The Academy

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Here's the first chapter.......

Sexual Assault ahead, and other forms of assault with bear spray!
Skip if it bothers you please.
This is only to.spread awareness.
Also it's apart of the plot for her to find Spock who will heal her heart.


Jim Tiberius Kirk's mother was having labor pains, as her husband took command of the ship, after his Captain went to the Narada, as requested by the Captain of the Narada, Nero.
Kirk's father sacrificed himself to save his wife, the Narada blowing up the ship with Kirk's father aboard.
Kirk's mother gave birth upon the shuttle she was escaping in, as the ship was destroyed that Kirk's father was defending all the shuttle pods, as she gave birth to Jim Tiberius Kirk.


....A few years later......


An aunt of Jim Tiberius Kirk's was giving birth in a hospital, her screaming loudly at birth, and she was having the baby out of wedlock, the father only known to her, and Kirk's mother was there to support her sister Abigail, and Kirk was in the waiting room by himself, since his mother told him to stay in the waiting room, and Abigail had complications during the birth, so a C-section was done, but once the baby girl was taken out of her uterus, her mother began hemorrhaging, and the Vulcan medical personnel at the hospital tried to save her life, but alas, human medical technology can only go so far, and she bled to death, and the baby girl was being held by Kirk's mother, the newborn baby girl had a full of extremely dark midnight hair, that was curly, and was crying loudly, and Kirk's mother was sobbing as the Vulcan doctor said to her.
"I apologize that we could not save the mother.
She lived a prosperous life."

All the medical staff prepared Abigail's body for to be transfered to a funeral home, and the baby girl, Kirk's mother decided to name the baby girl the name Abigail picked out, which was Kara, and Kara would have Abigail's maiden name Madden.
Kirk's mother signed all documents, including the birth certificate, and she was allowed to take Kara home.
She walked with a baby carrier, with Kara inside it, her strapped in, and Jim looked to Kara, him happy he kinda had a sister figure, but no, Kara was legally his cousin.


.....Kara's Highschool Years....


Kara was excited to go to prom, but she wanted to wear a suit.
Her curly dark midnight color red hair could not remain long, due to it's so curly when long, that she cannot brush it, due to it would get tangled, and the brush would get stuck within her hair.
So she kept her hair boy short, like in the military.
She was chubby, with fourty-eight triple D sized breasts, with side boob on her under arms, and her shoulders were wide, including her back, she also had chubby kidney areas, but a small butt, since she has no round big butt, something she inherited from her unknown father, that Abigail claimed to Kirk's mother before she died, that Kara's father had, and Kara has wide large twelve sized men's feet, skinny boney legs like her mother, but thick thighs like her mother, and a pot belly like her mother did, though her mother was a small woman.
Kara had a round masculine face, dark thick eyelashes, bushy black eyebrows, and small lips, but a button nose.
Her skin was very pale like snow.
But all around her eyes and under them she has natural heavy dark circles, which people mistake them having makeup on them.

She was a very kind and warm hearted girl, and this night as she was getting ready for prom in her room, she will soon find out three boys will take advantage of her warm heart, and disable her for life, because they wanted to be cruel to her, them jealous she was indeed intelligent.

Jim walked into my bedroom as I had fixed my purple and black suit in order, and Jim walked up to me, and fixed my gray tie.
"You still have issues with ties."
He chuckled at me.

I smile warmly up at him, me not wearing makeup, because I don't really need it, to be honest.
"Thank you cousin."
I tell him, my heart racing at going to my first prom with a popular boy l, who asked me out, and Jimmy was skeptical about it, him telling me to be on guard, because he feared this popular boy would harm me.

"You look beautiful Kara.
I mean that as your cousin of course."
Jimmy smiled warmly down at me too.

I hug him after he fixed my tie in order, and he hugged me back as he said.
"I hope you have a fun night."

"Thank you."
I pull away from the hug and I ruffle his spikey blonde brown hair.

"Kara; Sterling is here!"
Auntie yelled for me.

"Well; I'm off."
I tell Jimmy.

"Kara; remember what I told you.
Be on guard.
The only reason a guy like him would date someone like you, is he would intend to harm you, but I will not get involved in what you want to do with your life, because I want you to be truly happy."
Jimmy tells me, and I nod to him.

Jimmy guided me down the stairs, and Sterling, the blonde jock stood with my Auntie, and Auntie started taking pictures of me as I descended the steps, and Sterling looked upon me with a look as if he didn't like I was wearing a suit.
I stepped down from the last step of the stairs, and so did Jimmy.

Sterling spoke to me.
"I thought you were going to wear a dress?"

"I didn't want to show skin."
I tell him.

"Who cares if she's in a suit.
My cousin looks beyond beautiful."
Jimmy glared at Sterling.

Sterling got nervous when Jimmy cracked his knuckles.
Sterling then says to me.
"I'm kidding.
You look great."

"You two better be off now."
Auntie says to me.

I wave to her as Sterling and I left, and Sterling guided me to his car, but I noticed his friends were in the back seat, and I look to Sterling confused.
"Why are they coming?
I thought it was just going to be me and you going together and alone?"

Sterling shrugged, him saying to me.
"I invited them, so chill."
He didn't open the passenger door for me, which I thought was disrespectful, but I pushed it aside, as I pull open the door, and get inside the vehicle, and buckle in, and Sterling gets in too, him buckling in, and drives off.

I stared out the window, as Sterling drove, and I soon after awhile noticed he was not driving the way to the school.
I look at him, asking him nervously.
Where are we going?
This isn't the way to the school."

