Chapter fourty-six

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Why was she everywhere now?

She seemed more like a bitch pokemon than someone who would bring in outlaws.

This again.

Tisa hated this.

This was just a pointless battle when they could be finding the supplies they needed. Instead they're wasting their time attempting to stop a mad Pokémon from killing them.

The Braixen's body started glowing, surrounding itself with red-orange-yellow fire.

The dark gray fox was preparing a Flame Charge.

Her eyes glowed brightly with a fire within them.

Tisa growled.

We definitely don't have time for this bitch! She thought, feeling her insides bubbling with anger.

She could feel the beginning of an attack start to form.

The Braixen wasted no time. She obviously wanted to have the glory of defeating three of the world's greatest villains.

She ran with a force so extreme, it could have made a hero confuse her with a zero.

Since she was faster she managed to land a hit, colliding with Tudi.

Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be that smart at type advantages versus type disadvantages.

After the attack, the vixen instantly jumped backwards to avoid Tudi, who slashed at the air where the female used to be.

"Is that all you got, losers?" She asked with a snort.

"No, but we don't have time for weak opponents like you. We're gonna...hey, wait! We're not telling you anything!" Tudi said.

"Hmm...well I at least know you're up to something." She said with a cocky grin.

She then shrugged.

"That's all the reason I need to stop you dweebs from doing anything!" She growled, opening her jaws slightly to let out fire slightly.

The fire didn't go anywhere, and the fire type looked down at it in question.

"Hmm," she began, opening her mouth farther.

The female took in a deep breath, trying to breath out some fire.

Nothing happened.

An even smaller fire showed up.

Tudi smirked.

What is going on? Can Pokémon run out of fire attacks? I thought that was only a legend. Or perhaps she ran out of attacks. Was she fighting someone earlier? Tisa wondered as the fire type screeched loudly.

"Ugh! I can't even attack you! Ugh. Stupid Popplio. Can't believe he made me unable to catch such ugly things like them. Not even worth the time anymore." The shiny grumbled, which was a surprising change from her loud screeching.

She was such a weird Pokémon.

"Then get out of our way, little rich bitch!" Rau snarled, using Water Shriken on the unsuspecting fire type.

She was instantly knocked out.

Of course, she also wasn't dead, but she was out of their way.

Tisa sighed.

I thought this bitch wouldn't go down without a fight, but I guess it was sorta without a fight. Thank you whoever this Popplio is.

She then face pawed.

Of course she knew who she was talking about.

But we can deal with that snotty strong-killer later. She thought as she lead the way, stepping over the Braixen with a look of confidence.

Hopefully, that would be the only twig in their path before they could face the biggest twig of them all: Arceus.

The three continued to be as sneaky as they could, going into alleyways to dodge the Police and whoever else was out in the streets.

It was almost like a spy movie, but with villains instead of spies, though Tisa supposed villains could be spies if they really wanted to be.

It helped that the buildings were huge, though it made it quite tougher to find where they were going.

We just need to get those supplies and get out of here! Tisa thought with a furious urge to run.

A run where you knew you had to do something, and get out fast.

The world just wasn't going to get taken over itself, nor was it?

Tisa restrained herself as she lifted her paw, checking the streets for any bystanders.

Nothing. Not a single peep.

Was it a pandemic or something, or were Pokémon too accustomed to being inside to get their lazy butts out?

Or, Tisa began to think. Or maybe they're all on vacation?

Even the suggestion didn't convince her that it was oddly quiet.

"It's kinda...quiet. Too quiet." Tudi remarked.

"The perfect opportunity if you ask me." Rau commented with a smirk on her face.

It was going off without a hitch besides that lone Braixen being a butt as usual.

The silence continued to drag on.



Arceus! Why is it so quiet? Tisa thought with a low growl.

Nothing happened.

Nothing happened.

Nothing was happening.

It felt foreboding, but...comforting at the same time.

Quickly, the three continued their search, finding what they needed, but nobody even came.

Nobody came to stop them.

Where was everyone?

