Chapter thirty-eight

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Tisa instantaneously used Flameflower, a powerful, yet challenging move to use when facing the Combusken in front of her.

The Combusken shielded himself from the oncoming flames, a glare in his eyes. Blood red.

He used Double Kick once more, but aimed the attack at Tisa.

Tisa only collapses under the frame of the strong, and cliche shiny.

He glares at her, preparing to use more moves. The fire in his eyes seemed to light the other Pokémon in the battle.

They all let out cries of fight. It was strange how just mere minutes ago these Pokémon were shuddering like baby Togepi, but now...they fought like Victini was on their side.

Tisa shivered.

How could one Pokémon be so...good? How could these Pokémon deny that the bad in the world were trying to make a point?

A point that...could ultimately help the world be a bette place; where Pokémon didn't have to judge each other on how they looked, but by how strong their claws and paws were.

There was just too much darkness in the world to constantly deny it. So much, that these Starter Squad members are trying to repel something that they cannot.

It's silly, Tisa thought. To think such a thing could be obtainable.

The outlaws were outnumbered once more. They were huddled together. Only Rau seemed like she was far away.

She lifted her paws, holding them together.

Anticipation for what to come next stirred the other Pokémon to stare at her.

She then lifted her paws, fingers curling. Her paw was focusing on an invisible ball.

A round water circle formed in her paws. She launched the Water Pulse at the shiny Combusken.

He was sent flying through the air, landing on the shiny Meganium. It was almost like that was planned out by Rau.

Getting a good look at the shiny Greninja, Tisa gained a new found respect for the starter. After all, even starters can surprise you.

In this situation this shiny starter, who could have anything she wanted, was more or less on a side that would surprise even Paarthurnax of all Pokémon.

The starter squad members around growled, offended.

" How dare you, unworthy bitches Attack us!" The shiny Braixen shouted.

" I hope you die someday," Skliros commented.

" And that day will be today, motherfucker." Rau growled, throwing multiple Water Pulses at the annoying shiny.

Anyone would think she was an entitled jerk with that attitude.

The shiny Braixen growled, a new demeanor to her face.

It was more menacing. It was almost...animatronic.

Her growl rang through the air, paws clenched.

Was this Pokémon seriously getting upset over every little thing?

Even Rau didn't act that crazy.

The shiny's eyes glowered in a leer at the outlaws. The outlaws glanced at each other.

There was something unreal about that look. It spooked Tisa and sent chills down her spine.

She wouldn't let that shiny bitch know about it, though.

" How dare you!!!" She shouted, raking her claws furiously down Rau's back.

The black Greninja didn't appear phased by this action. She stared at her paw, just investigating it like it was more important than the Pokémon who attacked her.

Such a strange Pokémon. Who wouldn't wish to attack a Pokémon who wronged them?

Tisa padded forward.

Her actions were halted by none other than Rau. Her paw lay on her shoulder. Now was such a strange time for this.

Being a ninja.

Just because she is a Greninja doesn't mean she has to act like an actual ninja.

Was this bullshit a part of her plan? Was that how she was even a villain? Tisa just couldn't figure out this Pokémon.

Tisa gave her a weirded glance. Rau blinked before she responded.

" Not now." Rau calmly informed her.

" Wait what?! But they're right there!" Tudi shouted with a point of his claws. His face was turning red from hearing that from Rau; he was mad.

" Yeah, and we're gonna get you." The Braixen growled.

" Give it a rest, Avalon. Not everyone is your worst enemy. Though these guys are a bit tougher to find and catch." The shiny Combusken commented as he put a claw in front of her chest.

That didn't soothe the beast's anger.

The Braixen's mouth curved, teeth bared out. " They're right there!" She howled. " The motherfucking bitches are all right there, and you wish to keep Paarthurnax waiting?! I have to prove to him that I'm worth twenty times that stupid, hardworking bastard! I have to prove it!" She howled, raking her claws down his back in anger.

The meganium had to pull them away from each other.

" You bastards won't report that! Or else I'll end you!" The shiny barked at them.

The others seemed to fear her just as much as they feared the outlaws.

I don't get it. Why is a good guy acting like such a bad guy? We're the bad guys here, not that gray princess!

The way the so-called 'Avalon' after towards her colleagues made Tisa mad.

That was not her job.

She's just a prick. She's a bullying prick like my sister. A double crossing no good fucker.

Tisa had no idea why the Squad would hire someone like that, but she obviously needed to be on a leash or something.

The other starters nodded their heads obediently.

Tisa growled. The Braixen and her night have a connection because they're both practically foxes, but the Braixen was more of a disappointment than she was.

Skliros patted himself free of the dust. He then cleared his throat.

" So anyways, shall we get this shit fight on it's way?" He questioned. He brushed off his strange top hat.

The starters all gave him a weirded out glance.

Skliros didn't give any of them the chance to do much more thinking because his eyes glowed a bright blue.

Some of the Pokémon looked into his eyes while his own team members including Tisa looked away from the influential mythical Pokémon.


A shiver went up Tisa's spine.

Something about this battle was off. Tisa was just sure of it. She knew it like she knew her nine tails, but she couldn't put her paw on it.

The Pokémon that had stared into the dark-type's creepy eyes started to stumble about, falling over. Their eyes were closed.

The Darkrai had put them to sleep.

He had used Dark Void.

The only ones who were left were, unfortunately, Avalon, the shiny Combusken, and the shiny Meganium. They all had the common sense to not look into the eyes of such a hypnosis.

The Darkrai glared at them. " Why aren't you asleep?" He asked them. It wasn't in his normal demeanor. His face seemed to be twitching a lot.

He seemed...annoyed by their struggles.

" They didn't stare into your eyes," Tudi remarked. It would have appeared that the young Sandslash had finally calmed down after his recent tantrum.

" I know that," the Darkrai snarled, face twitching.

Why is everything about this battle strange and supernatural? It seems more supernatural than usual.

I bet it has something to do with those two in the same space.

Tisa's mind was still of course on Sklirós and Avalon. There was just something to with that. Tisa wouldn't investigate further, but she had to make sure that Tudi wasn't hurt by their actions.

She instantly jumped to attack the shiny Meganium.

Best to take out the strongest first. She looks like the strongest. It's a surprise a Pokémon such as her made it this long, and is still in the squad after evolving. I wonder why I haven't noticed it before with that Decidueye. Oh well, better focus on satisfying the crazy men fighting besides me.

Tisa let out a flameflower. Another reason why she was attacking this starter was her advantage over her. Tudi had the advantage over Avalon, so it was a good thing he was here.

In fact, they were probably gonna be able to beat them like.

Tisa had overestimated her enemy.

Now that I've thought that it's gonna be her won't it? Tisa thought with a deep sigh.

Avalon seemed to take offense to everything, including Tisa's defeat of her fellow shiny starter partner.

She used Psybeam on Tisa. It wasn't as effective as Tisa thought.

This was of course because d bad her eyes closed. She opened them, barely peeking through her lids to see Rau had jumped in front of her for the brunt of the attack.

The problem was that she didn't seem phased by that attack.

In fact, there wasn't a scratch on her in compared to Tisa. This mission almost seemed too easy.

Tudi used Earthquake, making the gray shiny fox hold on to the ground in anger and fear of falling over.

Probably because of her precious silky smooth fur that she keeps oh-so clean.

" This is the end for you, the true rodent!" Rau called as she used Dark pulse on the surprised female.

Authors note: Sorry for taking a while on this chapter. Oh well, enjoy the cliffhanger

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