When He Proposes

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While you didn't think talking animals were annoying, there was a border line when it came to a certain one named Kon. For some odd reason Ichigo stuffed him inside his body and was leading you some place out of the house.

"I swear Kon if you're trying to do something to me I will kick your ass."

"H-Hey!" He shouted a little. "It's not my fault Ichigo gave me these weird directions. Either you zip it and enjoy this or I'm leaving you here!"

"Fine by me." You stated and turned around.

"W-Wait! I didn't really mean it!"

You ignored his pleas and started heading back when a person from high above came down to the ground. It was the real Ichigo, only holding something in his hand.

"Since Kon gave up on wanting to lead you to the spot I wanted you to go, I'll take you there myself."

"Err... alright."

You hopped onto Ichigo and let him take you where he went- even leaving Kon behind- but that didn't faze you. The place he took you to was near the river as the city lights dazzled beautifully in the night.

"What's this all for?"

Ichigo turned you around and had you look at him in the eye. "(y/n) I love you, and I would be honored if you married me, even in this spot."

You squealed with happiness and tackled him to the ground. "Yes! I'm finally marring my Strawberry!"


"Why is it that every time I want to duel Renji doesn't show up at all. Is he scared his awesome girlfriend will kick his red, pineapple butt?!"

The training grounds did seem empty... more than empty... completely deserted without a single weapon or human being nearby. It was a ghost grounds.

Looking around more you got tired and scratched the back of your head. "Maybe people couldn't make it because of the meeting?"

Suddenly, an object dropped from near the weapons holder, along with the voice of someone else. You flash-stepped to that area and nearly scared the living daylight out of two young men.

"Alright," You grabbed onto their robes. "Tell me, where is everyone?"

Before they could speak a loud roar came from the grounds. You dropped the two boys and looked over to see Renji making something in the sand of the training grounds.

"Hey!" You called out angrily. "Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean -"

In the sand, it spelled the magic words that bonded woman and man together. You stared at it long and good before jumping into his arms.

"I-I though you never ask!" You cried happily into his arms.

Renji smirked and strokes the back of your hair. "It just took me a while to find the right timing and words."


Strangely enough as it was, Rangiku took you out drinking today and Toshiro didn't try to take you out of it. Toshiro... letting you drink during work hours... huh?

You didn't touch a single shot of sake in front of you as Rangiku noticed. "What's wrong? You're usually chugging that thing now."

You sighed and pushed it away. "I'm scared about this. Toshiro made me go out drinking... which is NOT like him at all."

Rangiku took a sake bottle and chugged it down faster than anyone you've seen before. "Hmmm... well it's past work hours now... and I think he's ready..."

"Huh?" You replied confused. "What do you mean by that?"

Rangiku laughed at you and chugged more bottle down her throat. You sighed and payed for your drinks before heading home. Strangely enough the way back was colder than before... and it was the middle of spring.

The sight of your house made you gasp as there was an ice sculpture of Toshiro and you kissing while snow gently fell around you.

"(y/n)," Toshiro's voice came from behind you and made you jump slightly. "Will you marry me?"

You turned around and hugged him, tightly with love. "Of course, I will."


He's even asked Lord Aizen himself how to propose. He knew he was ready and hoped you were as well, but didn't know how to pop the question.

Lord Aizen helped him out by sending you off on a mission that wasn't so dangerous, but longer and far off away. He went to work, day and night, to prepare for your arrival.

When you came back the palace was empty, almost too quiet. "Hello...?"

Your voice rang out across the halls and gave a chill down your spine. It wasn't until a hollow dog came from nowhere and started running across the hall.

"Hey wait!" You cried out towards the dog.

It didn't speed down once as it came into a room which was the meeting room. You opened the door and was met with a bright flash.

"(y/n)," Ulquiorra said, his face half shadows by the candles around him.

You looked around and saw the ring in his hand. It was an emerald, covered with beautiful dark patterns all over it.

Ulquiorra bend down to his knee and rose the ring toward you. "Will you become my wife? I now know how a heart feels and wish to explore the feeling of love deeper with you."

For once you were speechless, but hugged him close to you. "Yes."


Although Uryu was a Quincy, he never liked the culture of his clan. He would have to marry a pure-blooded Quincy, but that didn't mean anything to him.

He had the scenario all though up inside his head, where and when he would propose to his own true lover. You. He was making the blanket when the door suddenly opened.

"I'm here..." You said with a sorrowful look.

Uryu put down his blanket and hugged you. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Uryu..." You held back the tears as you didn't look at him. "I don't know anymore... I'm not a pure-blooded Quincy and I'm only half. If the Quincy people find out, then we'll be both killed because of who I am."

"(y/n), that's the stupidest thing I've ever hear."

You gasped and looked into his eyes, seeing the seriousness inside them. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't start dating you because you were a Quincy. I loved you for who you are and will protect you until my days because I love you. Now, I planned to propose earlier... but I think here is the good time to do it. Will you marry me?"

Tears poured down your face like skills as you hugged Uryu. "Yes... yes I will..."


His sickness was coming in waves. It would either come back and wouldn't each week. Ukitake planned something special for you but he unfortunately got sick already.

Shunsui was over and taking care of him while you did his work in his office. "You're still going to propose when you're still sick?"

Ukitake nodded and set the ice pack on his forehead. "This is supposed to be the anniversary of when we first met... I don't want to mess it up because I got sick..."

"Hmmm... alright buddy, come with me."

