The Meeting in the Room of Requirement

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Hermione's POV

It's our second day here. Classes are starting today. I walked down to breakfast with Neville. About half way there, my wrist started burning.

"Ahhh!" I shrieked. That earned a few looks. I could tell Neville had the same sensation, as he was also rubbing his wrist.

"Councillors meeting tonight. We'll meet Dragon in the secret room." Neville hisses. I nod and send a message to Drake.

'RoR 8 o'clock.'

'See ya then.'

I nod to Neville before continuing our trek.

Poor Harry. He was trying to hide from all the people staring.

We got our schedules and supplies before heading to Transfiguration.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn in Hogwarts," Aunt Minnie said. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

She then changed her desk into a pig and back again. Everyone's as very impressed. I tried to look impressed too, but I can do that already. Hecate taught us all.

We took a lot of notes, and then she passed around a box of matches. I took one, and immediately turned it into a needle. I changed it back and forth a few times, before I got bored. I just pulled out one of my books and started reading. Neville was pretending to struggle with his work. I giggled. He glared at me.

The rest of the classes went by quickly, with Sev picking on Harry, and the two boys falling asleep during History of Magic.

Soon enough, eight o'clock rolled around.

I grabbed the invisibility cap from my mom, and hurried out, cautiously weaving through students in the Common Room. Halfway there, I heard Neville.

"Hey Plant Boy." I hissed. He looked around, but obviously deducted that I'm invisible. I tapped his arm, and he also became invisible. My hat had better upgrades than the original Invisibility Cap. If I stay touching someone or something, they became invisible too.

Draco was already there when we arrived.

"Took you guys long enough."

"Gryffindors are serious party people. They take any opportunity." Neville said.

Draco activates the room.

We walked in. An awesome room awaited us. It had beanbags, swords, a mini arena, a ping pong table, a fountain with drachmas, and a giant TV.

"Good work Dragon."

"Thanks Ms. Dictionary." He shot back. That nickname is new.

We sat down in front of the TV, as I powered up my laptop. An image of all the head councillors appeared on the TV. Along with the gods.

"Hey guys! How's Pigfarts treating you?" Percy asked. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Vlacas." I muttered under my breath.

"I know, right?" Annabeth asked.

Everyone laughed. Percy pretended to be hurt.

"YOU WOUND ME! AHHHH!" He screeched.

Annabeth kisses him.

"AHHHH! MY EYES! TO MUCH MUSHINESS! GASP! GASP! AND, DEATH!" Thalia pretended to die. Just a typical day with the gods of Olympus.

The door handle turned. My knife was immediately drawn. Aunt Minnie, Sev, Pomona, Albus, and Fillius walked in. My grip relaxed.

"Oh yeah! We forgot to tell you that we invited them." Leo cheerfully added.

"Hello I'm-to-lazy-to-list-everyone's-names." Severus said.

"HI SEVY!" Leo, Percy, Thalia, Lana, Don, Caster, Pearl, Chris, Carmen, Soleil, Lara, Jason, Piper, Jasper, and all the head councillors screamed.

"Hello gods and demigods." Minerva greeted.

"HI MINNIE!" The same group screamed.

"Hi." Filius said, waiting for the response.

"HI SHORT ONE!" They screamed again.

"Hello." Pomona finished.

"HI PLANT GIRL!" They yelled again. They all burst out laughing.

Albus, wisely, says nothing. A few people pouted.

"Sometimes, I honestly think the original gods regret choosing these idiots." Reyna commented.

"NO! YOU WOUND ME SO!" Leo screeched.

"That's why." She added.

"Could we start the meeting now?" Chiron asked.

"Yes please." Annabeth said.

"What meeting?" Percy asked, his mouth full of chocolate.

"I'M FLYING!" Jason warbled.

"AND I SET FIIIIIIRE, TO THE RAIIIIN!" Leo added. He lit his hands on fire. Percy made it rain.

"GREEN DAY IS TOO BETTER!" Thalia screamed

"AC/DC ROCKS!" Nico countered.

"So, no meeting?" Reyna asked.

"GUYS! SHUT UP!" Piper roared. They all did. "You can talk now Reyna."

"Okay, so we have a new camper. This is Serena. She's nine years old, and the adopted daughter of Thalia." She said, pulling a tall girl with fair skin and dark black hair. Her eyes are blue, with a new found electricity in them.

"What are her powers?" I find myself asking.

She looks at Thalia. She nods. In her hand, a storm cloud forms. It's complete with rain, thunder, and lightning. She puts it into a bottle, and it stays.

"I can bottle storms. I keep them in these jars, and when the time comes, I release them. They grow into full blown storms." Her voice is quiet, but strong.

I start applauding. Everyone else joins in.

"Now, we also have found and blessed more demigod children." Annabeth continues. I perked up. "The nine and ups should arrive within a few days. They are: Jarek: a ten year old boy adopted by Clarisse, Reika: an eleven year old girl adopted by Jason, and Verena: a nine year old girl adopted by me."

I grinned. I now have a little sister!

"There are also the demigods we blessed at the same time as you. Cohen, a nine year old boy of Jasper, Nathen, an eleven year old boy of Hazel, and Freya, a thirteen year old girl of Calypso." Percy added.

"So how is it at Pigfarts? Are the kids nice?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. Draco and Neville elected me to befriend Harry. Dragon has already gone out of his way to be his enemy, and Neville is the shy boy with no friends."

"Hey!" He squawked indignantly.

"Oh shush Plant Boy. You have us." Draco said.

"How are my brothers?" Asked Ginny.

"Ron's friends with Harry, the twins are annoying, and prefect Percy is just insane." Neville states.

"Figures." She plainly stated.

"We should conclude the meeting here, with the permission of the gods?" Reyna said.

"YEAH! I WANT SKITTLES!" Leo yelled. Annabeth nodded to Reyna.

"Meeting adjourned! She yelled over Leo's yells, which had been joined by Percy.

The video cut off.

"Well, that was the most interesting meeting I've been to in a while." Al murmured.

"Yeah. You have to be careful with that lot. If you hang around with them to much, you go insane." Neville grinned.

"Yeah. As you could probably tell, they aren't like the other gods. They actually care about us. Plus, we get free skittles and fonzies from Leo, free blue cookies from Percy, and free ambrosia treats from Lana. Somehow they made it so the stuff doesn't kill us." Draco added.

"Oh, and one more thing," I rushed. "Annabeth told me to give these to you. They'll heat up when someone wants to contact you. You can also send and receive messages." I gave one communication bracelet to each person.

"Now, you all need to go to bed. You still have classes tomorrow." Al said with a twinkle in his eye.

We said goodnight, and I grabbed both boys by the arms with my invisibility cap on. We dropped Draco off first, and then Neville and I went to the house of the lions.

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