He Turns Into a Chibi

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Before he left he made you a note that said he was gone for hollow hunting. It was great and all that he hunted hollows to save people, but he could at least have that job pay him money.

You were downstairs cooking breakfast when a tremendous banging came from upstairs. Lots of cursing was involved as they sounded small and odd.

You rushed upstairs with a spatula in hand, ready to chop the intruder up into pieces. Slowly, you opened up the door to a rather small person.

"Hey! Help me!" Cried the tiny orange hair chibi.

You gasped in shock and happiness. Both good and bad things happening at the same time. Ichigo was cute and small, but he wasn't powerful at all. You ignore the bad thing and cuddle him in your arms.

"Oh my god~! You're so cute~! Maybe I'll just let you be in this form when you're in trouble with something."

"Wait what?! I'm not a play toy! Put me down!"

You ignored his request and snuggled him with love, with slowly got him to love being a Chibi for a second.


Out of the blue, Renji disappeared. It wasn't that big of the deal, maybe he just went on an important mission? Well if it was important, then why has he been gone for a whole week? You were stating to cry for your lost boyfriend, wishing you could see him again. Renji was the center of your life now...

During a walk in the town you spotted a small plush object walking around, like Ichigo's stuffed animal Kon. You ran up to it, only to blink at it, twice.

"What?" chibi Renji shouted. "Do I look bad?"

"Hmmm..." You picked him up with a smile. "I think you look cute."

"C-Cute?! I'm not cute~!"

"Ahh... just for becoming a Chibi you're not going to be punished~"

Secretly, he was glad for not being punished by you now.


Toshiro had you deliver papers to squad eleven who needed them signed first before Toshiro could sign next. You did as told and deliver them and quickly run away from the office full of crazy people.

When you came back Toshiro's seat was empty, but the stack of paperwork was still in front of him. You glanced around, confused out of your mind. "Shiro? Where did you go?"

"I'm down here!"

A squeaky voice called from behind the desk. You went over and gasped, Toshiro was small and cuter than before. He was waving and jumping up and down, trying to get to his desk. "I'm stuck! I suddenly turned into this!"

"But you're so cute!" You picked him up and set him down on your hand, "How come you can't always be this cute?"

"(y/n) this isn't the time to be distracted!"


As cute as we as before, nothing could beat chibi cuteness. For the first time in your life you were taller than Ulquiorra, even stronger than him due to him being so tiny and small. He looked at himself with a confused expression.

"Does this happen to everyone?"

"Err... no... But at least you look cute."

Ulquiorra sighed deeply. "I have a mission and I need to complete it. Being this small won't help at all and I need to finish it in less than two hours."

"Wait! We'll fix this! Just wait-"

Ulquiorra hopped onto your shoulder. "Take me to Lord Aizen, if you will please."

You sighed and did what chibi Ulquiorra. No matter what size he was, he would always be loyal to the end of his days.


All that happened was Uryu was battling a hollow, accidentally got bitten by one, and now is a bloody, but cute, chibi right in front of your eyes. You managed to heal the bite the hollow created and bandage it up.

"This has to be the first time something like this has happened." You mumbled under your breath.

"Hopefully this doesn't last long." chibi Uryu pushed up his glasses. "I have to finish sewing that blanket for sewing club so I can show it to the new people at our club. If this doesn't get fix soon I don't know what will happen to too me..."

You smiled and grabbed the blanket from the couch. "Don't worry, I'm still in training, but I can help finish the blanket for you. Just give me the details where you want the design to be."

Uryu started up at you with shining eyes, blessed to have a wonderful girlfriend like you.


As usual, Ukitake was sick and needed the rest in the healing room. It wasn't so bad at times, but often he would stay up to a week and you would miss him. This time, he wasn't picking up his calls and this was worrying you.

You decided to visit him after you were done with paperwork. The people let you in as you entered into his room, only to find a cute Ukitake on the bed. He didn't look sick, but he looked panicked.

"I-I can explain!"

You blinked down at him. "Is this... part of the sickness...?"

"N-No... a nurse gave me the wrong shot and now I'm stuck like this until the affect wears off."

"Hmm..." You smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I'll take care of you until the affect wares off. Besides, it's cute too see you like this. It's not every day my boyfriend somehow turns into a cute chibi."

Ukitake smiled and leaned by your side, grateful to have you.


You gave him permission for him to at least only drink one bottle of sake for his excellent work for being good. You didn't know or look what it was, but it was a potion isn't of sake. Shunsui smiled drank it down fast.

He finished and looked at it funny. "This taste weird... are you sure this is sake?"

"It should be... I hope..."

Suddenly, Shunsui became a chibi. You screamed in surprise and dropped the bottle, letting out green liquid escape from it. Shunsui glared at you and started screaming in a cute voice of anger.

"You gave me a potion?! You didn't check to see if it was sake?! How could you!"

You laughed mostly as he started hitting you with his arms, but it didn't hurt at all. "I'm sorry. I'll pay more attention next time."


For fun he was working on his experiment during the weekend to get back into his nerdy nature again as a super smart scientist. Everything was working find until the machine he was working with suddenly blew up.

You rushed into the room in a panic, but coughed at the smoke everywhere. "Kisuke! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine!" A squeaky voice shouted.

You were confused and waved away the smoke, to see a tiny chibi Kisuke. He laughed and fanned himself with his mini fan. "Looks like the experiment backfired on me. Looks like I'll be stuck looking for a way to turn back."

To his surprise, you fell over from shock.


He left you a note saying he had to do some stuff before the meeting, so you waited until then. It's been two hours and the meeting hasn't even started, which made you confused since Aizen like to have everything on time.

You walked into the throne room, looking around the vast but lovely room. "Sosuke! Are you in here?"

"I'm up here!"

You looked up at the throne to see a chibi Aizen, looking angry and cute at the same time. You came up to the throne and stared at him. "How did this happen?"

"I have no clue. I fell asleep on my throne, then suddenly I become this. I can't rule over the soul society or my palace like this!"

You giggled and picked him up, sitting down in his throne for yourself. "Well then I'm guessing I'm ruling it as its queen today then."


For something random like this to happen, both you and him had no idea what to do. The society couldn't see him like this, so he was stuck inside his manor. You giggled as he tried to reach for a cookie.

You grabbed it for him. "Here you go."

Byakuya just took it with a stone cold face. "I don't need any help with getting things around."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me."

He jumped up to the handle and tried opening it, but couldn't open it, much less budge the handle open. You giggled inside your head and opened it for him, but he wouldn't go pee unless he could open it for himself.

Let's just say he was there for a very long time.


For a hothead, he was cuter being angry when he a chibi. A gas leak happened and it was turning some of the Espadas into chibi's and Grimmjow was one of them that got affected by the gas.

He growled and pounded at the door, angry and sad that he couldn't go out to hollow hunt due to his size. "Damn this! I'll kill whoever broke that gas leak!"

"Grimmjow calm down!" You picked him up and set him down on the bed, "If you if makes you feel any better, Lord Aizen and Ulquiorra have been turned into this too, so you're not alone being turned into a chibi."

"Yeah, but I planned on getting a huge record by killing more than a thousand hollows! Now it'll never come true!"

"Alright, guess I have to tickle you now."

You picked him up and tickled him under his armpits and through his hollow hole. He doesn't sound like it, but he has a wonderful laugh.

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