Special: Halloween

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It get him into the mood you both dressed up as Frankenstein. You helped paint the stitches onto him along with putting on the bolts on the side of his neck and down his shoulders. Looking at him himself he had painted his body with half gray and black, making it an eerie sight.

Ichigo looked at himself in the mirror, checking himself out with a approving nod. "I can't believe you did all of this in less than an hour."

You finished putting on your bolts as you had shirt on that was close to the lining up with the stitches. "Thank you. I put real hard work into it."

He nodded with a smile. "I bet you did."

"Now let go trick or treat! I'm hungry for some candy!"

Ichigo chuckled as he got the two baskets. "Okay Miss Frankenstein."


Well you were dressed up as a mummy, but Renji's idea was a bit different as he was covered in bandages as well, but not as a mummy but an injured pirate.

"Renji that doesn't make any sense..."

"Of course it does!" He also had on a brown line cloth around his waist that was the same color of a pirate captain's coat.

It was small and tore apart was if he had gone into battle. You sighed and shook your head. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me?"

"Nah, I already do..."

Renji rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Just spend the night with this pirate."


You two argued about it but danced the night away at the soul reaper party anyways.


Even though it was the holiday for scaring and trick or treating, Toshiro was still working on paperwork. He was dressed up as a wolf man to at least put some spirit into the holiday. You sighed and came into his office, poking at him to get his attention.

"Toshiro stop working on paperwork! It's a holiday!"

"Just... let... me... finish..." He spoke between signing paperwork.

A low growl came from your throat as you grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the desk. "You're coming to Rangiku's party whether you like it or not."

Toshiro shouted at you to let him go and got himself free at some point, but you had a ball in your pocket and threw it. You didn't know why you threw it, but Toshiro ran to the ball and came back with it in his mouth.

The scene made you blink at the wolf dog Toshiro. "That worked..."


Lord Aizen didn't celebrate Halloween before but his girlfriend made him so the whole palace was in a Halloween party. You dressed up like a kitty cat, a cute one to be as you were a black cat.

Ulquiorra didn't know what to dress up as so he went along with you, only he didn't change much but put cat ear on his head. "Is this good?"

"Ummm..." You fixed the cat ears, "It could be better... but if you like it then it's fine."

"It think it's good."

You gave him a warm smile. "Then let's get out there and enjoy the party."

He nodded and held out his hand, a thing he seen couples do in the world of the living. The motion shocked you, but you took his hand with a smile and let him lead the way to the party.


The week before Halloween all Uryu and you were focused on costumes than clothes or pants. It was finished the day before as you were excited and got dressed before running over to Uryu's house.

You knocked on the door before hiding yourself behind your cape. When he came out you jumped at him with your fake fangs, but he didn't move making you pout. "You're no fun at times."

He blinked and cleaned his glass. "You weren't going to attack me so I didn't move. Let's just get this over with before my blood pressure starts to drop."

You rolled your eyes at him as he drank some milk before leaving with you to trick or treat. Through half way of the night you had to stop because he was getting light headed quickly.


He wasn't feeling well for Halloween, but too not disappoint you he dressed up as the last thing he founded. A sheet and poked holes through it too be a ghost. You giggled and helped him make the holes bigger.

"You're already a spirit but now you're a ghost?"

He laughed. "I didn't think of that but I guess so."

Ukitake was starting to feel hot under the sheets as his legs were shaking. "A-Are we walking around much?"

"We don't have too we can just sit and talk at the party."

He nodded quickly. "Let's do that."

You smiled and grabbed his hand, letting him lean on you as you both went to the party.


Parties and drinks were like his true calling. He dressed up lazily and put some cherry blossom in his hair and all over him. When he came up to you, you looked him up and down with a confused face. You were dressed up as a princess.

"What are you supposed to be?"

"A cherry blossom tree!"

"Well... at least you're tall like one."

He laughed and ruffled your hair. "Thanks for that. Are we gonna get too the party yet? The sake is calling my name!"

"Not if I get their first!"

You flash-stepped out of the room as Shunsui smiled and took on the challenge by flash-stepping with you.


For Halloween you really forgot about it with all the hollow duties you were doing. So you just dressed as yourself, saying you were a death god for Halloween. Some kids came up and held out their bags.

"Trick or treat!"

You smiled and gave them candy. "Here you go."

"Be nice to the death god, or she's steal all of your candy." Kisuke came out with another bowl of candy. This holiday was great for his store as people were buying food mostly, but still a good sale.

The kids just laughed and walked away. You rolled your eyes at him. "Really? Are you trying to make kids scared of me?"

He smiled and fanned himself. "Just trying to make you scary."


Aizen didn't really understand Halloween. A whole night to dress up as something scary to get candy? It just seemed strange to him, but not too you. After days of begging Aizen finally agreed to it and had Gin set up the party.

The espada were enjoying themselves as Aizen looked down at his 'tea'. It was bloody red, something he didn't think would be good... but it surprised him to be better than it really was.

"Are you enjoying the party?"

Aizen jumped slightly at your voice. Like he said, you were the only person to make him jump. You weren't really dressed up, but were in a spider web like dress that ended at your knees. You looked beautiful in it as you sat down in his lap.

His eyes trailed up and down your body. "I like it, but not as much as I love you."

You blushed and kissed his cheek. "Oh stop it. But at least have a dance with me."

"Of course." He set down his tea and had you dance around the throne were on one would interrupt you both.


He said he was going to the Halloween party, but he didn't say as what so you were stuck looking around the party like a lost ghost. You were dressed up like an Arabian princess, head to toe in jewels from Byakuya.

You sighed and gave up until a hand touched your shoulder. You turned around and jumped at the thing. It was giant seaweed with arms and legs. "W-What the hell?!"

"Don't you recognize me, (y/n)?"

The voice was Byakuya as your eyes widen. "Byakuya...? What are you?"

"The Seaweed Ambassador."

"O-Oh... right! Well... let's dance!"

You took the costume hand and lead him to the dance floor. For being a quiet guy Byakuya sure did know how to move in that costume.

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