You Dress Up As Him

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Make sure to check out my new book Bleach One Shots if your interested 


He didn't see you after school at your usual pick up spot when he went to take you home. He shrugged and walked home by himself, feeling a bit lonely. The door opened up to him as Yuzu gives him a big smile.

"Welcome home big brother!"

Ichigo smiles and hugs her to his chest, "Hey Yuzu, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Rice balls and (y/n) is up in your room."

"Huh?" Ichigo questioned. "Why is she in my room?"

"She said gym let her out early and she had a surprise for you. I didn't questioned her after that and let her upstairs."

"Alright... thanks Yuzu."

Ichigo went upstairs and opened the door, only to be dumbstruck at the sight. You were dressed up in a black kimono and had a badly cut out cardboard of Zangetsu. Even the side of your hair was orange as it looked like you just dye it.

You smiled and waved your cardboard sword. "Hey Ichi! I'm a Shinigami now!"

Ichigo just chuckled and tug at the orange strip in your hair. "I can't believe you did this."



Throughout all of today he couldn't find you. He couldn't do his paperwork right since every time he went to sign his name it was yours. Baykuya send him away to get some fresh air as he growled and did just that.

He sat down on the grass on the small hill near the training grounds. After thinking he got enough fresh air he stood up and saw red hair in the distance. He gasp in happiness, someone with the same hair color as him!

The run down the hill almost made him trip but he made it to the person and tapped on their shoulder. "I love your hair!"

"Thanks!" The person turned around and it was you.

Renji stared at your blankly. "What are you doing?"

"Dressing up as you! What do you think?" You turned around in a slow circle showing off the sharpie marked black 'tattoos' on your skin along with the bandanna up in your hair.

Truth to be told, he was impressed. "Not bad, rookie."

You blushed and hugged him. "Thank you."


The silence, the drifting of the cold wind, he couldn't stand it anymore as when Rangiku came in he at first felt desperate for her help. "Rangiku, where is (y/n)?"

She face lit up as she giggled. "Oh, somewhere."

"I order you to tell me."

Rangiku pouted and put her hands on her hips. "You ordering me around is not nice captain."

"Just tell me where she is, that's all I'm asking of you."

"She's- Oh! There she is!"

Rangiku let you come in as Toshiro couldn't believe his eyes. Your hair was dyed a kinda of white color, but still somehow pulled it off as you made the captain's coat along with the sash holding his zanpakuto in place.

"Hey Shiro!"

"So..." He held back his laughter, "You're trying to pull off me?"

You pouted. "What do you mean 'trying'?"

"Well... you got the wrong shade of color, my hair is silver."

A pink tint of rose came over your face as you hissed at him. "S-Shut up! I-I know it's wrong! B-Baka!"


After the meeting you suddenly started to disappear lately as he was starting to feel another new emotion... annoyed? It was odd to him that you would hang out with him in his room and not be in your room when he went to it.

He opened the door this time hoping you where there and saw you on the bed working on something. He pushed it open more as he stood behind you, not making a sound.

"What are you doing?

The sound of his voice make you jump and squeak. "Holy crap! Next time knock!"

"I will, but what are you working on? Why have you been avoiding me?"

"Well... because of this!"

You held out an espada outfit just like his only in your size. You even had some green stripes doing from eye and down to your chin. Ulquiorra stared in confusion as you put the outfit on top of your clothes. "What do you think?"

".... Is this for something?'

"No! I got bored during the last meeting and thought of doing this!"

"Alright." He replied still confused.

You giggled and kissed his cheek. "I can tell you love it."


The day confused him as you would seem to be hiding something from him. Every time he asked what's wrong you would only smile and say 'Nothings wrong!'. It was after school as he went up to the sewing club.

You managed to get back in again and were able to happily make stuff in peace. It was almost the end of the club as Uryu was starting to worry, until the door opened up.

"I finished it!" You were dressed up in the Quincy clothes he wore. You saw pictures of his old one and wanted to make it, so you just did so, only with a small cape to add effect.

