The Interview

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Here's the first chapter......


I sat in a room; a room waiting on the person who will interview me for a nursing slash doctor job at some kind of base, and I didn't care who hired me, as long as I get paid really well, so I was waiting patiently in the room, my round bubble butt sitting upon a metal uncomfortable as fuck chair, and my thick chubby thighs were crossed over each other, and I was wearing gray bootie jean shorts that hugged my thighs, and my big round bubble butt perfectly, including I wore a gray tank top, with a red and black checkered top, that was long sleeved, yet it was unbuttoned, and showed my big breasted chest in my tank top, that I know was showing my cleavage a little.
My thick upper chubby arms were showing prominently as I had my arms resting upon the metal chair, and I know my slight pot belly was showing in my tank top as well.
My short spiked up ashen brown hair; I know, probably showed more of it's ashen color from the LED lights in this room, that I felt warming my skin.
My eyes turned gray when I was blinded years ago by bullies as a teenager, and I have been told I have burn scars around my eyes, that look like chemical burns.
My lips were thin, my cheeks round, my jaw seemed more masculine than other women's jaws, which also had a slight double chin, that you can see if I lay down or bend my head down, but when my head is straight you can't see the double chin, and my eyebrows bushy, and my skin I'm told is a translucent kind of pale, like I lacked sun majorly, and my blue veins showed on my body more easily than other people.
My nails I usually bite off down to where they are extremely short.
My eyes used to be a golden hazel color before my blindness was thrust upon me.

My blindness is described as me seeing only dark blacks depending on what you wear; if you wear dark colors, you have a black shadowy outline, and if you wore lighter colors like gray, or even lighter colors, I see light gray, or possibly white.
I also see auras of people.
I never forget a voice either if I hear someone talk; which comes in handy, and I can hear emotions in people's voices, and detect lies.
I can also see the colors of people eyes.
Another gift I have is that I can heal any injury completely with my own energy; something I inherited from my mother, who was killed, because people fought over her, to obtain her, and her powers, but I use my powers to heal people, resulting in me becoming a doctor or nurse for people who hire me.

My last job didn't last long; especially after my employer tried to force himself on me, but failed, so I quit my job, and ran away, running far, but then I was sought out by a man called Slaughter, and he told me to come to a building on Tattooine, to talk to a man called General Romano, so that I'll get interviewed for a position I want as a doctor or nurse.

I have been waiting a long ass time; maybe an hour where I'm sitting, and I was focusing on listening for footsteps to come into or near this room, but yet I heard none so far, that is until I heard voices approaching the room I'm in, making my heart race in anxiety, and then I heard beeping from the door behind me, making me turn my head towards the door, so that my left ear could listen to who walks into the room.

I heard the door creak loudly open; a metallic creaking sound, which vibrated the room, and I heard two pairs of boots walk into the room, and one walked towards a desk, which I knew the desk was in front of me, because I could see the light gray shape, and the male figure with blue eyes, their body shape was light gray, and their hair was almost a whitish color, meaning they probably have very fair colored hair.
This person sat in a chair, and the other person I heard walk to stand next to the person sitting at the desk, and that person was taller, and their body shape was completely black, and I couldn't see the color of their eyes, but their aura was red, reddish static, and absolutely wild, which I've never seen before.
I tilt my head to the side in confusion at that wild red staticky aura I saw around the black figure.

I heard a throat clear, and a male voice speak.
"Good evening; I am General Romano, and you must be Tyra, the woman who Sergeant Slaughter recommended as a doctor for our infirmary, at our base of operations."

I nod saying.
"Yes I am."

"I looked over your resume; and it says here you are blind?"
General Romano asked me.

"Yes; I am blind, but that won't effect my workplace or anything of the sort."
I tell him honestly.

"Being blind can be a problem for us; since our base of operations runs at a base located within space, and not on a planet.
Who knows that you could fall into the wrong area and into space by accident?"
General Romano inquired to me.

"I'm not totally daft to do something like that.
I can figure out the layout of the base."
I tell him, me trying to reassure him to hire me.

