Meeting His Friend

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You were only knew about him as his girlfriend to some people, but now it was time he let his best friend meet you in person. You waited by the window in the bedroom, seeing if he would be back soon.

The sight of two black figures came into view as you moves away from the window, in came Ichigo first as is hair was a bit messy from the winds.

"Did you do fine?" Ichigo asked you.

You rolled your eyes at him. "I can live just fine on my own."

He chuckled and hopped in, along with another figure. "This is Rukia. She's from the soul society."

You were taller than her as you stood up and shook hands with her. She was really pretty for a short girl, lovely violet eyes and even cut raven hair. "Nice to meet you."

Rukia shook hands with you but her face was still puzzled with something. "You're dating this hothead? He's an idiot and you're smart, pretty, and even nice... how does this happen?"

You blush and giggled as Ichigo glared at her. "Oh, I know how to handle him. I've been dating him for almost a year."

Rukia's eyes seemed to pop out of her head. "Almost a YEAR? How do you live?!"

"I let you come here to speak with her, not to insult me!" Ichigo snapped.

Rukia giggled with you as you talked all day with her.


Instead of training he wanted you to meet a friend of his from the world of the living. It was quiet surprise a to find a soul reaper friend with a living human.

Orange hair along with red hair came into your line of sight as you picked up your sword, putting it away in its cover. The boy was just as tall as Renji was, only with his hair being different and almost the same brown colored eyes.

"(y/n) this is Ichigo."

You looked over and waved at him. "Hello."

Ichigo nodded back. "So you're his girlfriend. Is living with him a pain?"

You chuckled and took a drink of water from your bottle. "Yup, though his snoring has gone down these pass couple of nights."

"(y/n)!" Renji blushed, red like a tomato. "You're not supposed to tell him about my snoring problem!"

Ichigo laughed and pointed at him. "I knew you were always loud! Just didn't know even while sleeping!"

"That's it!"

Renji started a fight with Ichigo as they clashed swords together. You watched with amusement in your eyes, the sight of them battling each other. Even bankai at the last moment of the battle.


Rangiku had told you about his childhood friend, Momo, who was quite busy these days and didn't have the time to really sit down and hang out with other people.

You tapped on Toshiro's shoulder, he was working on paperwork while he talked. "What is it?"

"Can I meet her?"

"Meet who?"


His hand that was writing suddenly stopped as he looked up at you with surprised eyes. "Why do you want to see Momo?"

"Well, I haven't really met her and Rangiku always says that even your closest friend have to meet the person you're in love with."

Toshiro sighed. "I'll see what I can do."


He came back from a captain's meeting with a girl, a bun at the back of her head. She looked cute with an innocence around her. She was besides Toshiro as she smiled at you.

She waved towards you. "Hello. I'm Momo."

You smiled and jumped from your desk, taking her hand and shaking it. "It's so nice to meet you! I've heard so many thing about you and now that we have we can really talk!"

Toshiro walked past you both to his desk. "I'll be working on paperwork. You can talk but don't be so loud."

Momo smiled at Toshiro. "We won't."


Every time when the meetings would end he would talk to the Sixth Espada, Grimmjow. It was confusing to see your boyfriend talk to someone like him who was not only violent, but too hothead at times as well.

You sneaky followed them once the meeting was done and listen on to their conversation.

"What do you have planned with your girlfriend?"

"I was thinking about hunting hollows." Ulquiorra's voice appeared.

"Okay, then maybe paint with mine? Or maybe hollow baseball..."

You were leaning forward to hear more, but the floor was just cleaned and met it was wet. You yelped and fell on your face, making the boys turn and reach for their swords, but Ulquiorra put his away once he saw it was you.

"Why were you listening on our conversation?"

Grimmjow came up and looked over you. "So you're (y/n). Hard to see how you date this emotionless Espada."

You glared at him before looking at Ulquiorra. "I was just wondering what you guys did back here. Huh... I didn't know you guys swapped ideas with each other."

Ulquiorra looked away as Grimmjow laughed. "Looks like we're caught. Might be time to think of stuff on our own."


Lately of eve he wanted to meet with a friend of his at the restaurant he booked for the occasion. You were told you could be invited along so you did so and came in the best clothing you had.

"Uryu!" You called out as he turned around.

A tiny blush came into his cheeks as he looked at what you were wearing, seeing how cute you looked in it. "G-Glad to see you came."

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Anything to support my boyfriend through and with to meet one of his friends."

"Uryu!" A different voice called out as you noticed and turned to see who was calling him.

It was a girl with large busts and long orange like hair. She came running up and bowing towards you both. "Hopefully I'm not late!"

Uryu shook his head. "Not at all. This is (y/n). (y/n), this is Orihime."

Orihime smiled and stood up to shake hands. "I've heard about you! Oh wow... you're so pretty!"

You blush and shyly rubbed the back of your neck. "T-thank you... Orihime... and for coming here."

She bowed once again. "Not a problem at all."


You knew and have seen Shunsui from time to time, but not in a real conversation with him. He was a captain like Ukitake, so maybe having one on one captain talk would be the best approach.

The door to his office was knocked as you came over and opened the door. Shunsui took off his straw hat, smiling down at you. "Hello. You must be the famous (y/n) I've heard about. Ukitake never stops talking about you when he gets the chance."

A huge blush came over your face as you moved from the doorway. "How nice of him."

