Chapter 26

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I was waiting for Yejin to finish up her bike but when I was going to check on her I saw that she was talking to someone through the window.

"What?" I asked myself as I looked out of the window and watched.

After a few seconds I saw the person she was talking to point to me at the window and Yejin well she just face palmed herself.

After a few seconds he said bye or I guess than left.

I sighed. She's going to be mad at me.

I walk out and look at her.

Doing the man stuff.

"Do you need help?" I asked her forgetting the part that she might yell at me.

"Nah... I'm fine." She said as I crouch down to her level and look at the bike with her.

I don't understand one thing.

"Can you hand me that?" She asked me as she pointed to a tool that looked like pair of scissors.

I picked them up and hand them to her.

I watched her cut something but I didn't understand I just let her do her thing.

"And there. Done." She said as she smiled than looked at her hands.

"You should wash them." I said trying to keep her safe.

"I was just going to do that." She said as she started to walk inside. I don't follow cause I just wanted to look at her bike.

It's really nice. The red and black pattern makes her look like she's not just a girl.

And the basket on the back, that thing I had to sit on it looked shiny and new. It kinda looks like that she out on a new one.

I look at the tools which is placed very unorganized. Everything is on top of each other and her helmet is on the bike handle.

I looked at it and realized that she never wore a helmet nor knee pads or elbow pads.

No wonder she got that, well it was on her shin not her knee but she probably needs to wear them. Does she even have any?

I heard the door open and I looked and saw Yejin.

"There." She said again and I smiled.

"Don't you even think of wearing pads or a helmet?" I asked her and she sighed.

"I don't have pads and the helmet, it's to small for me." She said as I sighed.

"Than you should get new ones." I said as she sighed.

"I'm fine." She said as I sighed.

"But... that's how you got that." I said as pointed to the wound on her leg.

"I know... but... that was cause this tire went flat." She said as she started to pick up the tools on the ground.

I got down and helped her with them.

But when i was going to grab the hammer she grabbed it and I did to.

Hands. Aigoo.

She looked at me then picked up the tool.

But... her hands were so soft! I felt like I was dying! First her hair than her hands.... no wonder she's so soft.

I probably should not have said that... but her hands were so soft!

☆[ Yejin's P.O.V ]☆   

I have one question. Why does N hang with me and not the others?

Ha. I even scared him with a bloody knife. But... that wasn't real and I didn't mean that either.

I quietly walk inside and just sit down. I took out my phone and looked through it.

But... earlier. I guess me and N kinda held hands but.... I hope he's not freaking out about it.

Cause I know I'm not. But gezz... just cause I held your hand doesn't mean anything.

Plus he said that he was embarrassed when that lady thought me and him were dating.

"Soo.... who was that guy you were talking to?" He asked me as I sighed.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked him and he nodded.

"He's, he's a friend of my dad's." I said as he nodded.

"Okay... I just wanted to make sure." He said as he smiled.

"You worry to much." I said as he just sighed than looped his arm around me.

"I think it's better to worry then let it get worst." He said as he tried to tap my nose.

"Okay... then maybe you should worry about other people." I said as he just sighed.

"I worry about everyone." He said as I sighed.

"Problem one." I said as I got up.

"Where are you going now?" He asked me as I didn't answer but walked out of the door.

I'm going to get some flowers. Cause my dad's friend told me that I can put flowers under this one tree.

And I'm going to do that.

I looked at my bike.

Please don't break on me.

I got on it and gave it a push. I heard N call my name.

"Gezz... next time answer me okay?" He said as I nodded but didn't look at him.

"Don't start now." He said as I sighed.

"Start what?" I asked him as he sighed.

"Nevermind, but... please tell me where your going now." He said as I smirked.

"What if I don't want to?" I asked him as he sighed.

"Tell me or I'm pushing you off this bike." He said as I smirked.

"Than do it." I said as he gave me a shocked face.

"I, I won't do such a thing." He said as I sighed.

"Thought so." I said as I got off the bike.

"Than why did you say to do it?" He asked me as I smiled than cleared my throat.

"Cause I knew you wouldn't do it." I said and he sighed than nodded.

"Fine. Okay, fair enough." He said as I nodded.

"Now, why are you out here?" He asked me as I smiled.

"I don't really know." I said playing dumb.

"Okay than Detective Gu." He said as he patted my head than looped his arm around me.

How many times did this happen? And how many times have I accepted it? I'm still waiting for him to ask me out. So I can get this done and dusted.

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