Chapter fourty-one

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The blue Scorbunny with emerald eyes turn towards the remaining villains. He hopped over towards them.

It was only then that Tisa noticed the red guitar hanging over his shoulder.

What the fuck is this creepo? She pondered with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Who are you?! Why'd you interrupt this battle you little rat?" The shiny that 'everyone' loved asked as she let out an exasperated sigh. It appears she wanted to have the honors of destroying them herself.

Her hatred for the villains was about as big as the smile on the approaching Umbreon's face.

"He's great isn't he?" The Umbreon asked, tongue lolled out.

"Who is this guy, Eon?" Churro asked.

Eon shrugged. "I dunno, but isn't he great?"

Churro face palmed at his...friend.

"Ugh. You don't even know his name? What is wrong with you?" He groaned, acting as if being Eon was the most embarrassing thing in the world.

Eon appeared to not have heard him as he said, "What are all my friends doing here?" He asked.

His face then turned the slightest of pales before changing back.

He was gazing at Skliros.

Not many pokemon seemed to have notice the change of expression on how face though.

What was this Umbreon's history with this Darkrai? And why'd he seem to freeze once seeing the fainted Pokémon?

Tisa didn't have much time to think it over because the blue Scorbunny said, "My name? It's not important but you can call me Salvatore."

"Well, Salvatore, what brings you here?" Paarthurnax wondered.

Salvatore shrugged. "I'm just here because I'm here."

What part of that would ever make sense?

"Okay then? So why are you blue? Did you eat too much blue poke beans or something?" Avalon wondered rudely.

Mr. Blue Bunny ignored her rudeness. "No. I'm just a rare color—not exactly shiny though." He commented, running on his feet, his heels never reaching the ground.

He probably cannot stay still then.

"Anyways!" He continued with such a Friendliness, it made Tudi squint his eyes at him.

"That guy reminds me of someone. I'm not sure who though." Tudi commentated in a whisper as he gazed the Pokémon up and down like he wanted to beat him up for something someone else did.

"I suppose you guys would like to get back to fighting. May I ask why you are fighting?" Salvatore wondered. He scratched himself with a back paw behind the ears.

He groaned in pleasure. "Ah that's good!"

He stood up, puffing out his chest with a smile.

"These guys are villains. They're trying to destroy Arceus! And you're asking why we're fighting them?" Paarthurnax wondered as if it was a no brainer.

"Yeah. I'm not a psychic, so what would I know about why you're fighting."

He then added, "I'm sure there's a peaceful way we can settle this. Yeah trying to destroy Arceus is a big feat. Who's goal was it to do so? His?"

Salvatore pointed a paw at Tudi. "No. Skliros is the mastermind behind all this, but these idiots won't listen to me."

The Charizard folded his arms as he said those words.

"Are you sure they're idiots? Maybe they're right. Change is needed. Change must happen. Sometimes it is necessary." The green eyed rabbit remarked.

Wait, was he really on their side?

Salvatore glances over towards the annoying owl with a knowing look.

Was he even referring to them at all?

Or was he alluding to something deeper than just whether or not Arceus should even exist?

If it was up to Tisa yeah he should exist because if it was up to some selfish brats like her and Witness to decide who would go to the distortion world it would end up being just the nice guys.

Or whoever got a horrible punishment would end up being a good guy.

Why was she even thinking of this at such a time as this? She should be on his side. Not it's side.

"What?! What?! What do you mean?! Ugh! I can't handle all these super insane Pokémon. It's like whoever decided to steal Time Gears was a good idea to save the world instead of just leaving them alone to fix the future." Churro groaned loudly.

"Are you being serious? You think that they're right?!" Avalon screeched, using Psybeam on the Scorbunny in anger.

Not even phased, the blue bunny sprung over the attack with a peaceful look on his face.

"I never said that. I just said change is needed." He informed them.

That's true. Wait! What are we doing just standing around?

