Chapter fourty-two

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They were surrounded.

Of course it didn't help the fact that Sklirós had fainted and they were on their own.

And they would need to find a way of carrying him without straining.

"We've got you surrounded." Churro states as the starters start to tighten up their circle around them.

Was this it for them, or was there a way to get past this? Whatever it was it probably was possible for the two of them to escape. They just needed a fool proof plan. A plan even Witness could pull off if she was here.

"Yeah? So?" Tudi asked as he folded his arms.

"It's finally time to turn yourselves in. There's no point in resisting. We've got a ton of forces here." Paarthurnax states as he indicated to his troops.

Most of them were ready to fight by now.

Tisa's nose flared with smoke as she breathed out.

Her haunches lifted up towards the sky as her front legs and face lowered towards the ground.

The troops tightened up even more.

Tisa let out a gigantic Flameflower attack on the troops, somehow spreading the attack while moving her paws.

Some of the starter screeched, it being super effective on them because they were grass-types.

Some of them brushed off the burns as if they were nothing.

The fire types either absorbed it or barely even flinched.

"Tudi! We can push them back. We just have to try!" She barked.

Tudi nodded with overconfidence as he flexed his claws.

One claw glowed silver as he slashed at several of the starters. They all jumped back in order to avoid being maimed.

"Come on! We can't make any mistakes! We must catch these villains before they cause anymore damage!" Paarthurnax roared as he used Flameflower at Tudi.

Tisa jumped in front of the attack.

Her eyes glowed with mischief. A smug smirk on her face as she absorbed the attack, her fire powers were increasing.

It's finally time to kill once more! These guys will never accept us for being different! They accept shinies for being different, but not us!

Well, I'll show them! We'll show them! We must show them all!

Tisa let out a Fire Spin attack. While it might not have been her best attack, it was powered up by her Fire Absorb powers.

Several of the starters screeched even louder, only to weaken as they fell to the ground.

They were burnt to a crisp.

She continued the Fire Spin, making the fainted Pokémon scream even more before their bodies fell limp.

At least five Pokémon laid there limp.

Good. Less starters to chase us!

"No!" Paarthurnax roared, roaring out their names, but of course Tisa didn't hear him because of the screaming Pokémon.

Lots of screaming.

To top that off Bucky thought it would be a good idea to help them.

He managed to slash open someone's chest, their Crocanaw contents pouring out as the Crocanaw let out a last screeching breath; the Crocanaw went on his knees, eyes rolling back to the back of his head before his head hit the ground.

Well that guy is dead.

Blood stained Bucky's wings.

Bucky almost seemed horrified at the fact he killed someone.

What? Was he expecting to just bruise the Pokémon with the force of that attack?

Or was he expecting his singing voice to be good enough to beat the Pokémon?

Either way the Skyarmory shook it off as he slammed his wings into other opponents.

Pretty soon most of the Pokémon out there were exhausted, fainted, or dead.

It was a blood massacre that's for sure.

Tisa didn't know if she had ever killed this many Pokémon before.

She did at one point destroy a village or two, but she didn't think she ever killed this many before.

Tisa, Tudi, and Bucky panted. Bucky landed on the ground, resting his wings.

"I don't think I can smack another starter! Most are already really defensive." Bucky remarked as his breathing deepened.

At least several gallons of sweat must have been poured out of their pores.

Or at least Tudi and Tisa's.

Tisa wasn't sure if Skarmory could sweat because they could rust easily.

Paarthurnax glances at the battlefield in sorrow.

"How many have we lost?" He asked Churro who somehow hadn't gotten more than just a single scratch.

Churro tried to count as he shook his head.

Of course Eon was watching the whole thing with popcorn.

Was it really entertaining for him to watch Pokémon die? Or was he just watching the fire and the claws clash with the starters?

The Umbreon reached into his bucket and picked up a kernel with his teeth.

He chewed the popcorn and reached back into the bucket.

Tisa continued her attack, trying to stop herself from tripping over the many bodies.

