Shugo Base Delay

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Here's the next chapter........


I truly didn't have much to pack; mainly clothing, and hygiene products, as well as my hair gel, but once all of that stuff was put into my duffle bag, I had stepped out of my apartment, me leaving the key under the rock, and a note I wrote, and yes I can still write, but when I write everything is jumbled and diagonal, and typically people who have known me awhile can read my writing, like my landlord.

I sigh; me waiting by my apartment building for that Lord Ren guy to pick me up, so I just listened to the relaxing breezes going by me, that is until I heard crunching of footsteps approach me.
"Are you ready?"
The familiar mechanical robot male voice says to me, and I turn my head towards the voice, seeing a black figure standing in front of me about a few paces away.

"Yes I am sir."
I say to Lord Ren.

"Then follow me."
He says to me, and I heard his heavy crunching footsteps walk away, the boots crunching the sand beneath his boots, which was easy for me to follow him, and I walk behind him, about a few paces behind him.

We truly walked a long time; us walking through the market, and then passed the red light district, and then we came to an empty dirt area, until I heard his boots clomp onto metal, and when I followed him, my shoes tapped against a metal step, which I lifted my right foot, and felt the top of the metal step, which was diagonal, and I step my other foot on top of this diagonal staircase, and I walk up it, until my boots stepped onto a flat metal surface.

I felt him grab my arm roughly, and drag me harshly, to plop my bubble butt, to sit upon a leather chair by much force.
"My patience is wearing thin by you taking so long to get into my ship."
He grumbled out.

Well sorry I have to use my feet to feel the steps as I walk since I'm fucking blind!
I sass in my mind, me holding back firing my mouth of at him, because yes, General Romano told me Lord Ren is my superior, and my boss, so I have to not fire my mouth off, though I want to, or I'll be fired liquidy split, so I bit the inside of my cheek gently, to not say a word.

I heard the diagonal steps click closed, meaning they were not just stairs, but also the ship's door as well, and I sat my duffle bag onto the floor next to me, and I heard him pressing buttons I bet onto a control panel, and he says rather rudely to me.
"I will be piloting the ship, so do not distract me."

"Yes sir."
I say to him rather emotionlessly as possible, so I don't accidentally sass him, so that my voice don't sound snarky in the least, lest I be reprimanded by him, and to me he seems rather an asshole, and stuck up.

I heard the engine roar to the ship, and I felt it take off, and soon enough he says.
"We are leaving the planet now.
It will take a day to reach our star base."

"A day?"
I ask him in shock.

"Yes; I hope you brought something to eat until then?"
He says rather sarcastically to me.

"Sadly I didn't; because I had no food left at my apartment."
I reply to him, me being honest towards him.

"Then I shall share my rations until then."
He replied.
"I cannot have you starving; though you look like you could miss a few meals, I rather have you in tip top shape to do your duties."

Thanks for fat shaming me you prick and that you wanted me to starve myself to lose weight.
I sass him in my mind, me biting my cheek yet again gently so I don't say what I thought outloud, and I never met such a person who acted like this in my life, that is until now, the dude was practically asking for a butt whooping by someone my age, to put him over my knee and swat his bare ass.
I shook my head at imagining that, me pushing the annoyed thoughts of mine aside.

I let out a raggedy sigh as I heard him pressing buttons on the control panel, and after awhile, the silence was getting to me, to where me hearing him breathing through his mechanical robot voice thingy he talks with, was making me feel rather restless, so I shifted in my seat a couple times, making the leather seat make farting noises, and I heard him say rather hatefully.
"Sit still; the noise of the chair is deafening to my ears."

"I'm sorry sir; but I'm rather restless at the moment."
I say to him, my voice showing my annoyance a little bit.

"If you are so restless; then make yourself useful and sit there and shut up."
He replied just as hatefully as before.

I thought to myself, and I rest my hand upon my chin, that my elbow had been bent for me to do so.

I heard him sigh then grit out in his mechanical robot voice.
"Shut up!"

I didn't say anything."
I say rather emotionlessly, me trying not to be snarky with him.

"Your voice was loud; so you had to of spoke!"
He retorts back at me harshly.

You wish.
I thought to myself, me sassing him mentally.

Suddenly I was grabbed by my throat by what felt like a hand, squeezing my airway harshly to where I gagged.
"I said shut the bloody hell up!"
He shouts at me.

B....but I'm not saying anything!
I whine in my mind.

"I said shut the fuck up!"
I flinch at his harsh tone in his mechanical robot voice.

I didn't even think anymore; but my face started feeling constricted, my lungs screaming for air, me feeling like my head would explode, it pounding harshly in pain, and though I'm blind, I started seeing white sparkles in my vision, but suddenly I felt the grip around my throat cease, and oxygen flowed throughout my lungs once again, and I gasp for air, me coughing.

"Finally silence."
He sighs in relief through his mechanical robot voice.

I didn't think, I didn't talk, me too scared he could choke me to death, so I stayed where I sat, me listening to him pressing buttons, and piloting the ship, that is until I started to get sleepy, me feeling my bedtime approaching me, and I nodded off, my head bent forward as I'm sitting up.


To be continued.....

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