Shunsui helped Ukitake up along with walking him to his office. He was pale and sweating like crazy, but he was determined to propose to you.

When the door opened, you looked up and gasped when you saw Ukitake at the door. "Shunsui! I told you he needs rest!"

Ukitake laughed breathy. "He's... here to help me... won't you... marry me...?"

Shunsui showed the ring in his other hand. "I tried to stop him, but I won't stop him from behind happy with the woman he loves."

You cried and gently hugged Ukitake. "Oh my gosh... yes I'll marry you... regardless of your sickness..."


During the whole day Shunsui was drunk from... sake. Yup, even when his mind was stressed out and clouded he needed sake to take out all the stress inside.

Nanao tried taking the sake away, but gave up after a while and hopped you would come back after the mission in a while. Shunsui was worried out of his mind because you weren't back, and it's been five days.

"She can't be dead..." Shunsui muttered to himself. "She can't be... she's (y/n)... the short tempered girl who can kick my butt harder than Nanao can..."

The door creaked open as you came in, a tiny scar on the side of your cheek. You crinkled your nose at the smell of the sake. "Gross... it smells worse than usual in here."

"(y/n)!!!" Shunsui hugged you to his big broad chest. "Marry me! If we get married, then I can't worry about you and wonder if you'll leave me for any other guy. So please!!!"

You squeaked and tried punching his chest to get out of his iron grip. "I will if you let go of me! And I won't leave you for another guy!"

"Yay!" That only made him cuddle you.


All day you haven't seen him, even in the morning when you two sleep in the same bed. It was strange, but you knew you would have to work and see him then. After a good day of cleaning up the town of hollows, you headed back to the shop and looked inside, he still wasn't there.

Tears formed in your eyes as you begin to worry. "What happened to him...? Why did he suddenly leave without saying anything?"

The top of the roof kept banging weirdly as you stopped crying. Curious, you headed up to the roof. The top was lighted by candles as in the dark you could see the loving shop owner.

"Kisuke? What on earth are you doing up here? And most importantly, where have you been?! I'm so-"

Kisuke pulled you in for a hug and quickly kissed you to keep you quiet. "I'm sorry. I was bringing you back a gift and it took longer than I thought."

He showed it in the candle light as it was a ring, but inside was a diamond. You gasped and tried it on, "You mean... this is for me?"

"Of course, Mrs. Urahara."

You giggled and kissed his cheek. "Then I will marry you."


Even Gin was in on Aizen's plan to propose to you. It was a sweet idea too him and wanted it help him out, even deep down if he was his enemy, but he also liked you so he was also doing it for you.

Aizen sent you out on a girl's day with other Espada girls while he set everything up. He had this all planned... even the voice at the back of his mind told him everything would just go along perfectly.

Gin signaled you were coming back as Aizen sat on his throne, dusting it off with his thumb. "I must clean this when I have the time..."

You came in with your beautiful white dress you were given. It dragged behind you as you smiled up at Aizen. "Sosuke, what is all of this? I've never seen you do this before."

Aizen smirked and helped you up the throne with your long white dress. "I've been planning this for a long time, and now that the time has come I want to ask you a question."

"Well go on. It must be important."

"How do you like your wedding gown?" Aizen gently touched a part of your dress. "I want my queen to be elegant during our wedding, along with being lovely and enjoying her time dancing with me."

You were speechless until you hugged him. "I've been waiting for you to say something like this, for a long time."


A noble like him marrying a lower-class noble was outrageous, but that didn't stop him like before. He wasn't going to let other's people words and ideas of who he should marry get in the way of his love for you.

After work he took you to a different part of the garden, a place where he was planning to make for the wedding vows. It was a waterfall and with a row of cherry blossoms lining the way. It was all wonderful and perfect to him.

He led you to the way there as you were blindfolded, "Byakuya," You said, slightly worried. "We've walking for quite a while. I'm I sure I can trust you?"

"You've trust me this long. It's not any longer of a walk from here."

You took his words for trust and walked on ahead, a slight pain forming inside your heels. The sound of the waterfall was filling your line of sound, "Is that a waterfall?"

Byakuya finally took off the blindfold and showed you the magic of the area. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand, tears of joy welling inside your eyes. "Oh my... Byakuya."

Byakuya stood on one knee and kissed your hand, "Will you do the honors of taking me to be your husband, and I promise to love you no matter what people or peasants say about our love for each other?"

"Yes!" You tackle hugged accidently in the water, but he didn't mind.


He wasn't good at making any loving or romantic things come to mind. The only things he could think were blood, guts, glory, and the pride of becoming the best Espada ever. But he knew he would have to do something special for you.

When you were asleep Grimmjow shook you awake and looked into your dazed eyes. "Wake up, I need to ask you a question."

You groaned and looked at him half awake. "What is it...? What time is it?"

"What would you think about marriage? I know this might seem odd coming from a guy like me-"

"Marriage? Are you asking me to marry you?" You spoke, eyes growing bigger by the second.

Grimmjow darkly in the moonlight by the window. "Y-Yes... but I didn't know how to propose to you anyway. I'm not the one to be all romantic and shit. I kill hollows and drink blood instead of water. What kind of guy like me can make a romantic scene out of anything."

"Tell you what." You grabbed his hand and smile. "If you can kill over hundred hollows for me before the start of the morning, I will marry you. How about that?"

Grimmjow smirked and grabbed his sword, "I should have done something like that in the first place."

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