When He's Jealous

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After proposing too, you he's be a bit greedy in having you around. He won't let any other man near you, but when you were at your job he couldn't really so he pouted and watched. You worked at an ice cream shop downtown.

There was a new member coming to your job as you greeted him. It was a guy, about the same height and built as Ichigo, but didn't look at all like him. "Hi! You must be the new guy I hear about?" You said with a smile.

He nodded and got his apron on. "Yeah, and I didn't think someone as cute as you was going to be working with me."

"Hey! That's going to be my wife soon!"

You turned around to see Ichigo pointing at the guy and glaring into his soul, which he could probably do at this point. "If I catch you flirting with her again it's going to be the end of you."

The guy laughed nervously and backed away. You sighed as Ichigo smiled and order an ice cream for both him and you to celebrate his victory of jealousy.


A pool of new soul reapers was coming in for training. They were going to be trained in the training grounds, so it was only half full for the other already trained soul reapers like you to still can train.

Renji was working on paperwork but would be right there once his captain signed them off. You were getting ready to put on some gear and grab a wooden sword went two guys came your way. All they had to do was look at your butt.

One of them giggled and tapped on your shoulder, making you turn around. "Are you one of the training recruits?" They asked.

You shook your head. "No, I'm already a trained soul reaper. I can help with training if you guys need it."

"Sure, and you can be our teacher and show us around the ropes or two, even under~"

Renji was coming close when he heard that and growled with anger. He stomped over to the two and grabbed them by their heads. "No one is going to be taught under my soon-to-be wife! You got that?!"

Renji gave them the crazy eye as they both shook their heads and ran off. You giggled and handed him a sword. "Don't get too jealous over me."


For a while now you were being to yourself lately because of the overload of paperwork you were forced to do. Technically Toshiro was working on more, but this too you felt like more than hundred.

Then after break had ended, a tall soul reaper came into the office and leaned over your desk. "Are you (y/n) (y/l)?"

You blinked and looked up, looking like you haven't had much sleep lately. "Yes... am I needed for something else?"

"I was just here to get the paperwork from you. If you want, I can help you with paper-"

"That isn't necessary."

Toshiro came into the room and sat down next to you, ice already building up the tension around the room. "I'll finish up the last of her paperwork. Your help isn't needed."

The guy shook it off and left quickly as possible. You were quiet the rest of the time but did have a stupid grin on your face.


Being part of the Espada wasn't an easy task. Because from time to time you would go on missions that rank from bloodshed to fairly too easy for a child's game. This time you were pared with Ulquiorra, but along with a new arrancar to get use to the feeling of the power of being on.

"Am I going to be powerful as you guys?"

Ulquiorra didn't answer so you answered for him. "We don't know. But if you do then you can join us, the Espada for meetings and knowing when we will invade a new perimeter."

"Really? Because if I do become a Espada then I hoped to be partnered up with mostly you miss (y/l)!"

Suddenly, Ulquiorra shoot a beam at him that scratched the side of his cheek. "I will be partnered with (y/n) every single mission. Do you understand?"

The arrancar nodded his head and walked in silence. You sighed and shook your head, but deep down you were secretly enjoyed the attention.


A recent discovery was made as another Quincy was attending your school, only he was a half-blood like yourself. This was exciting news to both Uryu and you. Uryu packed a lunch made for the other Quincy to greet him. When it around noon you came up the stairs and smiled at her.

"Hello. Are you the new Quincy?"

She smiled and shook hands with you. "Yes. It's so glad to finally see someone of my kind. Even if they're graduated from this school already."

"Hehe yeah."

By the second you two were already hitting if off. Uryu sat in the back, jealously watching as he ate his rice ball and glared at the girl.

When the lunch bell rang, she sighed. "Oh man, lunch is over."

"Good." Uryu grabbed your arm and hugged you close to him. "Then go to class."

You were startled at this new behavior. When she gone you smiled and booped his nose. "Jealous, are we?"

"Classified information."


After his sick leave, he finally came back with a healthier looking face that radiated happiness with pride. Him and you were taking when a small young kid came into the office. He looked lost and scared.

"I can't find my mommy..."

"Awww," you picked him up and sat him on your lap. "Does she work here?"

"Y-yes... I lost her in the crowd during lunch time... I can't find her anywhere."

"(y/n) I have paperwork to do." Ukitake said, looking regretful. "I can't help him."

"Don't worry dear I will. Just finish up your paperwork and I'll be staying right here."

