Valentines Day

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I promise to do the some of the request you guys asked in the next scenario. I just wanted to get Valentines Day done early so I don't have to worry about it.


Chocolate covered strawberries? Nah, too original and plain. It was strawberries covered in strawberry sauce along with caramel around the edges. Yup, that's what you got him.

He would love it! Ichigo would think it would be chocolate covered strawberries, but these strawberries were different, even tastier than some plain chocolate one.

He was in his room, leg outstretched and laying on his back while he pushed buttons on his tiny flip phone. You came into the room with a heart and heart felt smile. "Oh Ichigo~ my one and only true love~ I have some strawberries for you~"

Ichigo smirked, setting down his flip phone. "I figured it would at least be something strawberry related."

"Are you sure?"

When he pulled it out, he stared at them, trying to figure out what it was. "Is this... caramel and strawberry sauce mixed together?"

"Yup! What do you think?"

He smiled and kissed you on top of the head. "I love it. Here's your gift."

He pulled out a small (favorite snuffed animal) from his old desk. You squealed and hugged it tightly.


What can a guy do who only thinks with his muscles and not his head? Well, he's been planning for this day since a month, and now he had the perfect gift.

You were sitting in the office, bored with nothing to do and playing with the piece of paperwork that was yet to he signed of approval.

Renji stepped in with an idiot grin. "Hey baby~"

You stopped playing with your pen and looked up at him, eyes drawn back dangerously. "Please don't ever call me that, again."

Renji began to sweat nervously. "Then you don't want the present you want me to give too you?"

Your eyes sparkled with a bit of joy. "Oh wow! You did remember! I though you totally forgot it was Valentine's day!"

He laughed and held out the present. "Here ya go, my warrior."

It was a blade sharpener. Not just any sharpener, but it was suitable for all kinds of sizes for swords. You squealed and loved tackled him, giving him kissed all over his face.

That was the only gift Renji ever needed.


Rangiku knew of the present Toshiro was too give you, and kept quiet for his sake. When you came into the office, she was drunk, giggling like a mad woman.

You sighed and pulled her up against the couch. "Seriously? You're drunk on Valentine's Day? Don't you have invitations from millions of guys?"

"Yes... but I'll only accept one... but he's... gone..."

She gray eyes grew long and distant, looking into a painful memory she never wanted to relive. You were going to hug her when Toshiro came in, a light smile on his face.

"(y/n)~" He sounded cheerfully. "Happy Valentine's day."

He revealed what was behind his back, an ice sculpture of Toshiro and you, kissing around a frozen wonderland. You sobbed in joy when he have you the gift.

"I-I love it!" You sobbed more.

Toshiro smiled at the gift you gave him. A simple watermelon he could eat from. "I'm glad you like it."


For a guy who barely even believe in love before, he was certain serious about the whole Valentine's Day thing. He wanted to prove his love too you.

So he searched day and night to find tiny flowers, growing from the cold air and sand in the weather. It was hollowed out around the edges along with the color long gone from the years that it's been dead. He picked it up and brought it back to you.

He held it out too you, a light blush on his face. "I hope this will suffice."

You nodded and grabbed the flower, smelling its cold sand and air mixed together with a mint of the smell the flower held inside. "Thank you for everything, Ulquiorra."

You gave him a kiss, which soon turned into something passionate.


Medical school was taking forever for him to get out of class, leaving you bored and nothing to do for Valentine's Day. Of course you got him a presents, but the snow was holding him back and making his travel back home harder than he thought.

When the door opened too him you threw open the blanket you made for him. "Surprise! It's just for you~!"

Uryu pulled it off his face and looked at the blanket. It was sewed together with a big heart in the middle, with U + (y/l) in the heart. "This is really cute... I got you this scarf."

He took it out from his doctor coat pocket, a scarf with the Quincy Cross on it. That was nothing unusual so you took it and smile with glee. "Best Valentine's Day ever~"


He had just gotten out of the healing door just two days before Valentine's Day. Today was the day for it, but he hadn't gotten you anything, but that was reasonable since he had just got released from the hospital two days ago.

He blushed as he gave you his desk candy. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything. This is the best I have."

You smiled and pushed away the candy, giving him a light kiss on the lips. "Candy doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're released from the hospital and back on your own two feet without tubes or wires bothering you."

Ukitake managed a smile and took your hands. "Yes, and I love you." He whispered before sealing the sentence with kiss.


Shunsui was being more trusting as he was, not drinking a single drop of sake, all because of you. It was a great change to him, but he still lacked off on working on paperwork somehow at times.

For him, he made a cake in the shape of a heart. He gave it to you and giggled lightly. "I hope you like the cake. Made it myself."

You eyed the cake with weary eyes. "Can I trust your cooking?"

"You can trust me now that I've stopped drinking for a while, so why don't you trust my cooking skills?"

"Fair point." With that, you popped a piece into your mouth.

You smiled and began eating it down, making Shunsui smile and protect the piece he was eating for himself.


For the spirit of this holiday he decorated the whole store in heart and candy hearts, only so it could attract attention to the shop with more customers if he put candy for free on the sign. So far it was going great.

It was at the end of the day when Kisuke knocked on your door. "Can I come in~?"

"Hmmm..." you put the book down you were reading. "Sure."

He opened up the screen door and showed a fan, only it was in your favorite colors. You gasped and quickly came over to him. "This is lovely! You made this yourself?"

Kisuke smirked and fanned himself with his own fan. "Yup~ Happy Valentine's Day, baby~"

You growled and smacked him in the head with your new fan. "Don't call me that."

"Y-Yes dear..."


Every one of his Espada were in the mood for Valentine's Day and looked for their lover for the dance you were creating in the throne door. Aizen thought it was cute that you were doing something for the Espadas.

When you were done setting up the party Aizen held out his hand for you. "If this is a dancing part, can I have your hand in dancing?"

You blushed madly, not expecting Aizen to even dance at all with your party. "R-Really...? You'll dance with me?"

He nodded and grabbed your hands, twining his fingers with yours. "Since this is your party I thought I would support it."

You smiled and dance with him, too a slow dance music that is all night long.


He had the mansion decked out with everything related to Valentine's Day. From the kimonos to the food itself for dinner. Byakuya had the maids make a beautiful, even elegant, kimono from just red and pink.

When you came out Byakuya smiled at it, red heart mixed together with cherry blossoms. "It suits you just lovely."

You smiled with a dashing blush. "T-Thank you... can we start dinner?"

"Yes, but would you like to sit in my lap?"

You froze in shock. "I... thought nobles didn't let others on their laps."

"We don't, but today is a special day for love, so the rules don't apply to me."

With a joyful spirit, you sat on his lap and ate together peacefully in love.


"That jerk..." You mumbled under your breath. "He hasn't come back all day! Does he know it's Valentine's Day?!"

Soon after your words, the door to the room was opened up. Grimmjow came in, bloody from the head down to the end of his toes, only his face was clean as he wore a murderous smile. "I brought back your gift!"

From his hands were hollow hearts, three of them as they were huge. You screamed and backed up into a corner. "This isn't a gift! That's-That's.... a strange gift!"

Grimmjow growled and threw them at you. "Fine! I worked hard ripping out from their bodies!"

When he turned his back on you, but you quickly hugged him from behind. "Please don't be mad at me! They're wonderful! I love them!"

".... You mean it?"


Grimmjow smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "Looks like I nailed another holiday!"

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