Uryu started at you, amazed and confused at the same time. "You made that... in just a day?"

You smirked and swished your cape at him. "You're not the only one with talent."

A warm smile took over his face. "I know I'm not."


He was sick in the early morning and had to come in late. He was on his walk to the office, feeling guilty because he promises you every morning he would walk you to his office. On the call you didn't seem disappointed which kinda cheered him up.

He entered into the office, only to step back in shock. "What the...?"

You looked up from doing his paperwork. "Hey Ukitake!"

"Why... do you look like me?"

"Oh! I just wanted to do this for fun! See?" You got up and twirled around. You had a long white wig on along with black eyebrows like his. Even though you had his captains coat on you, it was really big but you pulled it off. "What do you think?"

He chuckled and hugged you. "You're so cute, I can't believe you did something like this."

"I thought it would cheer you up! I'm glad it did!"

"It did." He smiled and kissed your nose.


During lunch you promised to meet up with him but you weren't anywhere to be seen. He saw near the cherry blossom tree, trying to stay up, but feel asleep.... after an hour he woke up and finished the rest of his lunch.

He looked around the eight quarter barracks, sighing when he couldn't find you. "Where did she go...?" At about that time he finally entered into the office.

You had your hair into a ponytail with flowers in it. You even had a straw hat just like him. He cleared his throat as you looked up from the paperwork and smiled. "Oh, I forgot one more thing!"

He was confused until you grab his flower thing and draped it over you. You were just like a mini version of him, only way smaller and cuter to his eyes. Shunsui smiled and kissed your cheek. "You look cute."

You growled. "I'm not supposed to be cute! I'm a tough captain!"

"Tell that about your height."


He was out buying stuff for dinner and you had the day off from duty so he thought you both could cook up dinner together. The way back was long because of traffic, making him regret why he bother to take a walk this time.

"I'm home!" He called when he opened the door.

"Okay! I'm in here!" Your voice came from the sitting room.

He questioned why you were in there, but didn't say anything as he went inside. He broke out a smile at what he saw. You found his kimono in his room and wore the hat he accidentally left behind when he went shopping. The clogs were too big as you had to take steps in them to go up to him.

"What do ya think?"

He laughed and took his hat back. "I think it looks cute on you."

Your eyes shined with love. "Really?"

"Yup, now let's make dinner."


He couldn't find you in your bedroom this morning or anywhere at all making him confused and slightly worried. Gin himself didn't know where you were, making his heart race slightly. He was so distracted at the meeting he was in a bad mood all day, until you came in.

The huge white doors opened up as you came inside. His eyes widen in amusement as you had your hair slick back with gel, his coat which was way too long dragging behind you, and contacts to match his eyes. "I am Sosuke Aizen! The soon to be soul king!"

"Well... is this what you were doing all morning?"

"Yup! I wanted this to be a secret so I hid outside the castle to get dressed and came back when I knew the meeting was over." You said and sat on his lap.

He chuckled and ran his finger through your slick hair. "You're odd at times, but you're my queen at the same time which I love about you."

You giggled and let him kissed you quickly while you messed with his hair.


He didn't see you after work which confused him but he didn't show it as he went back to his mansion. His butler greeted him at the front door. "Your mistress is here."

His eyebrow rose. "Did she say why?"

"Something about surprising you."

"I see, make sure to check the gardens."

"Yes sir."

He made his way to his library as he spotted a mini version of him playing with a fake steel sword. His eyes narrowed at the mini him as he went for his sword, but it dropped when he saw it was you. "Why are you dressed up like that?"

"I thought it would be fun!" You move the long black bangs from your face. "Face my petals!"

You threw cherry blossom at him as he didn't even flinch. "You're picking that up."

You pouted at him. "Jerk."

He sighed and turned back. "It's a nice costume, it makes you look cute." he finally said from his thoughts.

A gasp came from your mouth as you made a small happy dance.

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