Bumping Into Handsome Voice!

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Heres the next chapter!
Don't worry Kara will heal from her sexual assault with help of Jim and Spock.

Attempted drink spiking!
But it shall be resolved!

But who is the Hero?
Find out!


Four years had passed after Jimmy and I were recruited to Starfleet, and since I cannot write anymore, I use a PADD to orally do work, and use a voice recorder to record my instructors.
My passion was music from long ago, in the twenty-first century by Japanese rock artists, though I do not understand the language, since I'm not good at linguistics like Uhura is, with my abilities I have gained from going blind, I can feel emotions of the singers, even the emotions of the artists using the guitars and drums, or other instruments too.

I often listen to the music in a music portable player, with wireless earbuds alot when I'm alone, or in my room, or going on a little walk.

Jimmy is glad though I have a passion for music, as well my other passion is being in Starfleet.
My specialty is a human lie detector, thanks to me going blind, I can in fact tell if someone is lying to me through their emotions lacing their voices, however Vulcan's do not have any emotions in their voices, because they suppress all emotions, which is fascinating to me, so is hard to tell if a Vulcan is telling a fib or telling the truth.

Jimmy invited me to a bar once again, because he feels after he got good test scores from the last quiz, that he wanted to celebrate with Bones and I.

I agreed; on one condition as usual, that I would have him watch my drinks being made, since I cannot see if they are indeed spiked, and I used to be able to detect my drinks being spiked, however, rapists are getting crafty, them making date rape drugs that are odorless now.
Also it's illegal to have those drugs to get able to spike since 2025, but still I'm wary, because I don't trust people after my gang rape as a teenager, but somehow an old man saved me back then, that's what I was told, and the man was a Vulcan as well, which is why I'm so fascinated by Vulcans, since he saved me, and to me that old male Vulcan is my savior, and to be honest, since he saved me, I imagine what he looks like alot, me falling for him instantly for some reason after that happened.
I truly wished I could meet him someday and tell him thank you for saving my life.
The Vulcan Doctors don't know who the old male Vulcan was either, so he was an absolute mystery.
I do not drink alcohol anyways, but any kind of drink can be spiked, and as a survivor of a gang rape, I do not want it to happen again, because due to my gang rape, the damage was immense, and the Vulcan Surgeon had to reconstruct my vagina and cervix, because I was raped so severely.
I am also disease free as well.
That was when I was seventeen though, it's been many years, but still I fear being raped again, and Jimmy understands.
I try to hide my trauma the best I can, so it doesn't get me disqualified being in Starfleet, so I have had therapy quite a bit to try to put a bandage onto my trauma.

Trauma dumping can be hard for any person, but when I had my therapy appointments, I felt me talking about it took thousands of weights off my shoulders.
But men sometimes don't understand what people go through who are raped, and have trauma from it, that is until men experience it themselves.
And yes men can in fact be raped by other men, or women.
Hell; LGBTQIA folk go through it as well.

I was all ready to go to the bar, all dressed up in simple black clothing, a black baggy  t-shirt, and black sweatpants, black socks, and some, golden and black Air Jordans, well people tell me they are golden and black.

I was feeling around my purse as I walked, me looking for my shades, because there will be flashing lights that will bother my eyes at the bar, and as I was feeling for them, I accidentally bumped into something, me falling on top of a person, and I heard a grunt of pain, and my big breasted chest, was I felt, plastered against someone's face.
I heard my purse clatter to the floor, and everything in it get scattered out of it.

My knees were resting onto the floor, but I could feel I was straddling a slim waist, and a groin of a man, and I sit up, my eyes were moving side to side as I say to the person.
"I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to bump into you.
I'm actually blind."

"It is quite alright."
A male voice with no emotions lacing it says to me, which meant I ran into a Vulcan, a really young Vulcan, me now straddling their waist.

I slowly get up; and I ask him.
"Can you help me grab my things that I heard fall out of my purse?
I would be most grateful for you doing so?"

I heard him sit up and say.
"I will indeed help you."
I heard him picking up each article of my things that fell out of my purse, and I heard him say.
"Kara Madden correct?"

I tilt my head to the side rather cutely, and my eyes moved side to side.
I inquire.

"I was reading your identification to you.
Are you Kara Madden?"
He asked me.

"I am.
Thank you for helping me, and I am truly sorry for knocking you onto the ground."
I say to him, me severely flustered, me feeling my cheeks burn hotly, and to be honest his voice, the sound of it, made me know he's handsome, and ladies probably flock to him, but I heard Vulcan's don't take humans as mates, but only other Vulcans  through arranged marriages.

