed, fighting the psychic with as much power as he had.

Of course it didn't work. He was still trapped within the powers of the Mewtwo.

"Your threats don't work on us, you worthless shit. You will take us across the sea to Destiny Tower." Skliros ordered him.

"And what if I don't?" Tentacruel asked, fighting back as much as he could.

Instantly, his smug face was replaced by fear as Kiumbe squeezed him to where he couldn't breath with his Psychic attack.

"If you don't you will die. It's either your life or Arceus." Kiumbe snarled, squishing the jellyfish even more with his powers.

He turned purple.

He choked out a response. "Fine! I will do it! I will hate it, but I'd rather have my life!"

Authors note: Well that Tentacruel has a cruel sense of sacrifice.

Anyways home stretch!

Anyways, a little taste of how Skliros truly is. What is he truly planning with this Arceus attack? And what will happen in the next chapter? Tune in to find out.

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