New Years

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Yes I am late with this, but because I was over at my dad's the weekend for new years. Hope too see if you guys still like it! Also SapphireQueen233 requested this! Hope you like it also!


Since moving in with him he has been clean, thank god for that, since you were a person who liked to have things be kept clean. What you didn't know was he bought fireworks and stuff them under the bed.

Ichigo came into the bedroom and pulled them out, making you scream in fright. "You mean you've kept fireworks under our bed?!"

Ichigo blinked. "Yeah."

"How stupid is that?! What if we accidentally had a fire in the house and the flames could have lit up the fireworks?!"

Ichigo sighed and took them all out, seeing it was only five minutes until midnight. "I doubt that would have happen. You can help light up fireworks with me if you want."

Though you were mad, you still took one of them. "Let's light these babies up."


Ugh, what happens when you get two stupid people together? A New Years with cuts and bruises. Renji had dared you to try and make it without a whole day of even touching your sword.

You almost went through it, but fighting was in your blood so you just had to touch your sword. You touched the hilt when Renji laughed.

"You lost the bet!"

"Shut up!" You jabbed your hilt into his nose.

His nose began to bleed as he took out his own zanpukto and clashed swords with you, making it a full on battle. At first it was awesome, but when the clock for New Years came you gasped in horror.

"I didn't even get my own new kimono!"

Renji groaned and leaned up. "Relax, I bought it for you so don't wine."

You screamed in joy and loved tackled him, reaping over and over how much of a wonderful boyfriend he was. Renji blushed and took the comments with pride.


To celebrate New Years you made Toshiro make a rooster out of ice. To his eyes it was terrible, but to yours it was absolutely beautiful. The details were on point and it was just... breathtaking.

"This is amazing Shiro!"

Toshiro looked at it with disgust. "I can't believe I made this thing... it's horrible."

You growled and flicked his forehead. "Stop it! Why do you always do this to yourself?"

Toshiro rose an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean by talking yourself down. Can't you be glad at the wonderful art you made?"

"Fine... it's cool."

Luckily the fireworks saved his butt as you smiled and leaned against him, enjoying the beauty of the fireworks itself.


To get him into the spirit you grabbed a party hat and strapped it onto his head. When he tried to take it off, you would slap his hand away.

"Leave it alone! It's for the holiday!"

Ulquiorra glared at the hat on his head. "But I don't like it, nor this holiday either."

"It is because of the hat?"

"Yes, and the way the fireworks go off. It seems pointless to celebrate a new year if it's just going to be a regular year."

"You never know," You kissed his cheek with a smirk, "something wonderful might just happen this year."


Unfortunately for him, you accidentally broke his glasses when they were knocked off the bed stand one night. Uryu couldn't see anything with his glasses, which meant a lot of bumping around into objects.

When it came to New Years you almost hesitated when you saw Uryu. It was strange to see him without glasses. "Uryu, want to see the fireworks?"

He turned to glare at you, well more squint at you. "I can't see anything!"

"Well... happy New Years!" You showed him a small box as it had glasses inside.

Uryu smiled and put them on, just when the fireworks set off. You smiled and kissed his cheek as he watched the fireworks with clear vision.


He was a little bit sick because of the cold weather, but he didn't feel too sick to come and celebrate the New Year. You arrived home and came back with a new ice pack.

Ukitake smiled and let you put it on his forehead. "Thank you dear."

You smiled and helped him sit up so he was facing the window. "It's not a problem. How are you feeling?"

Sweat dripped down the side of his forehead as he pushed himself up. "Not too bad... but manageable enough."

"Good. Here, I brought you your favorite mochi!"

Too him you were an angel that always knew what he wanted. He kissed your first before grabbing the mochi when the fireworks went off. "Thank you dear."

"Anything for my sick boyfriend."


For his New Year resolution he planned on not drinking sake for a whole year, but when the market came in with his favorite sake... well... that resolution only lasted a day.

You didn't mind as you helped him with the sake by drinking it, because you weren't just going to let him drink all of it.

Shunsui hiccupped before raising his cup. "Happy *hic* New Years...!"

The next moment he passed out drunk. You laughed and grabbed the bottle. "Finally! A bottle for me to drink out of and not to share!"


Since his birthday was the day right before New Years you both were enjoying it with some left over cake. Kisuke didn't open the shop at all today which made you glad since you hadn't had time with him lately.

You were on the roof and waiting for Kisuke, eating bits of your cake as he finally came up with his new clogs.

"I'm back~" He had his hat off for the occasion.

You smiled and reached up to kiss his cheek. "Glad you could. The fireworks should about be..."

Just on time the fireworks went off as you smiled and drank the sake next to you. "Right now."

Kisuke smiled and sat next to you. "Glad to see you're enjoying your day off."

"I got to spend it with you, nothing could be more perfect."


What better way to celebrate New Years by sitting on your boyfriends lap, watching the fireworks going off, while drinking tea with a little bit of sake in it? Nothing could ruin this moment.

Aizen hummed, cheeks a bit red as he twirled a piece of your hair. "Want to do anything tonight?"

"Hmm... maybe read for a little bit."

Aizen pouted and wrapped an arm around your waist. "But I can give you so much more."

You sighed and pushed his arm away. "Just because you're drunk and it's New Years, doesn't mean your horny drunk self gets some action."

Aizen mumbled and drank more of his tea, making you smile and kiss his cheek to lighten his mood.


Rukia was spending the New Years over at his mansion as he had dinner made for her and yours favorite. Rukia soon left so you two could have some time together.

Byakuya took your hand and lead you into the garden. "I'm sorry I haven't had the time to spend time together. The work load has increased."

"It's fine!" You replied cheerfully, "I'm busy too and have been tired mostly."

Byakuya nodded and brought you to the cherry blossom tree, but it was rid of the blossom because of the winter, but that didn't mean anything to you two. When he sat down he put you on his lap, kissing you just when the fireworks went off. You jumped a little, but kissed back for the wonderful moment.


Grimmjow didn't like the new Chinese animal, so he tried to make it a Panther. People didn't buy it as his anger only increased. For all day he tried to get it too change into something cooler, rooster were only small meat to him.

"Grimmjow it's the year of the rooster, not the panther."

He growled and smashed his hand in the wall. "Shut up! I say it's the panther!"

"There is the tiger, close to a cat."

"But I want a PANTHER! Not a TIGER!"

You sighed and stuffed his mouth with a mochi when the fireworks went off. "Just enjoy the holiday."

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