"It is alright.
Do not fret over something so illogical."
He says to me, and he handed me my purse.
"Every one of your belongings is in there.
Have a good day Miss Madden."
I heard him walk away, and as he walks away, my heart couldn't quit racing, because I was smitten by him, and I smile to myself as I walk out of my dorm, and headed towards Jimmy's dorm, and as I walk across the yard to his dorm, I passed by other cadets, which I heard them walk by me, and once I made it to his dorm, I walk through the doorway that opened with a beep, and I walk through the dorm, and I remember by memory where his dorm is at, on the second floor, and at the end of the hall.

I walked to the elevator, me running my fingers along the wall to find the up button, and I found it, me pushing it, and I listened for the elevator to arrive, and I waited patiently, and heard it ding, as well as the doors open, and I walk into the elevator, since it was empty, and I had pressed the second floor button, after I felt for it upon the wall, and the computer said.
"Second floor.
Going up."

I waited patiently, me thinking about the Vulcan I met, my heart racing as I did so, and I finally, after a few minutes, I heard the Computer say.
"You have arrived on the second floor."

I heard the doors open, and I walk out of the elevator, and I walk down the hallway, to the last door, which was Jimmy's room, and when I stopped at his door, I knocked on it, and I heard Jimmy yell to me.
"Come in!"

The door opened with a beep, it opening from it's voice recognition software, and I walk into the room, and I was glomped into a hug by Jimmy, and he says to me.
"Kara how I missed you."
I hug him back.

I then pull away, me saying to him.
"I know we have different classes, but you act like a lost puppy searching for his mother when you don't see me everyday, and it's kinda creepy."
I tease him.

"It's because I love you so much Kara."
He chuckled at me, and I could tell he was happy I'm here by the sound of his voice.
"Bones is going to meet us at the bar.
He will also watch your drinks, so don't worry."
He assured me before I could say something, and he pats my right shoulder to assure I will be safe thanks to Bones.

"Thank you Jimmy."
I smile in his direction in front of me, then I frown, me saying to him.
"Just don't knock up any girls."

"Oh I won't."
He says to me.

"Wear protection."
I scold him.

"You know you would make a good Mom with your nagging you know."
He teased me, and I guessed where his arm was as I smacked it, and he said.
Why did you hit me?"

"Because you teased me way too much."
I felt my cheeks burn hotly when he said that, because I immediately thought of that Vulcan I met earlier....well I ran into chest first in the face of, when he said that, and I got immediately embarrassed.

"But teasing family is fun."
He laughed at me.

I roll my eyes at him, and say to him.
"Are you ready?"

"Does my breath smell bad?"
He does a Ha, his breath entering my nose, and it smelled minty, as if he just brushed his teeth.

"It's minty."
I say honestly to him.

I heard the smirk lacing his voice.

"You ready to go?"
I asked him.

I'll guide you."
He took my arm into his, and we left his dorm room.


I sat upon a stool, and Bones sat next to me, and I tell the bartender what I wanted to drink.
"Sugar free coconut water please."

"I'll get right on that."
The bartender, I could hear, was putting ice into my drink glass, and poured the coconut water, which I could smell in the air, and then he sets it down for me, in front of me with a straw, which I could hear him do.

"Thank you."
I nod to the bartender.

"What happened to your eyes?"
The bartender asked me.

"That's a very unpopular personal question I do not intend to reply to sir."
I tell the bartender with an annoyed look upon my face.

"I'm sorry I asked."
He says rather politely to me.

"Thank you for respecting my boundaries sir."
I tell the bartender.

He says to me.

Bones was chatting with a girl next to me, talking about doctorate stuff, and I stir the ice in my glass with my straw, and I hum Give Me A Reason by Megumi Hayashibara, the beginning of the song over and over that one part.
"We meet again."
I heard a person sit down to my left upon a stool, and I recognized their voice as the young male Vulcan I met earlier, making me tilt my head a little, then turn my face towards him, and I saw his eyes were a chocolate color, and his aura was white, like all Vulcans have, who suppress their emotions, because that's how Vulcan aura's are that I see, but everyone else, their aura change color to their mood.

My heart immediately started racing when I heard him greet me, I then rub my neck nervously.
"Oh; nice to meet you again."

He then tells the bartender.
"Coconut water please with no sugar."

"On it."
The bartender I could hear was making his drink.

"You drink coconut water as well?"
I ask him.

"Yes; since it is vegetarian.
Vulcans are indeed vegetarian."
He replied to me.