Looks like they will have to hire more starters. Tisa thought.

She rolled her eyes. At least 1/15th of the Pokémon here were newbies so it looks like they cannot take us out.

"We must retreat." Eule said.

"Retreat?" Paarthurnax's face flared with anger.

"We must. We've lost too many. What if we lose you, sir? You seem pretty tired. It's only a matter of time-"

"Shut up! They're getting pretty tired too! We can make it!" Paarthurnax roared, flapping his wings.

"We can't! I can feel my health just sap away. Do you wish to lose any more starters?!" Eule squawked.

Paarthurnax sighed as he turned towards the dead.

Another water-type joined them. A Mudkip.

All the deaths on the ground made Tisa shiver.

Was this battle really necessary?

Could they have just fled at some point, but thought destroying more of the squad would be better?

Was their goal even still destroying Arceus anymore?

Paarthurnax's eyes glazed with sadness. "We were so close to capturing three of the most dangerous criminals. And Bucky." He huffed.

"Hey! I'm pretty dangerous too ya know!" Bucky protested, voice cracking from how tired he was.

The starters glanced at one another. "I still have tons of energy! We can't let them go!!" Avalon yipped.

"That's because you were hiding behind Pip the whole time screaming, 'Take him instead of me! I'm too pretty and way better than that ugly assed bitch to die.'" Parker mocked.

"Who cares! We must leave. And after clean up the bodies." Eule said.

"You're too much of an old man now!" Avalon whined. "You used to be cool!" She exclaimed.

"What?! I'm cool! You take that back shiny privileged asshole!" Eule said.

He then said something in german.

No one knew what he was saying, though.

"Never! You're not a shiny, you don't deserve anything! Plus you're an annoying ghost-type!"

With that she got slapped by all the Rowlet who were still somehow alive.

She yelped loudly.

"Stop it! We all know ghost types are just menaces that need to be destroyed!" She howled.

"Avalon! Shut up. Most aren't even bad guys. We will not say anything bad about ghost types. They're our friends." Paarthurnax scolded with a flap of his wings.

"Whatever!" Avalon huffed, folding her arms in anger. Smoke was coming out of her ears. Oh wait, that was just her ear fluff.

"We must go! Now!" Eule screeched as Tisa blew another flameflower.

All the starters fled, only leaving the dead starters.

Tisa licked her lips.

She hadn't tasted Pokémon flesh in forever.

She leaned over the body of a dead shiny Litten, salivating over it.

She sunk her fangs into the flesh, tasting something along the lines of a burnt taste.

She pulled the chunk of flesh, more blood flowing out of the wound as it stained Poketown red.

Tisa liked it. It was showing these Squad members who was boss.

Sticky blood dripped down her chin.

She lapped at it, chewing the tasty Litten with happiness.

Shiny Litten tasted better than regular litten.

"Ew! Gross! Stop eating that Litten! You know what? Im leaving! This is too gross for me to watch!" Bucky said.

He got up on his feet, groaning at how sore they were.

Tisa has to admit she was pretty exhausted. Eating this Litten was the best idea for now. She wouldn't be able to eat anything once they'd go back to Pulse and all those other villains...if there was any.

She continued to chew, Tudi watching her before he placed his paw on her shoulder.

"It's time to go."

She looked up at him.

She then looked at Skliros who was still fainted on the ground after all that.

He had a few scorch marks.

Oops. Tisa thought as her ears folded down. She didn't mean to burn him. But...maybe it was a good idea.

Maybe this Darkrai did in fact have bad ideas and they should just burn him for his crimes?

That was when Skliros shot up.

"Ow!" He groaned as he placed the hat that was no longer on his head back on his head.

"What happened?" He asked.

His gaze turned towards the ground.

"Oh." He remarked.

"Whatever happened is over, partner. We must go back to Kiumbe and Rau. She ran away while you were out." Tudi said, disappointing the Darkrai with what he told him.

Authors note: Another chapter update. Hope you enjoy this!

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