Ukitake liked that idea until the kid became a jealous spot for him. He hogged all your attention and got more love than Ukitake ever did today. When the mother came in the office you let the boy go with a smile.

"Goodbye kid... don't come back..." Ukitake mumble under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Ukitake replied sweetly.


Lately after a call to a captains meeting Shunsui had to go and left you alone in the office. He was really worried about someone coming to kidnap you or anything. Why? Because if you could take down a man tall as him he had nothing to worry about.

It has been two hours since Shunsui been gone when a man around your height came in. He was rather handsome, and smelled well along with a sense of responsibility that Shunsui didn't carry around him.

"Excuse me," He spoke, his voice silk like honey. "You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest restroom is? I've been wondering around here and-" He flashed a pearly white smile, "I couldn't help but notice a young and intelligent woman like you looking for someone to talk too."


"Well you can beat it out of here."

You jumped as Shunsui came in through the door, really looking pissed off at the guy. "The restroom is right around this corner. If I ever see you again my sword is going to be at your throat. Is that clear?"

The man nodded and bolted out of there. Shunsui explained he was the man causing woman trouble around the soul society, but you were sure Shunsui was just jealous of him sneaking up on his woman behind his back.


All throughout day you were stuck inside the shop. You weren't really because you weren't getting any hollow calls, but it was still boring without going outside into the sun and killing some hollows.

Kisuke was in the back when a young woman came in. She was beautiful and for a bonus, wasn't stuck up.

"I'm looking for some candy. Do you sell anything that doesn't have peanuts in them?"

"I can look and see."

The girl giggled, just about went Kisuke was coming around the corner went she whispered something under her breath you couldn't hear. "And I can see the nice cleavage from where I'm standing~

"Alright!" Kisuke shouted and pushed the lady customer out of the shop. "Were closing early!"

She protested and shouted at him, but he locked the door behind her and smiled. "Next time (y/n), only I can see your cleavage."

You blushed and crossed your arms over your chest. "Even you can't see them! Doesn't matter if we're getting married or not!"


Usually Aizen didn't mind Gin around you because he didn't do anything bad or naughty, just being Gin and annoyed you went he felt like it. But lately, you weren't getting annoyed anymore like before and started laughing.

That's right, you were enjoying Gin's company and laughed at the jokes he made. It was ticking him off but he ignored it. He was having a meeting with the Espada while Gin sat next to you.

"From then on I want you-"

You giggled lightly at the joke Gin made as he smiled, laughing back along with you. An irk mark appeared on his forehead as he turned around toward you two. "Gin, stay seated away from (y/n) or I'll force you."

Gin sighed but did as told. You stared at him, confused, but Aizen had his winning smile on his face now.


Another surprise the Soul Society brought was another noble coming to join the Head Captain for tea. It was an honor for the Soul Society to have a noble, closer to royalty, have tea with the greatest captain.

You were walking around with paperwork went the noble man saw you. To him, you were the most beautiful woman alive. This was his chance to make a wife, unlike those other noble people who wanted him for his money.

He 'accidently' bumped into you as you squeaked, paperwork flying around. "Oh no!"

"I'm deeply sorry," He bend down and grabbed your hand, kissing it sweetly and kindly. "I didn't see you in front of me behind those loads of paperwork. I was blinded by your beauty and thinking you could become my wife-"

"She's already my wife."

Byakuya came from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. "She's already my wife, soon to be. I apologize if she seems single because I wasn't around her."

"No," The noble man got up, blushing a little. "It was my mistake."

After that weird experience, Byakuya wouldn't leave you alone, even when you were taking a bath.


It was already bad enough other arrancars were already wanting you to become their mate, but you were taken, but that didn't mean they still didn't have a chance before you were really married to Grimmjow.

You were sitting in the desert sands of Hueco Mundo, enjoying the cool air of the moon's light beam. Not too far ahead were some arrancars wanting your love waiting to make a move on you.

They came up and started giving you gifts Grimmjow had never given you before, flowers and these sweet tasting treats. There was a name humans gave them. They were sweet and kind. "Thank you, guys."

"You're welcome!" They smiled and sat next to you.

Oh boy, that's when they really got it. Grimmjow was under the sand because you buried him, and he heard about their conversation back there. He rose from the sands and ripped their hearts from their chest.

You sighed and watched as their bodies crumpled to the ground. "Did you have to kill them?"

"Yes," He growled, shaking the sand from his hair. "Because you're my woman only."

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