Chapter twenty

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Tisa's nose poked out from a bush. Tudi next to her pointed in a direction. So is this what he means when he told me he found a way for me to prove myself? I don't see how this will help me.

Tisa watched as Tudi's gaze went over to a house. He wants me to buy a house? She wonders, skeptically. She looked at the house. It seemed pretty nice, but there was no sign. What was Tudi up to?

Whatever it was he left out Witness and Boulder and everyone else. " We're going inside that house. I've heard our old pal has a wife and a child now. Too bad we found out. We have to kill them both." Tudi said with malice.

Anything that's connected to Paarthurnax is automatically what we go after. This is starting to feel like a broken mission.

" And this so-called wife and child will help us destroy the Starter Squad how?" Tisa wondered, not sure how these two fitted in. She got that they were both starters, but this felt like a more of a mission to destroy Paarthurnax and everything and everyone related to him.

Tisa was starting to wonder how truly evil this crazy shrew was. He never seemed up to what his proceeder was. In fact, it seemed like the only reason Tudi was even still evil was because of the fact that his old master had died at the paws of the Squad.

Tisa shifted her paws with anger. But...if there was even a slight chance that Harley was still around Tisa was still willing to be evil. She betrayed her own sister.

She didn't even care about me when they talked about replacing me. Why couldn't she have just been on our side? She could have had a better life as a villain than with that monkey.

Tudi smacked her with a paw. " We!" Tudi shouted. Tisa has no idea what Tudi was even watching out for. Maybe for the members of the squad....waiting until we couldn't see anymore of the members?

Tudi darted out of the bush they were hiding in and ran towards the big, cool looking house. Tisa swiveled her gaze around. Nothing. That was good. She followed, pelt fluffed up from the thorns that came from the bush.

Her paws thumped against the ground as she caught up with the more skilled villain. She bumped into him, face flushing with embarrassment. Tudi snarled at her. She snapped back at him. That was her thing. She wasn't going to be bullied by a shrew.

Tudi presses his paw against her mouth. " Shush. I hear something." Tudi informed her as he pressed his head against the door of the house. Tisa pricked her ears, listening to what was going on inside the house.

Clatter is what Tisa heard. She wasn't sure what the point of eavesdropping was. If they wanted to know what was going on they could always just kick down the door.

Tisa listened further. There was the sound of a stove being lit. " So when do we go in?" Tisa wondered. " We wait for the bitchy black dragon to leave." Tudi grunted as they continued to stalk the Starter family.

" Good morning, Honey." A silky smooth voice greeted, as Tisa heard loud footsteps echo through the house. The sound of a skillet made Tisa's tongue run over her jaws.

Her nose picked up the scent of pancakes and berries. The fresh kind, and not the kind that they usually eat. They couldn't steal food all the time; it was mostly because the town kept up their police officers and Starter Squad members guarding from the outside.

Most of the time they had to eat the rotten leftovers from when most of the officers go inside. That was almost always when they got their kill. They would attack the officer before killing them, and then grabbing the rotten berries and pokepuffs from the Can.

A chair could be heard being pulled out with a harsh, and scratchy noise. The sound of a chair being pulled against the floor. Tisa's eats flattened as she needed to ignore the dumb scratching sound.

" Shouldn't we hide?" She asked, wondering the obvious that Paarthurnax and his family would see them if they opened the door. " We will hide at the last minute. If we must fight, then we must. I need to hear more of this." Tudi commented.

" Whatever you say, stalker." Tisa grumbled. Tudi didn't seem to hear her. The two partners continued to listen to what was happening inside; nothing really interesting was happening.

" What's for breakfast?" Paarthurnax asked as if he couldn't smell what the damn she-Charizard was making. It was so obvious to Tisa: pancakes.
Duh! Though not all Pokémon had the amazing scent glands that she had.

" Pancakes, Dear." The female Charizard, Tisa guessed, remarked as Tisa's ears heard a flipping sound. She must be flipping the pancakes. Tisa guessed as her stomach rumbled. Tisa wished she was the one getting the pancakes instead of the stupid shiny.

Shiny's are so overrated and loved. I don't see what's so special. They look like they've had a paint job done to get their skin color to be that way. If it was up to Tisa who would be loved would be the one who could overpower everyone else, and not some stinky fat dragon who needs to stop putting his snout where it doesn't belong,

" Smells good," Paarthurnax grunted as the sound of paper rang through Tisa's ears. " How's Vesuvius?" Paarthurnax wonders. " He's good. He woke up in the middle of the night. I'm not exactly sure why. Must have been a nightmare, or something. I just wish our baby would have lovely dreams for once. How did you sleep dear?" The feminine Charizard responded.

A snorting sound could be heard. " Better than I have been. Those darned outlaws think they're so clever by toilet papering our home, but the squad and I will get them someday. Just you wait honey." Paarthurnax growled.

" I know you will, Paar." The female Charizard said. Tudi started to snicker. " Paar? What kind of a nickname is that? That's stupid!" Tudi laughed. The two continued their stalking ways.

Paarthurnax sighs. " It's hard. The villains are getting smarter and more slippery. I was thinking of having Vesuvius join the squad when he's old enough."

" Have you thought about changing the requirements? Or sending more starters after the bigger class villains?" The female Charizard asked.

" The only problem with sending the best of my squad is that I'm afraid those villains are even too much, even for them. I don't want to send the best and get them killed! I've already had more Squad members killed than the level I am." Paarthurnax responded.

Tudi and Tisa snickered. It was such a privilege to hear about the woes of the stupid Stinky Squad that both villains couldn't help themselves. " The Squad is doomed. So glad we could stay a while to hear about it. Let's get rid of at least one more member while we're at it." Tudi whispered in Tisa's ears.

Tisa nodded. " It will be so good to not have to follow such ridiculous, and silly rules. I can't wait to exact revenge on those pesky powerhouses." She added as a plate could be heard being placed on a table.

" Thanks." Paarthurnax commented. " I want that pancake so badly." Tisa whimpered as she licked her lips. Tudi smacked her. " No. As good as that sounds we must wait for Paarthurnax to leave so we can destroy his life in every way possible. Now shut up." Tudi snarled.

The two turned their attention back to the apparent breakfast that was going on inside. Paarthurnax gobbled down the meal that was homemade for him. Tisa was jealous of him. He got all the good meals. If she wasn't here for a different reason, she would steal the cake.

Stomping, as anyone ten miles away could hear, the female Charizard walked over to her husband and sat down next to him. The female seemed to sigh as she could be caught breathing heavily.

" I'm sorry. If only the world didn't work like that, but it unfortunately does. I hate to see the world our son will live in, Paarthurnax, but for now at least you're one of the few who's trying to make it a better place." She told him.

Tisa gagged when she listened to the female kiss the male on the cheek. Starter love is gross. She convinced herself.

The male seemed to return the favor before sounding like a storm of Tauros. " Well, I better leave." He began as his loud earthquakes rumbled around the house.

Tisa wondered how that house could even handle those big dragons within it. " Quick! In the bushes!" Tudi sure seemed to love the bushes. The two dove into them just in time.

Paarthurnax walked out of the house and down the stairs, whistling on his way to work. When he was gone Tisa asked, " Now?" " Now." And the house invasion began.

Authors note: I can't believe I updated this far. Anyways this chapter was at least better than I expected. Vote, comment, let me know your thoughts. Hope you enjoyed. Also, Pikagirl1527 not sure if the female Charizard has a name yet....also I think she belongs to you. Or does she belong to me since I came up with her....oh well. I credit her with ownership anyways in case.

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