"I decided to have prom elsewhere than school."
Sterling says to me, and suddenly a cloth went over my mouth and nose, and the cloth smelled funny, and I started struggling in my seat, as Sterling yelled to one of his friends.
"Hold her down so she gets knocked out!"

The other friend held my arms down onto the seat, from behind the seat, and the chemical in the cloth made my vision blur, and the next thing I woke up to is Sterling, and his two friends taking turns raping me in a forest, and I scream in pain and fear, because it hurt like hell, it felt like they were shredding my insides.
"Someone help!"

"Nobody can help you bitch!"
Sterling hits me across the head, making pain explode into my head, and he pulled out of my body, then says to his friends.
"Get the bear spray.
With that blinding her, she won't be able to identify us."

I heard a can being tossed to Sterling, and I felt his other friend grab me by my hair, tugging me onto my knees, and the other friend held my eyelids open, and I watch as Sterling started spraying my eyes with a full can of bear spray, the pain felt like my eyes were being shredded apart, and that gave me a migraine, which felt like head and eyes would cave in, and my eyes started crying blood onto my naked body, as he kept spraying my eyes, until I noticed my vision turn to black and gray, but I saw weird colored auras, and I knew I was blind now.
I then pass out from the pain.


Future Spock was was walking in a forest; and he heard a familiar scream, which was his beloved's scream, and he walked upon a horrible sight, to three young lads raping her, taking turns, which enraged him tenfold, and he then as he walked up to be behind the leader, he did the Vulcan Neck Pinch, knocking the leader out cold, and he used Vulcan Martial Arts, to deal with the two other lads.
His beloved was laying on her chest and stomach, and she was bleeding from her core, and her eyes.

She was trembling with so much pain going through her body, and her eyes were full of burns, her eyeballs were blood red, maimed, around her eyes had severe burns.
He kneels next to her, and places a hand upon her shoulder, and knew he had to get her to the closest emergency room, so he helped her upon her feet, him carrying her over one shoulder, after he put his overcoat robe over her body to cover her nakedness, and as he guided her out of the forest, and onto a dirt road, where he found a vehicle parked there, and he sets her into the passenger seat, and gets into the driver's side, him pushing a button, and the engine started, and he started driving her to the closest emergency room, which took thirty minutes, and he pulls up to the main entrance, and parked, and he gets out, and hauls her over the shoulder.

Immediately a Vulcan female nurse walked up to him, and asked.
"What occured?"

"She was gang raped and had her eyes sprayed with a deadly substance."
Future Spock says to her.

She nods.
"Bring her to a room.
We must collect samples of DNA."

"Her vagina is bleeding profusely."
Future Spock says as he was guided to an exam room, and other Vulcan Nurses helped him place her upon the cot to examine her.

The Vulcan Nurse that had Future Spock guide Kara into a room, after scanning her condition with a tricorter, had turned to Future Spock, to get more information, but he had disappeared.


.....Many Years Later......


Jimmy and I are in a bar; and I could hear Jimmy hitting on a girl next to me, him trying to get her in bed with him, but he soon was interrupted by another male voice.
"Are you hitting on my girlfriend?!"
He sounded livid that Jimmy was hitting on his girlfriend.

I flinch as I heard the guy start punching Jimmy, and I sigh rather boredly, and I was sipping a sugar free fountain drink that's not alcoholic, and as more fighting occured between him, and now more people, the music in the bar stopped when Admiral Pike shouts.

I tilt my head up, and I heard everyone, including Jimmy stop fighting, and I caught the irony smell of Jimmy's blood in the air, meaning he has a bloody nose.
Yep; I know what blood smells like, it smells like water with too much iron within it.

I heard bootstraps approach us of Admiral Pike's familiar walk that I know.
I turn my stool I'm sitting on around and say to Admiral Pike, my eyes moving side to side.
"Hello Admiral."
I smile warmly at him.

"Hello Kara.
How are you?"
Admiral Pike asked me.

"I'm quite fine, but my brother has a bloody nose, which I can smell."
I tell him.

"I came here to talk to you both.
I know you two always wanted to go to Starfleet, so I had a talk with some of my superiors, and they reluctantly allowed you Kara to be the first blind Cadet to go to Starfleet, and Jim here is also going to be going with you to Starfleet."
I grin happily when Pike said that.

I was always turned away because of my blindness!
Thank you sir!"
I say rather excitedly, and he chuckled at me, and I could tell by that chuckle, that he was indeed happy, that I'm happy too by this news he gave us.

"You'll be going to Starfleet Academy in a week, so you better pack.
Oh Kara?"
Pike says to me.

I tilt my head to the side rather cutely.
"Yes Sir?"
I ask him, me curious about what he'll say next, cause how he called to me, it seemed he wanted me to do a favor for him.

"Keep Jim out of trouble the best you can."
Pike says to me.

I nod.
"Yes Sir."
I tell him.


At this point in time when Pike comes to the bar Kara is nineteen, so next chapter will be four years later, and she is twenty-three starting next chapter.
Just please know I'm fighting with my bad internet and this device I'm writing on to work right.
My device is causing all apps to not work and kick me out of them, and it erases chapters when it does so.
My device freezes and then does that.
Now with my Mom having to get her car worked on I may not be able to get a new device until probably next month or in a few weeks, depending on her check.
She also may have to go through chemotherapy soon for lung cancer.
So please have her in your hearts to get over lung cancer.
She's had issues trying to quit smoking.
She's smoked since she was thirteen, she's in her late fifties now.
I'm afraid of losing her after I lost my grandma.

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