Chapter twenty-one

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The two approached the door once more, determination glittered both their expression. Tisa opened her mouth and let out an attack: Fire Spin.

The door was burnt to a crisp. The door's black charcoal started to crumble away from the attached wall it was attached to. Tisa puffed out her chest in pride.

A stomping noise could be heard. A gasp came out of the throat of a Charizard. Instantly, the Charizard spreader out her wings in defense. Tudi attempted to go under the earth. His claws banged on the hard floor. Must be cement. Serves him right for having a constant attack of using the ground.

Tisa instantly used Fire Blast on the Charizard. Though not as effective because of the typing, it was boosted because it was Tisa's type move. The Charizard instantly screeched. A cry could be sounded from one of the room.

Tudi grinned. " Who's that?" He teased, as if he had no clue who this mysterious Pokémon was. " Don't touch him, you brutes!" The Charizard growled, smoke coming out of her snout.

The Charizard swiftly flew in front of the duo, wings spread. " You shall not hurt my sweet baby boy!" She growled, flames coming out of her mouth in a Flameflower Attack.

Tisa smirked as she jumped in front of the attack letting the flames flow around her, and absorbed the blow. She grinned with delight as she felt her powers strengthen.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you, punk." Tisa growled as she reared back her head, and charged at the Charizard at the same time Tudi used Poison Sting. The female roared with pain. Tisa grinned as she sent out another Fire Blast, this time letting her fury burn.

The attack wouldn't stop sending fire, not that Tisa cared: she had a job to do. The Charizard roared with pain; she was reaching out for something: the phone nearby.

Tudi attempted to stop her attempt, but she sent him flying with a Wing Attack. He cried out from the pain, and struggled to get from the ground. He grunted with effort. He growled loudly and groaned, " I'm stuck. Help me up!" He grunted as his feet started trying to catch the ground.

It didn't work. Tisa was too busy trying to get her partner back to his feet, that the Charizard was ensured that her call went through. The Charizard picked up the phone as Tisa started to pull her friend out from the floor.

" Hello?!" A familiar voice exclaimed from the other side of the phone. Tisa thought she heard the voice before, but she wasn't sure who it was. It wasn't Paarthurnax that's for sure. The voice wasn't as deep. It was more like a screech than a roar.

" H-hello? This is Paarthurnax's wife-" the Charizard began as she began to tremble. Tisa smirked. She was so distracted by trying to call for help. It would be the perfect timing now if they would just go in the room. The little lizard wouldn't have a chance to beat them because he was close to a newborn.

A loud wail broke out. " What a baby." Tisa snorted. Tudi scoffed, " He is a baby. Let's get this job over with. The more we destroy these two lizards, the more likely it is that the little one won't join the squad. Even if he doesn't: All Starters are annoying alive. They can't brag about how powerful they think they are if they're dead!"

" What's up?" The Voice questioned. Tisa then remembered who it was. It's Eule. The dumb owl thingie that's overrated.

" U-uh. Is my husband there with you? I have an emergency at my house. Tudi and Tisa are here. They haven't really done as much damage as I would have expected by now." The Charizard growled.

Tisa rolled her eyes. They could cause more damage if they pleased. They had a job to do, though: destroy the squad and everyone who gets in their way.

The two began to slink over to the noise of the Charmander baby. They peeked into the room. There was a yellow lizard sitting on the floor, tears down his face. There is a rattle in his paws, and a pacifier in his mouth. He was suckling on the Sceptile pacifier.

There was a Sceptile on the pacifier. Must be some kind of starter squad merchandise or something. Either way the baby wasn't happy despite all the things he had.

And he's a shiny. What a spoiled brat. I'm glad we're doing this. He sure does need to be taught a lesson. A lesson about being such a spoiled idiot.

Tisa snarled at the little baby. The little baby bared his fangs back. " Trying to seem fierce eh? I'll wipe that right off your face you ugly piece of shit!" Tudi growled.

Now was as good of time as any to do what they do best: Attack others for their own gains. Tisa prepared herself for another attack. Unfortunately, the female Charizard came crashing in with a frying pan.

Is that the same pan she was using to make those delicious smelling pancakes? She wondered as she barely dodged the whacking female. It was normal for any Pokémon to defend their babies when they were being attacked; it was even more normal when they were vicious villains who wanted revenge on the world around them for abandoning them for more overrated Pokémon like Pikachu who was worth nothing.

They made Pikachu a God! And treated half of the Pokémon world like shit if they weren't shinies or even good looking Pokémon.

They're the real bad guys, not Tisa nor anyone else. The female Charizard swung back her pan for another attack. That was when Tudi slashed his claws through the pan.

The female Charizard looked at the pan. The pan no longer had its middle. The female Charizard got angry at them. " Do you know how expensive pans are?! You owe me a new pan!!" She roared at them, swiping her tail at them.

Now that she no longer had the proper use of the strange weapon it was easier to fight her on a one-on-one. Tudi was instantly on it. He grabbed the Charizard by her throat as soon as her tail hit the wall, crushing it in her attempt to stop the two criminals.

He squeezed her tightly. She struggled to breath, and throw him off and away from her. He stumbled as she struggled. " It doesn't matter how hard you try. You won't be able to throw me off that easily! You're dead, honey!" Tudi snarled.

" Tisa! Get the child! Kill him! We can't waste any more precious time! The squad must be destroyed! You must prove your worth!" The Sandslash growled as he attempted to scratch her throat.

The female just barely dodged the attack. She seemed in a panic. Perfect! Tisa used that time to slink all the way back over to the child. The child was gazing at them with fright in his tiny beady eyes!

So glad to be the one who's feared. I am a fox. I will eat you you little shiny piece of shit! She slunk over to him. Tisa knew that Tudi wanted to join her. He was desperately trying to destroy his mother, but she managed to evade everything he put in her way.

Tudi turned back his head for a second while allowing the dragon in front of him a tiny break. Tisa didn't know how long it had been since she had called the squad on the phone. She did know that the battle had gone on for at least thirty minutes to forty five minutes.

Tisa didn't know how long it would be until the black bitch came. She slunk closer and closer to the frightened boy. She hears something or someone in the corner.

They seemed to be moving. Whatever or whoever it was. " You brat!" Tudi seemed to shout. Tisa started to feel like Tudi was hiding something that she didn't know about. Was this truly about her worth or about someone else's?

" You're so foolish!" Tudi shouted as Tisa started to look elsewhere against Tudi's wishes. " Hiya!" A voice said. He brought witness! Why the hell would he hide her from me?!

" He brought you here too? Wow! He sure doesn't trust us!" Witness giggled. She doesn't understand the sincerity of the situation. Tudi doesn't trust either of us. He wants us to help him on this? He's mad! He wanted us to prove our worth with this? This is stupid!

Tudi was finishing up a laugh. " You will not hurt my son!" The Charizard roared, using Dragon Claw on Tudi.

Now the little frightened Charmander was in the corner. " Get him mom!" The little lizard cheered at his mom. Tisa began to slink towards the baby, but paused when Witness said, " This is fun, isn't it bestie?" No. It isn't fun. This...this is a scheme. A scheme to test us, and I don't like tests. Tisa thought as her teeth curled into a creepy smile.

Authors note: Thanks for reading this. You got a little more details since some of this is from Eruption, and there you didn't get it through the Villain's eyes. Hope you enjoyed this. We're clearly almost halfway through this story, and I can't wait to write more for you, and see how the ending plays out! Maybe a ship will come true!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😎😎😎😎😎😎

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