"But what is that supposed to mean?" Paarthurnax wondered.

"You're a bunch of smart Pokémon. Figure it out yourself." He informed them, plucking on the guitar strings. The guitar was obvious too big for him, but he didn't stop trying to play the notes.

"What?! Why are you being so vague! Just tell us you fucking bitch!" Avalon screamed, practically tearing out her gray fur in frustration.

Salvatore rolled his eyes. "Who hired her?" He joked as he pointed to her.

Several of the squad laughed.

"Not funny you bitch! I deserve to be treated with respec-" Avalon began before being downed by an all-too-familiar presence.

A wing was brought upon her. A metallic one.

She got dirt in mouth as she stood up.

"Hey! Why I oughta-" she began before the presence chuckled.

"Hello there!" He chirped, being annoying on purpose.

Tudi growled, taking a slight step back away from the sing songy copy cat of him.

Well, not really. He was his rival though.

That's right. It was Bucky. The Skyarmory who was trying to be a villain. If anything this guy was about as evil as Witness.

"So what's this party all about?" He asked, using Steel Wing on a third of the Pokémon there including Tudi.

Tudi growled in annoyance. "This isn't a party. It's supposed to be a fight. But this annoying Pokémon showed up and now another one has: you." He remarked as he grabbed the flying wonder by the wing and tossed him into a tree.

It was of no effort. That's how much he hated the younger wannabe.

At this point they were sixteen to seventeen years old and this guy was fifteen. Funny how time flies and how young they have been earlier.

Of course this was an adventure, and it was fun, but it felt like they've been doing this for just a bit. In reality they've been doing this since even before they were old enough to make decisions for themselves.

Bucky groaned as he stumbled in the air somehow—probably his wings being sore from being thrown. He tried to gain his vision back.

A throw like that could mess anyone up.

"What the heck, man!" Tudi growled.

His eyes then started to search around the place. Searching for any signs of another Sandslash that usually followed Mr. Flies a lot.

Nothing. Where was she? Was she dead? Did she finally get over Tudi?

Tisa almost let out a sigh of relief.

If that was the case then she wouldn't be punched in the face anytime soon.

Salvatore rapped his foot on the ground as he quietly said, "So can you stop fighting?"

He was shoved to the ground by Avalon. She then stomped multiple times on him, trying to prove a point.

"We want to fight them, you stupid peacemaker. They're bad guys. We're good guys. We're supposed to fight. These bad guys don't even know how to make peace, so stop trying. And stop being such an annoying Pokémon too! Ugh I hate the color blue sometimes!" She exaggerated as she stepped off of him.

Salvatore shrugged. "I was always taught peace would come..." he then trailed off from what he was saying when most everyone stared at him.

"Well then, I guess peace will never come to those with such judgmental hearts." He remarked as he plucked some more on his guitar.

He then stood up, and faced them. "You will never know what might happen to you. I might not be the smartest Pokémon around here, but I think I know more than you think."

He then started to hop away.

"Dang. The party left." Eon whimpered as he put his paws to his head.

"It's time to end this now. I'm going to get rid of you guys once and fo-" Avalon began.

She was interrupted once again.

Salvatore turned around and shouted out to them: "Someday you will see that judgment doesn't come from any of us. While Arceus is the one who judges us we judge each other as if we're the Alpha ourselves. I have a job bigger than just one life. Someday I hope others will see that too."

He disappeared from then on.

"Now about getting you in bars..." Churro began as he cracked his knuckles.

"Run! Everyone for themselves!" Rau yelped was as she ran away, leaving the others to themselves.

"Ugh. I hate starters." Tudi groaned as they watched her run away. "Same." Tisa just agreed simply. The two of them had to figure out a way out of this mess once and for all.

Authors note: Were on the homestretch. Pretty soon I can move on to finishing other stories such as Fear My Pulse. Anyways thanks for reading. Hope you like it! 😍😘😝

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