"Shunsui!" Ukitake smiled as he was laying down on the couch. "Glad to see you came."

"Anything for you pal."

He sat down as you sat on the edge of the couch by Ukitake. While they talked you got lost in thought, but until a comment snapped you back into life.

"Does she snuggle with you at night, Ukitake?"

"Only when she has nightmares. It's rather cute to see her cling on me."

Another blush came on as you glared at you boyfriend. "UKITAKE! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT!"

Shunsui laughed before taking a drink of his sake. "You're secret is safe with me."


Too start the day off he was drinking sake again, but in the afternoon this time. You forgot his best friend was coming over to visit, so you blinked at Ukitake at the doorstep.

"Who are you?" You asked.

He smiled and coughed a little before reaching out to shake your hand. "I'm Ukitake. You must be (y/n)."

You took the handshake with caution. "Yes... but why are you here again?"

"Ukitake!" Shunsui called out, red in the cheek like usual. "(y/n) this is my best friend."

Looking back at him he did seem to ring a bell. You moved away and laughed a little. "Sorry about that."

He simply only smiled. "It's no problem. I've only meet you a few times so I was confused on who you were."

That was a relief to hear. You let him in as the two of them talked all through the day to evening. You were fast asleep when Ukitake chuckled at your sleeping figure.

"I think you made a good choice. Drinks and loves you every much." Ukiakte commented while Shunsui covered you with the couch blanket.

Shunsui smiled and poured a drink for you when you would wake up. "Thanks pal."


He strangely closed up shop early, which made you worry since he only did that if either something bad was happening, or if a big occasion was happen. Hopefully it was the occasion. You noticed the screen door opening to a rather tall and brown tan woman, fair purple hair and with a smirk that could capture the heart of a man easily.

You blinked up at her, wondering if she even read the sign. "Excuse me, who are you?"

The woman smiled and leaned against the counter top. "Ah, I forgot. You haven't met me yet. My name is Yoruichi, a friend of Kisuke."

And speak of the sneaky devil, came in as his clog were loud against the wooden floor board. "Nice to see you again, Yoruichi. This is my girlfriend, (y/n)."

She looked you up and down before smiling at Kisuke. "What a cutey. Even a soul reaper too now that I see."

You jumped a little. How could she know, "huh? How did you know I was a soul reaper?"

She came up and poked your nose. "I can see it in your eyes, and your outfit is showing from the V-neck of your shirt."

Kisuke laughed as you quickly covered it up, embarrassed as you always were good at covering your outfit.


Oh god, Gin was in the same room as you. You knew they knew each other very well, but they would only see each other as companions and not real friends.

Gin whistled to himself while walking down the hall, only to stop and see you, his smile turning into more of a smirky smile. "Why if it isn't Aizen's girlfriend. What a pleasure to bump into you at this time of day."

Would that man ever be a mystery to you. He treated everything like a joke, like his own little land. "Hello Gin. Mind asking you something?"

"Not at all."

"Why don't you consider calling Aizen your friend?"

The smile he had set into a hard line. "I can't call him my friend. I won't ever call him that, but he doesn't need to know that. I'm only giving you part of this advice because I like you as a person. You've changed Aizen a bit."

He left you speechless, until Aizen came around the corner reading a book. He smiled and closed it once he saw you, but then noticed Gin. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Not at all." You said, kissing his cheek.


You've seen him before as Byakuya assistant captain, but never really got the chance to speak to the man face to face. When he came up to the office you quickly bolted from the couch to stand in front of him, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hello! You must be Renji!"

Renji was taken aback from your nice nature, must be because he expected you to be snobby and up-stuck like Byakuya was. Boy was he in for a surprise. He was left speechless until Byakuya came in from the other door. "Captain!"

Byakuya stared at you to Renji, back and forth, then glaring at Renji. "You better have not done anything to (y/n), Abarai."


You laughed and hugged Byakuya. "Relax! He hasn't laid a finger on me! If he did I would have screamed from the top of my lungs and called for you. Does that make you feel better?"

"Yes.... a little bit."

Renji sweat dropped and sat down in his seat by his desk. "So this is your girlfriend? I expected her to be rich and noble."

You winked at Byakuya while he just answered for Renji. "Just because she's not noble doesn't me I wouldn't like her, now be quiet and work on your paperwork."

Renji swallowed and got to work.


Of lately Grimmjow has been hanging out with this other Espada who is up two ranks higher than he is, but it was strange since Grimmjow hates people who are higher up in power level than he is.

You remembered who the other Espada was and sneaked over to his room, knocked on the door every quietly. Why? Because it was late at night and everyone else but you were asleep. The door opened up and he seemed to be in his regular clothes, maybe his girlfriend was on a mission and waiting for her to come back.

"What do you want?"

You smiled and gave him a tiny wave. "Hi! I'm Grimmjow's girlfriend."

He just blinked, not really caring. "Why have you come at this late of night? If you have nothing else then leave here."

Rage boiled inside you as you kicked at him, but he caught it. "Hey! Let go of my foot!"

"Let go of her foot Ulquiorra, she's a hothead and nothing is going to change the way she acts."

It was Grimmjow, bed hair sticking up and looking sleepy and pissed. He grabbed you by the foot and was dragging you back to his room, having you scraping at his skin and yelling at him until he finally brought you back to your guy's room.

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