An Educator

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Here's the next chapter.....

Warning mature content.....


"Wake up shithead!
Wake up shithead!
Wake up shithead!"
My alarm squawked, it having a cartoon rooster voice.

I groan as I roll over, and feel for the alarm, so I can press the button to turn it off, and I heard a male groan next to me, making my heart immediately race, and I sit up, me tilting my head to the side, and look to where I heard the groan, and I saw white aura next to me in bed, meaning a Vulcan was laying in bed next to me, and I heard a familiar voice of that Vulcan from last night say.
"Is it appropriate to have such an alarm to wake you up Kara?"

"Excuse me?
Um.....why are you in my bed?"
I ask him, me hella confused why he's in my bed.

I heard him sit up, and I go wide eyed in shock as he pecked me upon the lips, then he pulls away.
"I am your husband, remember?"

I squeak out in shock.

He gently shoved me back first into the bed, and starts kissing my gentle pecks.
"Of course we are husband and wife."
I felt his tongue lick my neck next, making my core throb, and I jerk a little when I felt his fingers slip into my underwear, and his fingers slip inside my core, him searching for my good spots, and he found them, him thrusting his fingers into my core, making my core, and stomach ache.
I honestly let out moans, and when I did I swear I could hear them outside my sleep....
I'm dreaming!
That's right I went to bed after the incident when I went to that bar with Jimmy!


The dream soon faded as I was about to orgasm in the dream, my core throbbing harshly, as I open my eyes, me breathing hard in my covers of my bed, and my heart was pounding rapidly in my ears.

What a strange dream?
I never had wet dreams in my life, but I did now.
I thought to myself as I fully sit up in bed, and I could feel my core throbbing harshly, it unsatisfied, but I ignored it, because I'm one of those girls who can't get off by playing with myself, to be honest someone has to do it for me, a lover does.

I heard a beep from my door, meaning Jimmy is probably there waiting for me to get up.
I immediately get up, turning my alarm off that was yelling in a rooster voice.
"Wake up shithead."
Over and over.

I immediately went to cool my head with a shower, me quickly cleaning my hair, and body, and then dressed in my uniform, that fit snuggly upon my big breasts, and showed my slight pot belly a little.

I combed my boy short hair in order, and I brushed my teeth, including rinsed them too, and put on cherry blossom perfume.
I pull on my boots upon my bed, and my door beeped again.
"Come in Jimmy."
I tell Jimmy, because I had a feeling it was Jimmy.

The door slides open, which I could hear.
I heard footsteps enter the room, and I look up, seeing white aura standing in front of me in the darkness, and I saw brown eyes looking down at me, me knowing it was that male Vulcan from yesterday.
"You are late to my class."
He says to me.

"I'm late?
Then my alarm went off too late then.
I'm sorry."
I say rather flustered, as I stand up, my boots on my feet.

"If you continue to be late to my class, then I shall flunk you."
He says rather calmly, yet rather coldly to me.

"Sir; you don't need to do that.
I will not be late again."
I slightly bow to him, which is how I show respect.
I've always done that since young.

"You need not bow.
Just next time do not be late."
I heard him walk out of my dorm room, and I left my dorm room, me following him.

I then walk up to him, me walking beside him.
"So you're an instructor?"
I ask him.

"Indeed I am.
Tardiness will not be tolerated in my class."
He replied to me rather coldly yet again.

"I wanted to thank you for last night.
For saving me from my drink being spiked."
I tell him, and truly I was thankful.
I mean it's illegal to spike drinks, but with his Vulcan sense of smell, he caught it in time.

"Miss Madden; you need to focus on classes, and do not mention what happened last night to other students, since what happened the night before is between us.
Do you understand Cadet?"
He says to me, and though his aura was white, I could sense in his voice, the an emotion that he didn't want anyone to know about what happened last night.

I nod, me saying to him.
"I understand sir."

"Good; focus on your work.
Your PADD and recorder has been brought by Mister McCoy for you in my class."
We stop at a door, which opened for us both, and I follow him to a spot, and I reach out, feeling a chair and a desk, and my PADD and recorder was sitting upon the desk.
"Sit and wait for class to start, since the other students are late as well."
He says to me, and I heard him walk up to a desk, and I heard him sit in a chair.

Can I ask your name, since I will not be able to see you write it upon the digital board?"
I ask him, me curious of his name.

"My name is Spock."
He replied, and I heard him tapping on a PADD.

I then mutter lowly to myself.
I really did like the sound of his name, but that dream I had was truly fucked up, and it was about him, and me being married?
I doubt that'll happen, since Vulcans usually do not mate with humans.

I heard chattering outside the hall; making me tilt my head up, and I heard students start filing into the room, and soon some sit down, but no students sat by me, which I'm glad for.
I started my recorder, as Spock began the lesson.


It was soon lunch time; and I usually get a special dieted tray, since I'm allergic to seafood, because a dietitian that specializes in food allergies, usually fixes my food at the academy, and I was grateful for that too.
I walk up in the line and I heard the voice of the dietician say to me.
"Miss Madden?
Here is your lunch.
I hope you like it."
I heard her set my lunch tray down, and I take it from her, me smelling there was no seafood contaminants in my food.

