The Midnight Duel

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Neville's POV

Oh gods. Dragon is such an idiot. He just challenged Harry to a duel. I really don't know why, but it should be interesting.

The Gryffindors and Slytherins had flying lessons together. I accidentally set off before the whistle, consequently falling and breaking my wrist. Don sent me a rememberall, as I forget almost everything. I dropped it as Madame Hooch dragged me off to the infirmary. I could here Dragon making a fuss. Hermione later told me that the exchange was quite funny. Harry and Dragon were both flying around. Harry was actually pretty good. Good enough, that Minnie let him on the team. He ended up returning my rememberall later.

Dragon told me the rest of the story. It was right after Minnie allowed him on the quidditch team. Drake and company walked over to him and they had a whispered conversation. Harry announced that he was going to duel him. Ron was to be his 'second'.

I was sitting outside the common room, as the Fat Lady has gone off partying with her friends. Harry, Ron, and Hermione came out, arguing about the stupid duel. I ended up tagging along. We walked into the trophy room, only to hear Filch. Drake set a trap up for Harry to walk right into.

We ran away, eventually coming to a dead end. Hermione, not wanting to be caught, unlocked the door leading to the forbidden hallway. Or corridor. I couldn't care any less. A mini Cerberus was waiting on the other side. Nobody seemed to notice him. Or her. Once again, I don't care. The thing means death, therefore, I do not discriminate.

We ran back to the common room as fast as we could. Hermione and I couldn't look at each other without laughing. Harry and Ron thankfully didn't notice.

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