Chapter thirty-seven

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The Starter Squad!

What a vile set of heroes!

They think they're so good at what they're doing!

Well, we will show them who's boss! Tisa thought as her muzzle curled into a snarl.

What a situation they were in now!

Tisa lashes her nine tails. " The Starter Squad." Tudi growled, flexing his claws in want.

Now that they couldn't destroy the squad until Arceus was, well destroyed, Tudi was having a tough time getting used to the new accommodations.

Tisa would have thought he got used to all this by now. She was most certainly wrong in the matter.

The gathering group of starters approached them. " You are under arrest! Put down those goods! You scum don't deserve the right to have them without paying for them first." Growled a shiny Braixen, waving a weird stick in the air like she was a wizard.

With that weird stick she probably was, though it looked as normal as any other wooden stick.

The gray fox instantly stuck out her fuzzy arm, the stick in it.

The stick somehow divulges blazing hot red-orange fire from it's core, strikingly brilliant as it scorched the black ninja they called Rau.

She only seemed to flinch a bit, not showing much sign that she got hit by the suddenness of the swift attack.

Whoever this fox was...she shook out like a Pokémon with Pokerus. Obviously they looked very sick when a Pokémon even got saw them.

The Braixen let out a weirdly insane battle cry, using her stick like a baseball bat. She hit Tudi over the head with the stick.

Tudi yelped, smacking her over the head. His strength was like no other, sending her flying against a tree.

Unfortunately, the shiny couldn't take a hint that her other starter pals weren't moving from their spot.

In fact, they seemed to be yelling at her to get back there, so they could arrest them.

" Shut up, losers! I'm the only one trying to do our job! Ugh! Stupid outlaws! Why must you be so annoying!" The female hissed as she almost blinded Tisa, scratching her eyes with the stick.

Why is she so vicious? I've never seen a Pokémon with such...murderous look in their eyes. Especially not someone from the Starter Squad. I've seen a few weird looking Pokémon, but never a Pokémon who seemed....evil like us. Is this how Rau looked before she became a villain? Tisa thought as she swiftly brought her paws up to her eyes to rub them.

Painful spurts.

Tisa knew she was lucky. The scratch didn't seem that deep, though it took her by surprise by such a scary move brought upon her by a shiny starter of all Pokémon.

Then again she had thought of them as such before, just overconfident jerks.

The shiny bounced back, baring her fangs in a challenge.

" You bitches gonna come with us, or do we have to fight you?!" She demanded as red seemed to overtake her vision.

Was something going on that she didn't know about?

It wasn't any of her business. She didn't need to know whatever this overrated piece of crap was thinking about anyways.

All she needed to do was destroy the little shit for trying to gouge her eyes out.

What kind of Pokémon gouges someone's body part out?

No one of the Starter Squad, that's for sure!

Tisa bared her fangs back at the feminine fox.

" You wouldn't even dare." Tisa snarls at the blazing ball of standing up fluff.

The Braixen waved her branch, using Flameflower before quickly sprinting around the place, setting the area around on fire while being focused on Tudi and Skliros. The only two who really could be at least moderately effected....or was she trying to deal with the Pokémon she thought were threats first?!

Well she's obviously wrong. I am a threat! I can destroy her with a paw tied behind my back. Tisa growled lowly.

She lashed her tail in Fury. She was mad. This Pokémon pissed her off more than any of the other starter squad.

I guess you could say that she was more annoying than-No! No Pokémon is as annoying or betray-able as my stupid idiotic sister who thinks being a part of some weird club will make her likable for the evils she has done.

Tisa growled, rearing her head, ears folded.

She charged at the Pokémon in front of her, rage alit in her eyes. " You don't ever rip at a Pokémon's eyes! Unless you're a villain, you're only supposed to protect Pokémon, not kill them!" She snarled, running her claws over the Braixen multiple times.

The female cried out in pain. She pressed her paws against the ground, holding it as she got the claws of her enemy run over her.

