You get Bullied

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He had been noticing things off putting about you. The way you smile or even the way you eat. It was as if a sadness just struck you and ripped up all the happiness you had left. He decided to follow you after school under cover for the day. He peeked around the corner to see two guys blocking your way.

"Alright, hand over the money." The one with the baseball ball lightly tapped it against their toe.

You sighed and opened up your bag, taking out all of your lunch money. "Their. Now leave me alone."

Suddenly, three hands came out of no one and pined you down on both sides. You tried wiggling out but he only laughed.

"Since your Kurosaki's girlfriend you would tell on us for him and then he would kick are asses. So, we might just have to give you a beating to shut that mouth of yours~"

"P-Please stop!"

He laughed and at full speed slammed the bat down, until a strong young hand caught it an feet away from your face. The other guys screamed like little girls when the saw Ichigo. Ichigo growled as he yanked the baseball away from him and hit with it pretty good.

"Pick on my girlfriend you pick on me!" He shouted and swung the bat.

He took his time kicking their asses as you watched in awe. After he was one he helped you up. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah..." You gave him a small smile, "Thanks Ichigo..."

"Not a problem. Just next time call me in case."


He was just only gone for a little bit to use the bathroom when all of a sudden the wooden sword you use to train with would go missing. You would stay silent when he would question you, making him confused and worried.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Renji said and put his wooden sword down.

Worry quickly flashes in your eyes but you simply nodded. "Alright."

Renji went around the corner and peeked over the corner. He watched as you looked down at the ground and winced when two boys came up to you.

"Yo punk, you got my treats?"


"Answer me!" He grabbed your wooden sword and played with it in his hands, "Or I'm gonna pick on that little other friend of yours."

"Don't!" You yelled out, "Leave him alone and just pick on me. Just pick on me and not him."

"How about he doesn't pick on you and is fired from his job." Renji came out from hiding.

The two boys yelped and bowed in respect. "Lieutenant Abarai!"

Renji growled and released his shikai, "You both better start running now before I drive my blade through you!"

They both screamed and ran away. You smile, embarrassed by his actions as he simply smiled and ruffled your hair. "I'm guessing you were protecting your best friend?"

"Yeah... he doesn't need to be picked on."

"I understand." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.


Lately you've been down on your happy spirits and it's making Toshiro worry over your health. Rangiku didn't even know what was wrong, making him fret over you.

"(y/n) I order you to tell me what is wrong."

You glared at him and spun on your heels. "Bossing your girlfriend around? I'm going."

"(y/n) wait!" Toshiro when to grab you but you flash-stepped away. He cursed under his breath and started looking for you.

He heard some giggling as he stopped to find a girl pushed up against the wall. He hid behind the wall as he watched with an angry glare. She had you pressed up against the wall nice and tight, making you enable to escape.

"Stay away from him! You hoe! Dating a captain!"

You snarled and tired pushed her back. "I'm not a hoe! We haven't done anything bad!"

"Shut up!" She pushed you down to the ground hard making you wince in pain, "We maybe third seats but I'm stronger than you! Stay away from Captain Hitsugaya or else!"

"Or else what? I freeze you in negative degrees?" Toshiro voice rang icy over the air.

The girl started at him shocked. "C-Captain!"

"Leave before I turn you into an ice sculpture and break you into millions of pieces!"

Her face paled from fear as she ran away. Toshiro helped you up and dusted you off. "Next time tell me about this kind of stuff."

"But-" He gave you a glare as you huffed, "Yes Toshiro."


He wasn't seeing you half the time as you would be in the meeting room, but soon as you exited out of it he couldn't find you anywhere. Somewhere deep inside he was started to feel another emotion... worry?

Nevertheless, he couldn't ask other espada or an arrancar because it would cause some questioning to why he would need to know. He was going down the east hall when Grimmjow hard tone voice echoed inside it.

He turned, but stopped once he saw you were trapped in between Grimmjow he stopped in shock. His blue claws were pressed up against your neck as any movement you made your neck would slice open.

