Five: healing

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only character I claim to own is the OCC villain and his jutsu's. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (author notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Five: healing

I didn't notice the main body had crept out of my line of sight. My main attention was on the shadow clones that stood before me. Suddenly without warning I was pushed out of harm's way as Naruto had taken a black lightning jutsu to his chest. Naruto coughed up blood as he screamed out in pain as the lightning damaged his body and seared his eyes. I caught Naruto's body as the man pulled his hand out of Naruto's chest. I screamed out Naruto's name as I laid him down gently on the ground. Tears suddenly poured down my face landing onto Naruto's. Naruto had sacrificed himself to protect me. I watched as all of his clones vanished in a puff of smoke as Naruto's breathing began to slow down.
"Sakura! You need to heal him!" I cried out as I quickly wiped away my tears. I usually never show any emotion especially when I was around my team. Sakura rushed to my side quickly as he began to heal Naruto. I just hoped that the nine tails would keep him alive until we could get him back to the village. The masked man seemed almost shocked that Naruto would risk his life to protect me. I could feel my Sharningan burning as it changed into the Mangekyou Sharningan while the Susanoo began to manifest in my rage.
"It seems that Jinchuriki means a lot to you. It would be a shame if the Biju within him died as well. As I know that I don't stand a chance against your Mangekyou Sharningan. So, I will let you live this time. But next time your eyes and that beast's chakra shall be mine." stated the masked man as he begun to vanish becoming one with the shadows.
"Who in the hell are you and why are you doing this?" I yelled out in rage. I could hear the masked figure laughing.
"My reasons are for me to know and for you to find out. But I will give you the privilege of knowing my name. It is Hatin Kiasho." stated the masked figure before he vanished completely. I turned off the Mangekyou Sharningan while I powered down the Susanoo.

I turned to see Sakura still working on Naruto. I started praying to god not to take the blond dweeb away from me.
"How is he Sakura?" asked Kakashi-sensei while he placed his forehead protector back over his Sharningan.
"It's not good. The jutsu fried his insides and outsides. This wound is far too serious for me to heal alone." replied Sakura. I could almost feel my knees buckle when I heard that there was a slight chance that Naruto could die.
"We have no choice but to go back to the village. Sai, I am going to need you to draw up some transportation. I am going to summon up Pakun to go ahead of us to warn Lady Tsunade about the situation." stated Kakashi-sensei. Sai rolled out one of his scrolls and began to quickly draw up two large birds. At the same time Kakashi-sensei bit into one of his fingers drawing blood that he needed for the Summoning Jutsu. By now Sai had completed the drawing as he held up a single finger for his hand sign.
"Super Beast Imitating Drawing." he stated as the two drawings leapt from the scroll coming to life. By now Kakashi-sensei had completed his summoning as he was talking to a small pug. While he was telling Pakun what he wanted the dog to tell Lady Tsunade, I helped get Naruto onto one of the birds being careful because of his wounds.

Sai and I managed to get Naruto onto the bird as Sakura rode with Kakashi-sensei. I was riding with Sai. Pakun had taken off quickly despite being such a small dog. I was biting my lip to keep my emotions from spilling over.
'You better not die on me Naruto. I have already lost everyone else that I care for. I don't want to lose you too.' I thought to myself. If he made it through this, I would find a way to bring back his smile and help him somehow overcome whatever made him lose his light. It took us almost half of the time to arrive at the village as the birds landed outside of the hospital. Tsunade was waiting along with a full staff to rush Naruto into surgery.
"Becareful with unloading Naruto. I want him into surgery right away. Kakashi you can fill me in on what happened afterwards." commanded Tsunade.
"Hai my lady." answered Kakashi-sensei as he helped bring Naruto down off the bird and onto a nearby stretcher. The staff brought Naruto into the hospital quickly as all we could do now was wait. I silently prayed that Naruto would make it through this. He has always been a fighter. That's probably what I always admired the most about him. No matter what the odds, Naruto would always fight to the bitter end.

I was pacing outside of the examining room. Kakashi-sensei had his nose buried inside of his usual porn book. Sakura tried to get me to sit down but, I was too nervous. If she told me to sit down next to her one more time, I swear to god that I am going to erupt. Finally the light to the examining room turned off as Tsunade came out. Everyone was on their feet waiting for word about Naruto's condition. I could feel my hands trembling with anticipation.
"We have managed to seal up his more serious wound. He is in stable condition resting for now. If he hadn't taken that jutsu, one of you would be dead." Hearing those words, I could almost feel my stomach sink. I owed Naruto my life. He had saved me yet again. "But the jutsu had damaged his sight. I don't even think that the nine tails can even heal his eyes as they are lost forever." added Tsunade. I wanted to collapse when I heard that Naruto was going to be blind for the rest of his life. "Kakashi, I want a full report about what had happened. And Sakura you and I need to talk. Sai and Sasuke, you guys can head home." stated Tsunade. She seemed angry with Sakura about something but I didn't want to know what it was. My only thoughts were that I wanted to see Naruto.
"Can I see him?" I asked trying not to show any emotion.
"You will find him in room 1120." answered Tsunade. I took off quickly heading to the room that Naruto was in. I could hear voices coming from inside of his room as I instantly recognized the voices to belong to the elders of the council, Homura and Koharu.
"Too bad that he didn't die during that mission." spat Koharu.
"I kind of wish he did this way he would have taken the nine tails with him. The only thing that he did right was protect the last Uchiha." I almost wanted to go into the room and rip them apart with how poorly they thought of Naruto. I was also shocked to hear what they had to say. Was Naruto under orders to protect me?
"Maybe perhaps his blindness can be a blessing. We still have the village's most powerful weapon at our disposal." they laughed as I could hear them leaving the room. I quickly used the jutsu that I saw the masked man perform hiding in the shadows while I watched both Homura and Koharu leave.

I came out of the shadows once they were gone as I entered the room that Naruto was in to find him lying in the bed. He was wrapped up like a mummy as the only part of his face that was exposed was from the nose down to his chin. I could remember the spiteful words spoken by Homura and Koharu. I also remembered the words that Tsunade spoke. I felt confused and conflicted. Did Naruto spare me out of sense of obligation? No it felt more than that as I remembered back to our very first A ranked mission where I had protected Naruto. I ran my mind through the scenario feeling that what had happened back there was almost the same as what happened during the wave mission.
"Why Naruto? Why did you protect me when it almost cost you your life? You damn idiot. You better get well soon as I don't want to lose you. I care for you too much to want you to risk your life for me even if it means that I lose you." I stated softly as I leaned over Naruto placing a soft kiss onto his cheek. "I love you Naruto Uzumaki. You better get well soon this way I can tell you personally." I stated as I left Naruto's room wiping away the tears that started to fall. First I had to tell Tsunade about what I had heard the two elders say. I know that she wasn't going to be happy with this news.

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