The three managed to make it out of the town, silence continuing to follow them as they made their way back into the forest.

Rau had the bag of the enhancing items, while Tisa and Tudi had the food and much needed snacks.

Oh, and of course they had all the water they needed.

No Kecleon of any sort came to punish them.

Was it free things day again?

Wait, every day is free things day for super cool villains like me.

The sound of their paw steps echoed through the forest, eyes searching for any possible force that would stop them.

And nobody came.

The three padded through the forest, pushing through the undergrowth and the trunks of the trees.

Not a single pretty wild Pokémon in sight. Not even the mindless ones.

It was strange.

Many minutes passed by, and no sign or even a scent of anyone came by, Tisa would know she checked the scents and nothing.

Tisa's paws slapped something that ran up her leg. It was water.

She was too busy looking for...signs that someone would stop them that she didn't smell for the smell of water.

She grunted as she lifted her paw out of the way, furious at the way it was dripping down her legs.

She lifted a paw and started to shake it, but felt a bump near her tails.

She yelped.

The Sandslash grunted as a response.

He then said, "You stopped."

Then the three continued their way to Kiumbe's cave.

Nothing was to stop them and their thievery now!

They were within the cave's reach now.

They ran inside the cave, Tisa breathing heavily.

Man, that wasn't supposed to be much of a workout. Why did we run here when there was no one in our way?

Tisa shrugged it off as she laid down on the cold hard cave floor.

It appears Skliros wasn't back with the help. Skliros and his help: Lassie and Majnun.

Tisa just noticed it now, but the others weren't here.

She shrugged it off a bit.

It was a bit strange, but she was sure that they were either deeper in the cave or were just out doing stuff.

Pulse and Kiumbe couldn't have gotten far, could they?

Maybe...that's why...that's why there was no one in town. Maybe it was Pulse. Tisa thought, but didn't think much more of it as she opened a bag, dividing up some of the elixirs.

Hopefully that would help make some noise within the eerily quietness.

No one stopped her, so she continued to move the items around. She was surprised that she was even allowed to touch them.

Maybe her accomplices were just as weary as she was, after all no one was there. No one was even in the wild. It was definitely strange.

Strangest thing ever.

There were usually ton of Pokémon out in the woods. Why was today any different than yesterday or a week ago?

Maybe...just maybe someone was actually spying on them and got the information?

But who?

That's ridiculous. What am I even thinking? Tisa pondered with a paw to her face.

Finally the empty silence was taken away as paw steps could be heard from outside.

Tudi and Tisa both poked their heads out of the cave entrance.

Majnun, Skliros, and Lassie were back. It appears they came back empty pawed. There was no one else with them.

"Where's the help?" Tudi demanded with a lowly growl. He seemed irritated.

Was there no one else willing to join their cause? Or were they all gone now?

"The fucked up Squad is what happened." Skliros said.

"The Starter Squad? What exactly did they do?" Rau asked, squishing a tiny pebble between her flippers.

The pebble didn't break, but it made marks within her skin.

"We were ambushed after finding them. The others weren't so lucky...then again we ran away just when we could have won. Thank Lassie. We are now going to have to go through this without any extra paws." Skliros explained.

Majnun had a huge grin on his facial features.

"Be glad then that you have the one paw you wouldn't have otherwise." He commented.

Skliros turned towards them. "Pack up those Elixirs, Tisa, we are about to embark on our final quest before I become a God!" The Darkrai commented as he began to leave without the others.

"B-But what about the others?" She questioned.

"Waiting for us! Now come on!" Skliros exclaimed.

Authors note: Hey, Tisa, you forgot to kill Avalon. Oh wait that comes later. Whoops. Oops I just spoiled her death. Oh well. We're on our final journey before this is over. Just the dungeon and then the final scene. We get to see old faces as well as new.

Very exciting.

Anyways hope you enjoy!!!

I literally forced myself to write this so I could go write other things so I can actually write the things I wanted to on my main.

Man do I want to write Ducktales so badly.

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