Sleepless Night

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Here's the next chapter.......


I was laying in bed that night; my mind on that wet ass dream, me entirely confused as hell, but as my mind was on the wet ass dream, it made my body undeniably aroused, and truly I don't know why.
I decided to go for a walk through the garden or sit in the garden to cool my head, and anyways, classes weren't in place on the weekends, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays there are no classes, and today was Thursday, and tomorrow was Friday.

I sigh a defeated sigh; and reluctantly get out of my bed, me putting my robe over my pajamas, and slipping on my bunny fluffy slippers, and I walk over to my door, and press the button to let me leave my dorm, which I do, me walking through the doorway, and as I mentioned, I decided to go to the garden, so I walk down the hallway, the hallway silent, and the air conditioning felt really nice on my sweaty skin, since I'm so hot and bothered, me sweating as I mentioned.
I leave the dorm building, me following the smell of the flowers of the garden, once I reached outside, and as I walk down the sidewalk; I heard a voice behind me, one I recognized.

"Cadet; why are you out of your dorm so late?"
I turn to the voice, and I saw white aura, and brown eyes.

I inquire.

"Why are you out of your dorm?"
He asked me as an order, him calm and collected as always, and I turn away from him, me having an expression on my face, that I didn't want to tell him, but I guess will, since he caught me sneaking out of my dorm building.

"I come to the garden when I cannot sleep.
Tonight is one of those nights."
I tell him honestly.
"I sit in the garden to help me relax.
I get like this at times, since the day I was blinded."

"I will sit with you then.
It is dangerous for you to be outside in the dark alone."
Spock says to me, and I turn to face him, me stunned he offered to sit in the garden with me.

"Um.....thank you."
I tell him, me rubbing my neck in a flustered way.

I walk over to the bench, and sat upon it, but I doubt he could fit next to me, because I'm so fat......well people say I'm fat, but I haven't seen what I look like, since the day I got ready for prom, and since Sterling blinded me with bear spray.
Back then I was chubby too, but maybe I'm bigger now?

I heard him sit next to me, and I could feel his side squeezing against my chubby right kidney area.
"I'm sorry that I'm so fat, that you can barely sit next to me."
I bluntly apologize to him.

"Shaming a person's figure is not something I do."
He replied to me, making my heart race at him saying that.

"Thank you for saying that.
People pick on my weight, when I'm naturally like this."
I tell him, me staring downward, me severely flustered.

"You are sweating Cadet."
He says to me.
"Take off the robe and you shall feel cooler."

"I'm in my pajamas, and I don't feel comfortable to take my robe off, sorry."
I tell him, me insecure about my body, so I didn't want to uncover my body under my robe.

"I understand."
Spock replied, and awkwardness filled the air between us, making me want to start a random conversation, so I did, I'm weird that way.

"Um....can I ask why are you up?"
I ask him.

"I was working quite late.
I thought a walk would settle me to slumber."
Spock tells me, him being honest to me I could tell.

"I guess we were thinking the same thing then?"
I tell him, and I felt his eyes upon me.
"Because I thought the same thing."
I rub my neck in a flustered way once again, me smiling slightly.

It was the first time in my life that I'm feeling so flustered for a person, especially a Vulcan....well the Vulcan who saved me, I truly am in love with.
The old Vulcan I started getting feelings for as I got older, after he rescued me, and now this Vulcan too I'm starting to feel things for, and he's my superior, Spock is, and I know I shouldn't feel things for him, but I do. I realized it after awhile, since it's been a week, since he saved me from my drink being spiked illegally.

I held my fingers clasped together upon my lap, me listening to our breathing, and focused on the sweet floral scents entering my nose of the flowers in this garden.
I was starting to relax, and I started nodding off, my head drooping over my chest, and I lost consciousness.


Chirping of birds enters my ears, as I was breathing evenly, my eyelids closed, but since I'm blind, darkness is my only friend, even with my eyes closed.
I turn my head to the side and let out a little groan, me trying to wake up.
I heard tapping noises, which made my eyelids twitch, the familiar tapping noises of a PADD.

I groggily say.

I heard Spock say to me, as I sit up, and yawn into my hand.

"Um....where am I?"
I ask him.

"In my bedroom.
You fell asleep, so I reluctantly brought you to my quarters."
Spock replied.

"T....thank you.
I should go."
I tell him.

"If you leave at this our from my dorm, then it will cause rumors.
Just remain here until noon."
Spock tells me as an order.

"Are you sure?"
I ask him.

"I am sure.
I doubt Mister Kirk will be tolerant about finding you departing my dorm room."
Spock says to me, and I heard him sip, I'm guessing tea.

He's right; if Jimmy sees me coming from Spock's room, then Jimmy, including Bones will get the wrong idea, when nothing is going on between me and Spock.
I thought to myself, and I let out a disappointed sigh.
But why do I feel I am disappointed that nothing is going on between us?

"Do Vulcans drink coffee?"
I ask Spock, me tilting my head in his direction.

"Sadly no.
We prefer tea.
Vulcans are vegetarian, however not all Vulcans indulge in caffeine.
I enjoy herbal tea without the caffeine."
Spock tells me, and I could tell by his voice, that he's being brutally honest.

"Do you have parents?"
I ask him.

"Asking personal questions now are we?"
He replied, but there was no emotions within his voice, which is typical for a Vulcan.

"I was oy curious."
I say to him as I twiddle my thumbs upon my lap.

"My father is Vulcan and my mother is human."
I go wide eyed when he tells me this, because I know Vulcans do not mate with humans, due to most of them detest mating with us humans.

"So does that make you only half Vulcan?"
I ask him and rebuffed what I said next.
"Wait...that was a dumb question; sorry.
I'm just shocked.
I mean most Vulcans detest mating with humans, them complaining we stink."

"I understand you are puzzled by it, and to be honest I do not know why my father chose my mother either.
I am just as puzzled as you are."
Spock replied to me, and I heard a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Were you bullied for being half human?
I know the feeling.
I was bullied badly for being chubby as I am, and for dressing so modestly like a man."
I tell him honestly what was on my mind.

A beep sounded at his dorm room door; and I heard him stand up, and walk to the door, me hearing the door slide open.
"Mister Spock; here are the test results from last week."
I heard a voice say to Spock.

"Thank you Cadet.
At ease."
Spock says to the cadet, and I heard the cadet walk away, and the door slide closed, and the lock click upon the door.


To be continued.....

I made this short for a reason so I can work on other fanfics, so I can come back to this later.
I'm really struggling with depression lately due to mother has lung cancer.
Please have her in your hearts.
Her name is Kimberly.

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