Shugo Base Delay Part 2

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Here's the next chapter.......


The next thing I knew; was that I woke up in a cabin, me laying in a bed, how I know is by how the cot felt extremely soft, softer than any other cot I've been on, and I heard even breathing next to me of a male person, and that confused me, so I sat up, and I started feeling on my body, me realizing my clothing was still on my body, and I sigh in relief at that, me relieved I didn't have sex unconsciously with someone, well with whoever I'm in the bed of.

I heard a groan and the bed shift beside me to my right, and I heard a male voice ask me.
"You are awake?"
I blink at the voice.

"Yes; but who are you?"
I ask this male voice.

"Your boss."
He replied; and I heard the blankets ruffle, and the bed creak.
"You fell asleep; and I became sleepy as well, so I brought you to the ship's bedroom cabin, and put the ship on autopilot."

I never knew he was this nice, but he was so moody and rude last night?
I mean he even choked me to the point of near death.
Feeling unnerved I remembered that; I brushed that aside, and I heard him get out of the bed, and heard him pulling on clothing, meaning he slept naked, and I'm so glad I am blind right now, but I was indeed curious what he looked like.

"I will fix us coffee and breakfast, so get around and about."
He says rather as an order, his voice stern and authoritative.

"Yes sir."
I get out of the bed, and my bare feet touched the cool metal flooring, causing me to get chicken skin upon my arms.

I heard his boots walk over to me, and he says.
"Hold out your hands."
I do as asked, and felt him hand me my leather black boots, and my socks.
"Put them on."
I merely nod and sat upon the bed, me pulling my socks and boots on.

"Truly are you blind?"
He finally spoke as I felt him watching me.

I tell him, me tying my boots in order.

"How did it happen?"
He asked me.

"Bullies sprayed my eyes with toxic chemicals when I was a teenager for shits and giggles."
I reply to him.

He was silent, him not saying a word.
"My mother had gifts like me; and did heal people to help take care of me who's blinded, but she died when I turned seventeen, so I had to learn to care for myself, since she was an orphan.
I never met my father.
He just dumped a pregnancy onto her, and boom, left."
I tell him more.
"I took jobs to heal people when I could when my powers awakened at age of twelve."

Still silence from him as I stood up.
"It's all in the past.
I've moved onward, having my chin held high, and not let my disability destroy my confidence in life."
I tell him as I fixed my pant legs to go over my boots, me bent over, then once I was done, I straightened myself.
"My mother would want me to do so anyways."

"I will fix breakfast from rations of mine I brought, so follow me."
He tells me as an order, and I heard him walk away, and I follow his footsteps.

I then heard him enter another room, where it smelled like food was cooked in here probably last night.
I sniff tilting my head up.
"Is this a kitchen?"

"Yes; can you cook?"
He asked me.

"Not very well."
I tell him.

"I figured as much."
He replied, his voice wasn't robotic, so whatever he wore when I first met him made his voice unrecognizable.
"I'll fix eggs and bacon."
I heard him grab a chair, him dragging it across the floor, making me cover my ears and flinch.

Damn; it's like nails on a chalkboard!
I thought to myself.

"Well; excuse me that moving the chair offends you."
He says rather rudely.

I ask him.

Weird that's what I thought, so how could he know what I'm thinking?
I thought to myself, me puzzled he could hear what I'm thinking.

"You are talking again."
He says rudely to me.

"No I'm thinking.
How can you know what I'm thinking?"
I ask him outloud.

I felt him grab my arm and pull me, then shoved me to sit in a metal chair.
"Sit there and be quiet."
He orders me rather rudely yet again.

I heard him start gathering what sounded like pots and utensils to cook with, and I sigh, me annoyed he's verbally abusing me.
I best keep quiet though, because he doesn't hesitate to harm me if I don't kowtow to his whims.
The smell of what smelled like potatoes hits my senses, eggs, and bacon, making me sniff.

"Is that hash browns I smell?"
I ask him.

As long as you have a cheese grater as well as peel the skin off, you can make homemade hash browns."
He tells me and the sizzling of all the food hits my ears immediately.

"I didn't know that."
I tell him honestly my thoughts.