"I forgot Vulcans are vegetarian."
I tell him.

"Why do you drink coconut water?"
He asked me.

"It's the only thing here nonalcoholic.
I'm not a drinker.
I just come here to relax with my brother and our friend."
I tell him honestly.

"I see."
He replied as the bartender sets down his drink.

The Vulcan then puts a hand over my hand upon my drink.
"Do not drink your beverage.
It is spiked."
He mutters to me.

I blink in surprise.
"How can you tell?"
I ask him.

"Vulcans have a heightened sense of smell."
He tells me.

"Thank you for noticing.
My sense of smell is better than most humans but, not all drugs are noticable by my nose."
I tell him honestly.

"Drink my beverage instead."
He tells me, and he slides my drink over to me, and I ran my fingers on the bar to feel for it, and my hand went around a glass, and I take it to my lips, and I sniff the drink, and it was sugar free coconut water, and I took a sip, and I swallow it down, and I sat there for a bit, noticing I was fine.
If I was drugged it would've taken affect immediately.

So he was telling the truth?
That his was not spiked?
I thought to myself, me shocked by this.
I owe this Vulcan my life!

"I will have the bartender fired immediately."
I heard him say to me, and he says to the bartender, who was working on drinks.
"I would like to speak to the owner of this club immediately."

"Sorry bub; but he don't speak to just anyone."
The bartender tells him.

"Then I guess notifying law enforcement on this club, and making a report, that you are lacing alcoholic beverages, with date rape substances, that have been illegal since 2025, will be quite a problem for the owner then?"
This Vulcan says to the bartender.

The bartender cleared his throat, and I could tell he was scared by the sound of how he cleared his throat.
"Pardon me; but I think Vulcan that you need to contact law enforcement anyways."
Bones butted in the conversation.
"Since my friend here was almost a victim.
My tricorter also detects the illegal date rape drug esctasy in the coconut water she was given by him."

I heard tapping on a PADD.
"Yes; I would like to report a club lacing beverages with illegal date rape drugs?
Please send law enforcement to Club Dale."
I heard the Vulcan say into the PADD.

"Right away sir.
Law enforcement will be there in ten minutes."
I heard the dispatcher say to him, and she hung up.

"Thank you sir."
I tell the Vulcan.

"This club will be shut down indefinitely, for such crude actions.
I will see to it!"
Bones yelled at the bartender, because he knows about my gang rape in highschool, and he knows I'm terrified of being raped again, and yes I know date rape drugs are illegal now, but still bars don't care, and will spike drinks for clientele.

I put a hand on Bone's arm.
"It's fine.
Get Jimmy and let's go back to the dorms."

"But Kara; you were almost drugged?!
Aren't you going to press charges?!"
Bone's asked me.

"Why when they always get away scott free?"
I tell him rather calmly, and I get off my stool, and say to the young male Vulcan.
"Thank you.
I owe you a favor for saving me from being drugged and possibly raped."
I then tug Bones along.
"Bones; let's find Jimmy, because I have a feeling any girl he's gonna take home will be drugged."

Bones gave in, and we started looking for Jimmy, and found him making out with a girl, by the sound of him messily kissing her I could hear, gross.
"Jim; stop making out with that girl!"
Bones scolds Jimmy.

Jimmy asked, him quite annoyed by the interruption I guess.

"This club is illegally spiking women's drinks!
It's illegal to spike drinks!"
Bones shouts at Jimmy.
"Kara was almost a victim!"

Jimmy, I heard, immediately stop kissing the girl, and he grits out.
Then he lowers his voice and hugged me.
"You okay Kara?"
I heard the concern in his voice.

"I'm fine."
I tell him.

"Luckily a Vulcan caught the bartender doing it!
The Vulcan also called authorities, so this place will be shut down immediately!"
Bones says to Jimmy.

"Let's go back to the dorms."
I tell Jimmy.

"You take her home Bones."
Jimmy I heard him crack his knuckles.

"What are you gonna do Jim?"
Bone's asked Jimmy.

"You don't want to know."
I heard Jimmy say to us, and heard him walk away.

"Let's go Bones."
I tell him, me calm, and Bones guided me out of the bar just as I heard the sirens of law enforcement vehicles pull up.


To be continued......

Spock was a hero!
But why did he save her hide?
And will she find out who the old male  Vulcan is?
Find out in the next chapter!

There will be no more sexual assault references mentioned until the Younger Spock finds out about it, which is much later.
I wanted to tell you guys that to ease your minds.

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