" It's not my fault!" She practically cried out. " It's that darn Popplio's!" The wording of the female surprised Tisa.

She tried killing my eyes with a stick because of that stupid newer recruit?! Who the Muk does that? No Pokémon is worth trying to ferociously hurt someone over...unless you're a villain who doesn't deserve to be looked at like one. Tisa thought as she broke the stick in half.

She can't do anything without her stick. That was one great thing about breaking the worthless stick.

Well, she couldn't use fire, or psychic types, if she had any.

She cried out in pain.

Tisa stepped back. The bloodied Braixen glanced up. " My fur!!!!" She screeched, trying to flatten out the scratches.

Concealing them wasn't an easy task it seemed.

She then ran at Tisa, her paw curled up.

She didn't have any moves. Her paws grazed over empty air as Tisa took a step back.

The Braixen growled with fury. " This is all his fault! If he didn't exist I bet you that stupid Oshawott would be in love with me! Instead the two like each other, and I'm stuck trying to deal with you bitches! You aren't even on the same level as me! I'm a shiny, and you're all worthless in comparison to someone of my beauty!" She barked harshly.

She got whacked over her head by Tudi. He was enraged by what he heard.

" You?! Beautiful?! You're about as insane as Tisa!" Tudi snarled as he slashed her ear, cutting it to a nick; which that was fortunate for her.

" Hey!" Tisa barked as she used Flameflower on the crazy Sandslash.

It just came out. She was just so mad that the flames blazed out because of how furious she was.

How could Tudi bark such things? Was it just a comparison?

" Whoops, Sorry. About as crazy as a Gumshoos. Those things look awful." Tudi automatically corrected himself. Skliros seemed irritated.

" It doesn't matter! What matters is we get away from these freak shows!" He exclaimed with extreme fury.

" Says the scary Darkrai with an weird agenda. What does stealing food have to do with your take over plans anyways?" A shiny Rowlet wondered.

Skliros only chuckled. " We have to live you know? We're pokemon too, no matter how many times you try to convince yourselves otherwise." He remarked as he floated closer, moving his body to look like how a mystery dungeon Dusknoir would walk: shoulders first.

The Pokémon moved backwards as he moved forward: towards the scared Pokémon.

It almost seemed over half of the Squad was scared of them.

Wherever Paarthurnax was getting these Pokémon from, he might want to throw them all back. They're not brave enough to face the scary team, though they don't act scary around each other.

Skliros grinned.

Or maybe Tisa was just not understanding how powerful the Darkrai truly was.

Was he truly that strong, or is he just portrayed as such?

The Pokémon set the style up.

They seemed ready to flee, but not yet ready to let them go.

" Boo!" Skliros shouted, eyes glowing red.

A shiny Froakie squealed, and he took off, leaving the others in literal dust. That's how fast he was to leave them to the dangers of the deadly four Pokémon.

One of the starters cursed under breath. It was a beautiful shiny Meganium.

She stomped her foot in agitation.

" Guys!" She shouted, making most of them look at her, in both fear and respect. And from the shiny Braixen? A glare.

" We are the Starter Squad! We are supposed to be catching these villains, not running from them in fear! they're nothing to be afraid of! We need to take these villains into custody! Who cares if Darkrai is a powerful Pokémon. We need to take care of these villains before they're a bigger threat!" The shiny Meganium declared.

Tisa guessed this Pokémon was one of the Pokémon that better preformed than some of the cowards in the squad.

Her speech seemed to move most of the Pokémon, as they stopped trembling, and started to push Skliros back with their combined moves.

" You May be villains, but she's right! We shall fight you, even if we're terrified to do so!" A shiny Cumbusken shouted as he used Double Kick on Skliros.

What just happened? Tisa asked herself in confusion.

Authors note: I'm trying to take thing slower, even though I have more stories now than ever before. But... I guess I did feel less pressure on this story. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this. Getting so close. Yes!

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