I nod to her.
"Thank you ma'am."
She then hands me a sugar free juice, which I took from her, and I walk to my spot I usually sit at, which was by the window, so the sun can warm my chilled body, since the lunch room is always chilled.
I mean I have goosebumps from how chilled I was.

I heard footsteps walk over to me, and a person sit in front of me, and as I was sipping my sugar free apple juice from a straw, I noticed a white aura in front of me, and saw brown eyes.
I swallow down my drink, and set my juice bottle down, me asking.
"Mister Spock?
Can I ask you why you are sitting with me?"
I truly was curious why, and I wasn't trying to be rude, and I wasn't irritated, just mainly curious why he sat before me.

"You are alone this hour.
I thought you would like company."
He says to me as I heard him take a bite of salad.

He's nice when he wants to be.
I thought to myself, my heart racing a tattoo of rhythms, me remembering that dream I had about him, making my core throb, but I try to push it aside.

"Thank you."
I tell him, as I bite into a fried chicken piece in my salad I'm eating too, I had ranch in the salad, and with the salad was a bowl of applesauce with apples in it.

"Why are you not eating the fish and chips meal today?"
Spock asked me.

"I'm allergic to seafood."
I tell him.
"My family hired a dietician to serve me meals at the academy."

"What happens if you eat seafood?"
He asked me.

"I swell up like a balloon and can't breathe."
I tell him honestly.

"I apologize for asking."
He replied, and I nod.

"You are fine.
My mother was allergic to seafood as well, so I inherited it, or so I heard I inherited it, since I never met her.
She died giving birth to me."
I tell him more, after I swallowed my bite down.
I then pick at my salad as I talked.
"My aunt raised me.
Jimmy is my cousin.
Bones is a family friend."

"And your blindness?
Were you born this way?"
He asked me.

"My blindness was caused by jerks who sprayed a whole can of bear spray into my eyes."
I tell him, me avoiding telling him I was also gang raped, because when I tell guys who are interested in me, that I was gang raped, they act like I'm tainted goods, and it turns them away from me.
Most dudes want virgins, and I'm not a virgin anymore, but my hymen tends to grow back alot, something about my genes that makes it grow back.

"I apologize for asking Miss Madden."
He tells me.

"Call me Kara not Miss Madden.
I prefer to be on a first name basis, please."
I tell him politely before I took another bite of my salad.


I shall respect your wishes then."
He replied, and we both munched on our salads quietly, that is until I heard Jimmy sit next to me.

"Good afternoon Kara.
How was classes?"
Jimmy asked me, and I shrug as my mouth was full chewing my food up.

I felt Jimmy's thousand yard stare at Spock.
"Why is he sitting with us?!"
Jimmy asked me, and I could tell he was upset Spock was sitting here with me, since he's been awfully protective since what happened to me at prom, and I heard Spock get up, and leave calmly.

"You didn't have to spook him you know."
I sass Jimmy after I swallowed my next bite down.

"That pointy eared jerk got me in trouble!
He claimed I cheated!"
Jimmy scoffed at me.

"He saved me from having my drink spiked last night, Jimmy.
So try to be nice to him for once."
I pinch his hand, me scolding him, and me twirling his skin.

He yelped out, and I let his hand go, and I stand up, since I'm done eating.

"Not all Vulcans are assholes Jimmy."
I turn towards him as I said that, then I turn to walk away, me setting my tray for the dishwasher.

I then walk out of the lunch room; and headed back to Spock's classroom, me arriving to the door opening on its own, and once I step through, I heard him say to me.
"I was not expecting you so soon Kara."
At least he respected my wishes of being called my first name, like he said he would, which is very sweet, making me even more smitten with him.

I walk to find my desk, my hands feeling for my things that I still left upon my desk.
"I thought coming back to apologize about my disrespectful cousin would be in order, especially after you saved my virtue last night."
I tell him honestly as I walked to a desk, my fingers meeting my recorder, and my PADD, and I grabbed them both, and I turn towards him.
"Jimmy thinks Vulcans are assholes, but me no.
One saved my life when I was a teenager.
He helped me get to the closest hospital.
I owe Vulcans my life, including you.
Jimmy just can't understand that."

"A Vulcan saved your life?
Do you know his name?"
He asked me.

I make a sad, yet disappointed expression and sigh, me saying.
"Sadly no.
He disappeared before they could get his name."

"Odd; maybe he knew you?
Did you meet any other Vulcan before then?"
He asked me, and I could tell by his voice he was intrigued by my story.

"No; only you."
I say rather honestly to him.

Spock was absolutely puzzled that a Vulcan would save her from such assault, usually Vulcans do not interfere in such things, but a Vulcan did interfere with an assault on a human like her, and he wanted to investigate why, but he shall do so later.

"Do you know what hospital you went to?"
He asked me.

"Sadly no.....I was really given the good stuff."
I joke out to him.

He cleared his throat, him saying to me.
"Joking about being under the influence of medical substances, is unbecoming of you Kara."

"I don't like talking about it much."
I tell him, and I grab my purse as well.
"I....I'll get out of your hair then, since classes are over."
I walk by him and to the classroom door.
"Please don't bring up the assault to anyone else, just keep it between us.
I don't need rumors spreading around about me."
I warn him politely, and I left out of the classroom.


To be continued......

Sorry it took so long to update this.
My device is messing up to where I have to get a new one by this weekend, since I cannot answer calls, and I get booted from apps, especially this one.

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