Chapter 3: Confusion

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Waking up with the weight of Anthony's arm draped over my middle was not something I had prepared myself for.

'Oh, he stayed?' I thought to myself. I thought he would have wanted more than anything to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Tito" I slightly nudged his arm, making him stir.

"Oh hey, good morning" he smiled sweetly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning, sorry I held you captive all night"

"I wasn't going to leave, you didn't seem like you were in a mood to stay by yourself when we were cleaning up. I was planning on crashing on the couch" he explained.

"I wasn't going to use your body then kick you out of bed, I'm not a guy" I laughed, making him laugh along with me.

"I should be offended but I really can't defend some guys" he chuckled softly.

"Are you hungry, I can make some breakfast?" I turned on my side to look at him.

"Tell you what, I'll go get us some breakfast and you relax if you'll do one thing for me?" He looked at me seriously.

"What's that?" I asked nervously.

"Come with me tomorrow?"

"That fundraising ball thingy for the team?" I asked, playing with the blanket that was over me.

"It's a season ticket holder event and it's just a fancy mingle" he chuckled, stilling my hand with his.

"Oh" I giggled softly. "Are you sure you want me to go?"

"Listen, Y/N, I need a date and you'll be able to see Ma-"

"Don't say it" I cut him off with a laugh, putting my hand over his mouth. "Fine, I'll go. You gotta bring back one hell of a breakfast though" I laughed.

"I'm going to that place you love down the street, it will be phenomenal" he jumped quickly out of bed while throwing his shirt over his head. "Oh and I'm wearing like a dark green if that helps with outfit planning" he grinned before leaving.

I shook my head with a laugh. I loved how easy we went from being, what I like to call, comfort buddies back to good friends seamlessly. It really was the perfect arrangement and there's no one else I could have pulled it off with.

I shook my head looking in the mirror at my reflection. Anthony had said dark green and at the time I thought the dress I had picked was a good choice but now I was rethinking everything.

I didn't think it looked as good on me as I initially thought and it completely tanked my self esteem. I had half a thought to try and find something and change quickly but a knock on the door proved I had ran out of time.

"I'm sorry, I tried" I motioned my arms out for him to see the dress.

"I love it" he smiled at me.

"You do?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, you look...indescribable"

"Really?" I turned to look at myself in the nearest mirror again suspiciously.

"Really" he ran a hand along my hip as I turned to him. "Like I might be a little...frustrated" he chuckled, tightening his grip on my hip.

"I know that's kind of our deal but that would make you way late sir" I giggled pinching his cheek before leading the way out the door.

"How is this even fair?" Anthony asked with a pout making me laugh while I locked the door.

Most people had expected Anthony and I to go to the event together with how close of friends we were, but I couldn't help but notice the shocked and confused look on Matt's face when we walked in together.

Anthony had to mingle so I took the opportunity to grab a drink while I could, promising to find him when I was done.

I had just ordered drinks and the bartender left to make them when a voice made me turn around.

"Soooo" Matt started, long and drawn out.

"Soooo?" I joked with a laugh.

"You came with Tito?" He finally asked curiously.

"Multiple times" I mumbled making a joke to myself but not audible enough for anyone else to hear me.

"What?" He asked seriously, not hearing me.

"I said yeah! He asked me yesterday" I smiled.

"I didn't know you guys were even a thing" he said cautiously while the bartender came back.

"We're not, we're good friends. I think he just didn't want to come alone" I breathed a laugh picking up the drinks giving a quick thank you to the bartender.

"Does that mean you'll save some time and maybe a dance later for me?" His eyes looked hopeful.

"Wouldn't that make your date jealous?" I eyed him.

"Solo tonight" he smiled widely.

"Oh" I breathed a laugh. "We'll see" I shot him another smile before walking away.

I handed Anthony his drink as soon as I approached him and he offered a warm smile.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that" he placed a gentle hand on my arm.

"I was getting mine anyway" I smiled leaning in closer to him. "I ran into Matt too, he wants me to save him a dance" I laughed.

"Hey, that's a start" he laughed, offering a high five.

Ok. A high five? That was weird.

The rest of the mingle went by uneventfully until Matt appeared at our table.

"So, how are you feeling about giving me that dance?" Matt said low behind me.

"Do you mind?" I turned to Anthony cautiously.

"Have fun buddy" he nudged me slightly.

I gave him a small grateful smile before getting up from my chair and following Matt.

"Nice dress" Matt smiled, wrapping an arm around my waist and taking my other hand in his.

"Thanks" I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. "I couldn't do much with the color Anthony gave me" I laughed softly.

"I think it's perfect" he smiled widely.

My heart rate was accelerating and my skin was starting to catch fire. There's no way a few simple words were having that kind of effect on me. I had a hard time finding my voice for the rest of that dance.

"Thanks for the dance" Matt said barely above a whisper into my ear before planting a small kiss on my cheek in a friendly manner and moving away.

What a jerk. Sure, he didn't know I was super into him but every time he was flirty in a friendly way I died a little bit more inside.

I turned to catch a glimpse of Anthony who sat at a table talking with Mat Barzal and a few other people I had no idea who they were. I made my way over to him and ran my arm over his shoulder and down his chest before resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Dance with me?" I asked smally and pleadingly.

"Of course" a smile slightly grew on his face as he grabbed my hand that rested on him and stood up. "Excuse me" he said to the table before leading the way away.

"So" he started after wrapping both arms around my waist and pulling me to him completely. "How was your dance?" he grinned at me. I shot him a look as I wrapped both of my arms around his neck. "What? Wasn't it everything you've ever dreamed of?" He joked.

"Oh yes, I love being friend zoned repeatedly by someone I got it bad for" I joked with a laugh.

"Trust me, it could be worse" he chuckled.

"Right" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine then, ignore the fact that he's staring at you and the way you're holding onto me right now" he softly laughed.

Now he was staring? Great, just great.

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