Grimmjow had your zanpakuto in his other hand so you couldn't reach it. "What was that again?! Tell me what you said! I thought your manners were better than the last time we talked!"

Anger burned bright inside you as you spit at his face. "You're a kitty cat! Just a stupid, dumb, blue kitty cat with anger issues!"

"Why you- I don't have anger issues!" He went to slice your neck open until a familiar pale hand caught his arm in an iron lock.

Grimmjow growled at the green eye hero. "What are you doing? Can't you see I'm doing business?!"

Ulquiorra didn't say a word as he grabbed his neck quickly, tighten his hold, and threw him out of the nearest window. You gasped for air as Ulquiorra checked you over. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah... thanks Ulquiorra, he's been getting on my ass lately but I knew I could handle him. But he grabbed my zanpakuto before I could respond and put me in a dangerous spot."

"I see. Just stay by my side for a while."



You weren't coming to the sewing club anymore as Uryu had questioned you but you would just ignore the question and move onto something else to talk about. He had to come to this one as he went, but felt lonely without you.

He started to work on a blanket when he started hearing other girls from the sewing club talking. "I guess (y/n) got are message!"

His ears perked up as he listened while working, carefully not hurting one of his fingers while sewing.

"Oh she did. She left the club now! She can't come back and Uryu is all ours now!"

"But wouldn't he still date her?"

"Yes, but I'm the real deal here. Every boy in the school only wants me! I just need an A on my sewing project, and he's just what I need. Now that she is out of the picture I can seduce him to my needs~"

Uryu smirked as he waited a bit and walked across their line of view. They all flocked to him as Uryu agreed to make it, but not to do his best work on it. He came over to your house as you questioned his happy mood.

"I thought you would be mad at me?"

"I'm not, I just want you to come back to the sewing club now."


"You'll see, tomorrow."

You waited and got your sweet revenge as you hugged Uryu tightly with love.


His candy has been going out faster than usual as he knew he wasn't eating the candy, but didn't see you eating it which lead to some confusion. After a captains meeting he looked into the window of his office and froze in his tracks.

A girl was taking the candy and putting it into a bag. He was about to stop her but you can along in time. "Hey stop it!"

You grabbed her hand, but she spun around and smacked your cheek. "Get away from me! Oh wait- you're the new captain."

Your cheek burned but you didn't let that stop you. "Return the candy! Or-"

"Or else what? Too afraid to punish me because it will ruin your image?"

She caught you as you looked down at the ground, defeated as she laughed. "Oh how sad! I can't believe a weak and worthless captain like you is in the soul society!"

"Take that back, along with the candy." Ukitake came in as his gaze was hard around the girl.

She blinked to stare at the captain's new found anger. "C-Captain Ukitake..."

"(y/n) is not a worthless and weak captain, she simply just has a pure and good heart. Now, I am an eyewitness. Take back what you said and return the candy, if you don't I'll make sure to give you my punishment."

The girl slumped her shoulders as she returned the candy and apologized. A small smile spread across your face as you kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

He smiled and hugged you. "You're welcome."


Every once in a while squad eight would have drinking contests. Shunsui wasn't able to go to them for a while so you would fill in for him. This time, you came up to him saying you didn't want to go. He acted like it wasn't a big deal and still made you go despite your anger fits, but deep inside he knew something was wrong.

After work he went to the spot near the cherry blossom tree as the other champion from before sat down nearby. He smirked as you meekly sat down across from him. "Did cry baby come back?"

"I-I'm not a cry baby!"

The others laughed as the guys smile grew more and more. "Are you sure? Because those tears we have on picture."

Fear washed over your face as the guy laughed. "See, I told you you're just a pathetic cry baby."

"Well, well. I didn't think things like this would happen."

The guy stood up and bowed. "Captain!"

Shunsui gave him a kind smile, but deep inside he was giving him a death glare. "How about we have a contest? The most to drink will get a prize. If I win, you leave (y/n) alone and burn the picture. If you win, you get to do anything you want me to do."