"Are you certain you can be safe on a star base?
You seem confident; but I fear you will not be up to par."
General Romano replied to me, and I could hear the doubt within his voice, him judging me off the bat.

"I may be blind; but I've been around star bases most my life, and since I became blind, I have maneuvered around well, so please do not fret over such a matter, and anyways my healing capabilities are rare, and are of high value to you."
I say to him, me not sassing him one bit, me confident in my work ethic, that I know he will hire me.

"Yes; your resume says you have the gift to heal deadly and fatal injuries, and yet doesn't describe how though, which is concerning."
General Romano replied to me, and yet again he was doubtful and wary of my healing capabilities, which I could hear lacing his voice tremendously, however; I could sense in his voice he was desperate for a healer at this point and time, so he can't be picky at this very moment.

"My gifts of healing require energy to do so, which I was born with, and my mother was born with the same gift, which actually resulted in her untimely demise, because people fought over possession of her."
I say honestly to General Romano.

"Is it hereditary?"
I heard a mechanical robot voice ask me, which made me tilt my head to the other side, to focus on that voice.

"Yes; it is hereditary.
Passed onward onto each bloodline, but only females are born with the said gift of healing, and not males.
My mother often told me her family was blessed by a powerful being long ago, and that is why the females have this gift."
I reply to the mechanical robot voice.

The mechanical robot voice replied to me.
"Are you a Jedi?"

"What's a Jedi?"
I ask the mechanical robot voice, me having a confused look upon my face.

"Nevermind that I asked; since it seems you are clueless about Jedis."
The mechanical robot voice replied rather rudely to me, making me frown at the voice.

He seems like a very unamusing, yet annoying guy to be around.
I best be careful of not angering him in the future, since his voice seems cold hearted as well.
I thought to myself, and grounded myself as well, to listen, for if General Romano would ask more anymore questions.

"The man who spoke to you other than me is Lord Ren.
He will be your boss as well as my superior."
General Romano spoke to me.
"So if you are hired; you must be respectful to him, and not berate him."

"I understand."
I reply to General Romano.

So do I have the job?
Was this a test?
Truly I don't know, but I'd love to find out if I have the job so to speak, because my life depends on it, or I'll be homeless soon.

General Romano then says to me.
"You are hired; but Lord Ren shall escort you to our star base, and I shall stay here to do my own duties."

"Thank you."
I say to General Romano calmly, though inside I was relieved I was hired, so that I could feed and clothe myself, because I was running out of money to do just that, the money I saved up from my last job that I quit, due to the last boss tried to force himself onto me, and if I wasn't hired, I truly would be homeless soon, so I didn't want to be homeless like at all.
I brushed those bad thoughts aside, and I stand up, me holding out my hand for General Romano to shake, and I felt his warm hand clasp my own, and I shake his hand.
"I will not disappoint you sir."
I smile kindly yet warmly in General Romano's direction.

"You better not or Lord Ren will be unhappy, and you will not like him when he is unhappy."
General Romano says to me as he lets my hand go.
"Go home and pack; and I will have Lord Ren meet you at your home, and take you to his ship, to leave this planet."

I nod to him.
I walk towards the door, and I pull it open, and left the room.

Do you like her Lord Ren?"
General Romano smirked up at Kylo Ren.

"I will determine if she is worth the time of being hired later onward."
Kylo Ren says rather coldly as can be, and picked up the file of her resume General Romano was reading earlier, him looking to her address, so that he could pick her up later to leave Tattooine, to their star base Shugo.

"Do you believe her about her said healing powers Lord Ren?"
General Romano asked Kylo Ren.

"Hardly; but I may witness it later on, and I shall determine with my powers, if her gifts are of Jedi nature."
Kylo Ren replied to General Romano.

"And if she is Jedi material; then what will you do?"
General Romano asked Kylo Ren.

"I'll kill her."
Kylo Ren sets the resume of hers down onto the desk, and then left the room, him pulling open the door, and leaving down the hallway.

"I figured as such."
General Romano mutters to himself, him watching the Sith Lord leave the room.


To be continued.....

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