"How do you think they were invented?
They were made first that way.
I always make my food homemade.
It is rare that I cook for others, so you should feel honored I'm doing so."
He sassed me rather rudely.

I would just have to deal with his abhorrent attitude for now onward, but I truly wanted to know why he acts this way.
I let out a sigh, me touching my neck with my fingers, and I flinch, me feeling a bruise was already there from him choking me last night, him manhandling me last night.
I frown deeply at that, knowing if my mother was alive she would tell me to immediately quit this job, but sadly I could not, because I'm broke, and need to feed, and clothe myself.
I truly needed this job, and this job is housing me for free, so I shouldn't truly  complain, lest I'd be an ungrateful bitch.

I heard clattering noises and I heard him say.
"I'll pull the chair to the table so stand up."
I do as asked as I stand up, and I heard him drag my chair, and I flinch at the scraping metallic sound, which reminded me of nails being dragged along a chalkboard.
He then grabbed my hand, dragging me to sit upon the chair.
He then guided my hand to touch the side of the plate then to my silverware.
"Eat now."
He orders me.

"What about you?"
I ask him as I felt my fingers grab a spoon, and I hold it within my fingers like a proper person should.

"I have a plate made for myself."
He replied and I then heard him bite into some bacon.

I started eating too, me taking longer to feel the spoon along my plate to scrape up the food into my mouth...well except for the bacon.
I ate the bacon technically last, and I heard him set a glass down by my plate.
"Make sure you are hydrated after eating."
He orders me, then he walked away.

I reached for the glass, and my fingers wrapped around it, which felt icy cold, meaning there was ice in it to keep my drink cool, and I lifted it up to be under my nose, and I sniffed it, me smelling it was indeed water, and I then sip it.
I swallow my drink down.
The cool water tingles down my throat in waves, and the same fashion to my stomach.

I set the glass down and I was finally done with my food, and I heard him grab the dishes, and walk away.
I then ask him.
"Are we almost to your base of operations?"
I ask him.

I took a detour since an asteroid belt caused by an astroid exploding was in the way of my usual route I take to my base."
He says to me as I heard him washing the things we used to eat with and he used to cook with.

"I see."
I reply, then ask him.
"Do you usually wear that thing that changes your voice?"

"Why the questions?"
He growled out in a moody fashion.

"I am only curious."
I reply, as I sipped more on the glass of water I held.

"I wear it because I like to."
He replied to me.

"Isn't it hot to wear?
Though I'm blind I can see shadows of gray, black, and light gray, and what you wore was dark colored, so I figured it was hot to wear."
I ask him my next question.

"I am used to it."
He replied.
"You are annoying me with the questions."

"I'm sorry I am.
I just like to learn more about you my employer, so I can serve you with the best of my abilities."
I reply to him.

"I do not become friendly with people I hire, since it is beneath me."
He says rather coldly to me as a reply.

He's not really been friendly since last night either, so I best not anger him again, lest I get choked again, but truly this man was indeed a mysterious person, who wears something to hide his voice, but today he chose to not wear whatever he wore yesterday that changed his voice, so I guess he trusts my blindness, so that I cannot identify him, but I never forget a voice though, which he don't know that.
Ever since I became blind; once I hear a voice, I don't forget it, and if I haven't heard the voice in awhile, and I hear it again, I'll immediately recognize it.
That ability has saved my life countless times, due to men tended to take advantage of my blindness, them stealing from me, but I've always identified them, and led the authorities on Tattooine to the thieves.

I heard his boots walk over to me; and I set the glass of empty water down onto the table for him to take, and I heard him take it from me, and go back to the kitchen sink to wash it.
"Thank you for the meal sir."
I tell him, and I meant it, what I said, because I do appreciate the meal.

"Don't kiss my ass."
He replied rather coldly.
"It will get you nowhere with me."

I sigh at his behavior.
"I was just being polite sir."

"I do not need such a thing."
He replied to me.

"I understand."
I say to him.

"The detour will take us a few more days worth of being on this ship, so it will be five days to arrive."
He says to me.

"That long?"
I ask him.

"Yes; but the supplies we have for food will run out before then, so I will have to stop at a planet to stock up on food supplies along the way, and you will go with me to get food supplies."
He says to me.

I say to him.


To be continued......

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