The guy seemed to like the deal as he got the cups ready. "Deal!"

When it was over Shunsui won easily. The guy passed out after twenty shots as Shunsui was having forty, still wake, but drunk off his ass. He passed out after fifty as you smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips.


Since you had no hollow duties this week he thought it would be a great chance for you to manage to store this week. By day one you were fine, but by day two and three you were looking sad.

Kisuke knew something was going on as he stood in the shadows of the store and looked over your work. You were doing just fine, until four guys came into the store. They looked to be soul reapers from all the stationed parts of the town.

The first one came up to you with a smirk. "So, the customer can get anything they want, right?"

"Yes..." You mumbled.

"Well why don't I have you~?"

You didn't look at him but there was anger in your voice. "Sorry sir, but I will not date you."

He growled and grabbed some items and threw them around the room. The three guys pinned you down as the first would keep throwing things everywhere, screaming. "You can't hurt the customer!"

Kisuke stepped in quickly after and stopped the man with his cane. "If I see you in here again I'll make sure to cut off you head. I'm the real manger, and I can change my rules around here. Now go before I punish you other three."

The four guys quickly left as you groaned in pain. Kisuke helped you up and started cleaning the place. "Just sit down and relax while I clean up this mess."

The pain won as you nodded and sat down, happy at Kisuke understanding it wasn't in your nature to hurt people. It just hurt you enough to kill hollows already.


"Sosuke! Tell that weirdo worker of yours to leave me alone!"

He blinked in confusion, "Who?"

"Gin! He keeps picking on me and I'm tired of it."

"Gin just likes messing around with people."


"Fine." He summoned Gin to the room.

Gin gave you both his sunny snake smile. "Why Aizen, what is the matter?"

"(y/n) says you've been picking on her."

You glared down at Gin as he simply laughed. "Oh (y/n), (y/n). I was only messing around with you! You're the only one around here who can really get annoyed by my pranks!"

Aizen gave you a 'told you so' look, but you ignore it and pointed down at him. "Well I order you to stop it! You're getting on my nerves!"

"Alright! If the queen orders it! Bu bye~" He quietly flash-stepped away.

Aizen smiled as he wrapped an arm around you. "See? He only like to pull pranks on people.

You huffed and looked away. "Still, he could get the hint once and a while..."

He simply smiled at you and pulled you into his lap while you two talked. Deep down inside he knew he would tease you back when you were kids, but at that time he knew it was for love while Gin was for pranks.


So far life at the mansion was great, but he was feeling lonely when you weren't wanting to go with him. He felt like it was him, but you explained it wasn't him as a deep guilt were in your eyes. There was something at the mansion not making you want to go, but what?

He was reading his book inside his library as the voices of the maids picked up. He would usually ignore them, but he heard your name in the conversion and stopped reading.

"I can't believe master Kuchiki is dating another non noble. Like if the last one wasn't already enough work."

"Yeah... but I think you should keep your voice down."

"Why? I'm just stating my option and glad I got that girlfriend of his too leave. She's annoying, loud, and so weird it bothers me! Luckily, I finally got her to stop coming by that little talk we had. Now if she doesn't keep on entering the mansion Master Kuchiki will break up with her!"

He had enough of this talk over you as he listen to the voices as it was the room next over to his. He opened the screen door as it was the break room for the maids. The one talking stopped and gave him a smile. "Master Kuchiki!"

"You're fired. Get out in the next five minutes or I will take all of your money and send you out onto the streets."

Her face paled with shock. "W-What?"

"Leave this place. You're a mistake too your family and you bring them no honor. Now go before I will make you."

The maid started to cry as she ran out of the room. The other maid stared down, afraid she would get in trouble too. "W-Will I leave too?"

"No, because you told her to keep her voice down. Just keep your mouth shut if I heard anything about (y/n) from your peasant mouth."

"Y-Yes sir!"

The next day after he made you come to the mansion. Your mood started to lift up when you didn't see the maid, but you didn't question where she went as Byakuya treated you like the noble you were around the mansion.

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