Chapter 3

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Valt's P.O.V.
I watched as Shu ran out of the classroom, his head bent. I tried to call after him, but he ignored me. I wondered why he was acting so weird. Ever since he told us that he was part wolf, he seemed quieter than usual. I wanted the old Shu back; I didn't like him being sad.
I decided that, after school, I would go to his house to talk to him. I would bring the Beyclub, too.
I ran up to his front door and knocked on it. Shu answered it, after a while.
"Oh, hey, Valt," he said quietly.
"Hi, Shu!" I grinned at him. "Can I come in?"
"Well, I'm kinda busy..."
"That doesn't matter!" I strode in, the rest of the club following close behind. Shu stared at us, and sighed.
"Why are you guys all here?" Shu asked.
"We came to see if you are alright," Daigo replied truthfully.
"Well, I'm fine," Shu crossed his arms, and frowned at us.
"But you were acting so weird earlier," I persisted.
"I wasn't! I was just tired," Shu argued.
"What's wrong with you, Shu? You seem so... sad," Wakiya said.
"I said, I'm fine!" Shu suddenly growled wolfishly at us. We stepped back, terrified. Shu saw this, and stood back, looking agonized.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so angry..." he looked down at the ground, hiding his face in shame.
"It's okay, Shu," I tried to say, but he interrupted me.
"It's not okay, Valt. I can't control myself. I keep getting angry, ever since I turned into a..." he trailed off, turning his back on us, so we couldn't see the sadness in his face.
I stared at him. He seemed so hurt, so depressed. I had to make him happy somehow, but I didn't seem to be enough for him anymore. He was lost in his own world.
We walked out of the apartment in silence. We decided that Shu needed some time on his own. So we weren't going to hang around and disturb him. He needed peace.
"He seemed so distant," Wakiya remarked as we walked down the road. "Like he is trapped somewhere in his memories."
"He's hiding something," Honcho added.
"I just want him to be happy," I sighed, and looked back at the tall block of flats behind me.
I felt worried for Shu; he never looked so sad...

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