Chapter thirty-nine

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The shiny Braixen ran to get out of the way.

Unfortunately for her, it was too late. The Dark Pulse consumed her, sending her against a tree.

It infuriated the bitchy Pokémon even more. She lifted her stick, and just charged with the stick.

Is that Flame Charge? Or stick charge? It's a new move that doesn't exist. Tisa thought with amusement as all the outlaws evaded the fiery attack with such ease.

The shiny starter growled when she realized she missed, looking around for the outlaws who dare dodge her 'skilled' move.

She pointed her stick at them with anger. " You're all going to perish! I will make sure of it!" The Fox darkly growled.

For someone learning Psychic-type moves she sure was a dark Pokémon when it comes to threats.

" Come at us then, scardey-chu!" Tudi snarled as he attempted to claw her shoulder.

He missed by not much. He was so close, he literally at least felt her gray fur rustle though his claws.

The Braixen glared at them.

"Outlaws like you never belong here. You're all normal. You're not even starters." She spat at them.

" Is all you're gonna do insult us with your princess act?" Tisa asked with a yawn.

That ticked the Braixen off.

" Why are you such a time bomb you annoying bitch? You should have died with the rest of your brothers and sisters when I burned your village." Tisa teases.

The fire type stiffened.

" Fuck you all!" She cried as she surprised Rau with an Iron Tail.

She smacked Rau with another screaming, " You all deserve to die for that! I hate you all! Go to the distortion world already!"

She continued to beat Rau even after she fainted.

Usually when a starter squad member defeats an outlaw they take them in, or cuff them. Well, not this anomaly. She continued to beat the heck out of the poor black frog.

She wasn't even the one who destroyed the village, sheesh. Tisa thought.

With that, she just began to back away slowly.

" What are you doing?" Skliros questioned her with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

He appeared in front of her like a live nightmare.

Tisa squinted at him.

Why was he so mad?

She smiled slightly. " Whatever I'm's none of your business." She growled at him, spitting fire on accident.

She is like that sometimes where she spits fire. She has that kind of problem, but it's rare.

So rare, that she forgot she had that problem sometimes.

Tisa glanced into the dark users eyes. " It is my business." Skliros growled.

Tisa was mad at the idiot. What is he blabbing on? Is he saying I'm a slave?! Tisa thought with anger.

" I'm leaving. It's obvious Mrs. prime and perfect over here is insane. As much as I would like to tell her she's acting like one of us-" Tisa began before she was interrupted by the shiny brat herself.

" Hey!"

" It's obvious she won't leave until she's either unconscious or we're dead. Something along the lines of that. This fox is one of the most...strangest starters I've ever had to fight. She has anger issues, and who knows what else. It's better for our greater mission if we just leave." Tisa explained herself, tails somehow between her legs as she lowered her head.

She glanced up at the doll-like creature.

His blue eyes blazed with disapproval.

" You're a coward. I thought you would be stronger than this. I never would have thought...." the Darkrai closed his eyes as if it was painful to hear such words...such logical words coming from the mouth of the fiery Tisa.

The Darkrai licked his lips.

" I never would have thought that you of all Pokémon would back down from a challenge. She's even a fire type like you. Guess you don't have what it takes to a more powerful fire type," Skliros said sneakily.

Tisa glanced over at Tudi who was looking at her like she was betraying him.

Tisa shook her head.

" I was only saying that she was a waste of our time. I never said I wasn't strong enough to fight the ugly assed creature." Tisa insulted.

" Grrr," was the only noise that came out of the shiny's mouth after the insult.

Maybe we finally wore her out. Tisa thought with a prayer that they did.

" If you really want to prove your strength, then kill her. We will not leave this town until that controlling squad gets what they deserve!" Skliros shouted, practically stomping his feet if he had any.

" Why are you so persistent about destroying the squad? Wasn't your goal to destroy Arceus, not the squad?" Tisa wondered.

" Yes. That is my goal, but I cannot dent the fact that the squad is also a detriment to our plans. If they stop us before we even get to the stupidly powered Pokémon, then we could kiss our freedom and our new life goodbye." Skliros commented.

Avalon cleared her throat.

" Oh yeah, you." Skliros said as he cracked his doll knuckles somehow.

" Get ready to get killed, foxy." Skliros hissed as he attempted to put the fox to sleep.

The gray fox was smarter than the rest, smacking the doll-like Pokémon on the head.

The mythical Pokémon's eyes widened a bit, getting a bit angrier and darker as well.

Skliros lifted his paw and smacked the shiny over the head repeatedly.

Avalon barked at him, baring her fangs in defiance.

She sank her fangs on him as if she knew the Pokémon move Bite. She didn't, but the weird bite was still able to do it's damage, making the Darkrai flinch back in pain.

" Why you little..." he began as he rubbed the wound on his doll hand.

Avalon immediately blew fire out of her mouth, her eyes blazing with determination to defeat them.

If we are going to continue on this charade, then we need to defeat that overwhelmingly crazy fire starter. Tisa thought as she immediately glanced over at Skliros with suspicion. And I'm not sure how long we can do this. Skliros is really starting to act even weirder than normal. Is he trying to guilt trip me into staying? I mean I guess I can understand with Boulder and Witness Leaving, but he's...I can't even explain it right now.

Avalon swiftly broke out into a run, setting everything on fire with her stick.

She smashed her stick into Tudi, knocking him over with the stick. She set him on fire with it. Tudi yelped as he ran about, attempting to put it out with his claws.

All it did was set those on fire.

He started to blow on the fire, waving his paws in the air like crazy.

The fire starter continued on her rampage of putting them on fire.

She was running towards Rau now.

Rau leapt over the shiny starter, who was now running towards a tree. Probably once again.

She smacked straight into the tree, yelling loudly.

" Get back over here you slippery frog! You don't deserve to be called a starter you strange black ninja!" Avalon shouted, rubbing her head with her stick for some reason.

Rau snorted with amusement.

" She's all talk. I can snap her like her twig." She commented, snatching the stick out of her paws to prove a point.

She snapped the twig in half, making the gray fire type grab her mouth in shock.

" No!!!!!" She barked as Rau dropped the two parts and jumped back towards Skliros to help him with his hurt hand.

Avalon bent over to gently pick up her stick.

Was her stick really that precious to her?

Tears were coming out of the fox's eyes, staining her eye fur. The eye fur flattened to her face.

Her teeth gritted as if she was about to hurt someone for her loss.

Her eyes closed briefly, paws curling tighter around stick she held so dearly.

" Uh..." Tudi said with sweat coming out of his skin.

" What is going on?" Tisa asked with the same expression on her face. She was flinching with both the awkwardness of the situation and fear for what society was doing to itself.

" I have no idea. What the Muk is wrong with that fox? It's obvious she was never right in the brain....uhhhh...I guess that stick was her only friend. We should quickly knock her out before she does anymore stupid things to us with her fire. It would be the smart thing  to do." Tudi responded to her, finally able to find the words to express himself after the first glance to this crazy scene.

" That is your downfall, Princess." Tisa taunted as she lightly pressed down her paws in the hunt.

She lightly tread, hunting the fox while she was still in her state of...mourning for her...stick.

" Lights out, ugly!" Tisa growled as she used Roar to knock her into the tree again, knocking her out.

" And now to kill you once and for all," Tisa growled menacingly.

She loomed closer and closer, opening her jaws to end her fellow brethren's suffering.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you, Fox! Back away from...the uh...other fox!" A growl exclaimed, resonating throughout the town.

Authors note: Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Whoever is still reading this. Anyways until next time....thanks for reading.

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