Chapter 27

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☆[Ravi's P.O.V]☆

It's only been 2 hours... and Leo is already tried of being the best hyung.

I mean like I wish that N was here to but he's been caught up with Detective Gu. Are they even doing a mission together? Probably not.

But I want to know, did he ask her out yet? Probably not. That a really big step not like that they are both perfect for each other.

"Think fast!" Ken yelled as he smacked me over the head with a pillow.

"What the heck!?!" I yelled at him rubbing where it hard the most.

"Sorry... but you failed!" He yelled so loud that I think I'm deaf now.

"Let me sleep." I said trying to get him out of the room.

"I'll sleep with you." He said as I sighed and got up and left the room.

No way that that's going to happen. Um... Maybe.
I walked to the kitchen table and just sat down.

I took out my phone and looked at my texts with N.

N: who is this?

Ravi: an unknown number...

N: what?!!

Ravi: read the top for the name dumbie.

N: oh.... hi Ravi!

Ravi: lol

N: don't lol me!

Ravi: Idc

N: fine... Mr. Kim Wok-Sik wins.

Ravi: whatever.

Those days... it is still the same now a days.

I click on the box to type and I text N a message.

Ravi: what are you doing?

N: nothing

Ravi: than maybe you should keep your promise.

N: oh than I'm in a little problem here.

Ravi: don't lie. You just want to be with Yejin... ask her out.

N: no way! She's going to say no

Ravi: than ask her like a week or 2 days later she's think it's real.

N: for once you have a good idea

Ravi: whatever but really... she might not even think of it.

N: okay I'll try.

Ravi: good and you better be home by 5 cause than Leo's going to kick your ass

N: but... I don't my butt to be kicked

Ravi: than be home by 5.

N: fine

Ravi: oh and have Yejin come with you

N: I'll try and get her to

Ravi: okay thanks hyung!

I look at the time it's 445. He has 15 minutes to convince Yejin to come with her.

"Ravi!" Hongbin yelled as he run down the hall almost slipping in the process.

"What?" I asked him once he sat down.

"Is N coming?" He asked me as I sighed.

"You watched me text Ravi, didn't you?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yea..." I said and he smiled.

"Good... cause... Leo, he's mad I guess cause I heard yelling." He said and I nodded.

"Okay than." I said kinda feeling worried about Leo.


When I think that it was just someone trying to open our door it was N. Like gezz..

I was kinda sleeping at the table when I heard the door open.

"N." I said as I saw behind him Yejin as she was just closing the door.

"N, I see you brought Yejin with you."  I said as I heard footsteps.

"Is N here?" Hyuk asked me as I he looked and saw N.

Than Ken came down doing the same thing and for Hongbin he didn't saw anything.

"Look!" Hyuk said as he tapped Ken and pointed to Yejin.

N walked to the table and sat down next to me.

"Ken and Hyuk act like little kids." He said as I nodded.

"Yea... but it's just Yejin... the others don't act like it." I said as he nodded.

"So... anything new about what happened to you two today?" I asked him as he sighed.

"Well.... this one lady, she thought we were dating all cause I paid for her." He said and I smiled.

"That's cute... but you paid for her?" I asked him and he nodded.

"And we also... I guess kinda held hands but it was like this." He said as he used his and my hand to show what they both did.

"So cute... but... I think it would be cuter if you two were a couple." I said as he sighed.

"I know." He said as I felt kinda shocked but I let it kinda slide but I won't forget it.

"Okay than... you made your promise as of right now." I said as the clocked turned to 5 o'clock.

"Good... soo... when's dinner tonight?" He asked me as I sighed.

"Normal time, 7." I said and he nodded.

"Oh and by the way... where's Leo?" He asked me as I pointed to his room.

"Thanks." He said as he got up and walked to his room.


"What's for dinner?" Ken asked Leo as Leo placed a player in front of both Ken and Hyuk.

"Ooo.... it's steak!" Hyuk yelled as he poked the steak with his fork.

"Don't poke your food." N said firmly to Hyuk as he stopped than looked at the steak.

Leo placed two plates in front of me and N. And gave Yejin her plate over my head.

"Thank you." She said as she slightly bowed and he did the same.

And Leo took his plate and Hongbin's plate and places Hongbin's in front of him. Than Leo sits next to Hyuk.

Than that's when I realized that Yejin was standing.

"Don't you want to seat down?" I asked her as she nodded no than that's when the attention for her begins.

"You can share the seat with me." Hongbin suggested as she nodded no.

"I'm fine." She said as N sighed.

"No... seat where I seat and I'll stand." N said and she nodded no once again. N's right she stubborn.

"Come on." N said as he got up.

"No, really, I'm fine." She said as N sighed than sat back down.

"I'll just sit over there." She said as she kinda point to an empty seat near the door.

Everyone except Leo nodded but really... they all felt sorry inside, like they should've done something.

"Now can she really be a new member?" N asked us as everyone nodded yes.

"Give her a chance, she might change." Hongbin said knowing that she's a cool person.

"She can be a new memebers, she's just like Ravi talks back to her oppa, I can say." Ken said as I watched N sighed, Ken knew her a someone like Ravi an evil but yet fun person to be around.

"And she's really nice... she gave me money for ice cream once." Hyuk said think back probably two years ago, but he knew her as kind and giving.

"What's does Ravi have to say?" N asked me as I sighed.

"She's a little stubborn sometimes but... she's really cool." I said as for me I knew her as someone that I would like, kind and sometimes annoying but really fun to be around.

"Fine, I'll give her one more chance." N said as everyone either smiled or said yay.

Silence except the sound of our forks hitting the plate or some little conversation between two people.

"Doesn't she look lonely." Ken said wanting to start a group conversation again.

"Yea... she's does." Hyuk said as he looked over at Yejin.

"Maybe, N should sit with her." I said as N sighed.

"I'll try." N said as he sighed when he looked at Yejin.

"Well? Aren't you going to do it?" Ken asked him as he sighed again.

"Yea, I'm going." N said as he took his chair and dragged it next to Yejin.

I watched her look up and then look at us be when she looked at us everyone put their heads down to make it look like that N just wanted to seat next to her.

"They do look perfect for each other." Hongbin said as Ken and Hyuk nodded showing that they agreed.

"N having a girlfriend?" Leo asked us as I nodded.

"Yea... didn't you see who he brought?" Ken asked him as he kinda pointed to Yejin and N.

"Yea... but do you even think of how N did it?" Leo asked us as everyone thought for a bit.

"Yea... your right." Hongbin said as he looked at them.

"Do you think he'll be able to put it off?" Ken asked as Leo shrugged.

"Maybe... at this point Yejin and N are probably past the close friends line but don't know it." He said as everyone nodded.

"But we dared him to ask her out and she was there. She might say no." Hyuk said as Ken and Hongbin nodded.

"I told him to ask her out a few days later." I said as Ken and the others nodded.

"That's so smart! She might as well forget it." Hongbin said as he took a bite of his food.

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