Six: changes

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only character I claim to own is the OCC villain and his jutsu's. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (author notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Six: changes

If I wasn't so weak and spent most of my charka keeping Naruto alive, I would rip past the seal to rip into Sakura. How dare she do such a lousy job of healing my host? If I didn't know any better, I would say that she was under orders to let us die if Naruto got hurt. It's those damn elders of the council. If I had my way, I would kill them all. I worked almost none stop to make certain that Naruto didn't die on me. The black lightning jutsu that he had taken has done a number on Naruto as he no longer was going to be able to see. Not even with all of my abilities and Naruto's unique healing, there was no way that he would ever see again. Right now all I could do was to wait for Naruto to regain consciousness. I was certainly shocked to hear Sasuke's confession about how he felt towards Naruto. It wasn't my place to tell Naruto about Sasuke's feelings. I figured that Sasuke would get a chance to do that himself. I would have never expected for the emo ninja to have any sort of emotions besides hatred for his older brother Itachi who supposedly killed his whole clan.

While Naruto was unconscious I managed to achieve a human form. I couldn't wait to show Naruto and hold him in my arms. I also thought about if there could be a way for me to restore Naruto's sight. The answer came to me as I thought about the kekkigenkai. Since I was a part of Naruto, I could give him my eyes. But it would only be for missions and more mundane tasks like eating. But in the meantime, I allowed his other remaining senses to become much sharper. I just waited hopping against all odds that Naruto comes out of his comma. A part of me is worried about what happens if he never regains consciousness. Suddenly I cringed when I heard Tsunade's voice bellow out. No doubt Sasuke had told her about what the elders of the council had said. I kind of wished Naruto was awake to witness it as I couldn't help hide my grin that crossed my muzzle.
"Serves them right. Hopefully something is done about them. Especially after all the shit they put Naruto through. This village is about to get a rude wake up call."

I don't know how many days it has been since Naruto has slipped into his comma. I am aware of the few people whom truly care for Naruto that come and visit him. One of the people whom came the most was Sasuke. Almost every weak he brings some new flowers for Naruto and makes idol chit chat. I am a bit surprised to hear that the council elders and the whole entire council has been disbanded. Tsunade is rebuilding the council using the rookie heads of their clans. The people that Naruto knows all too well, the people whom he has grown up with, trained together with, and even accomplished missions with. If and when Naruto regains consciousness, we will be living with Sasuke. I was even more shocked to learn that he has turned down being a chunin as he wants to earn that status not have it given to him. His first mission will be to watch over and help Naruto. I grinned when I heard this as not everyone has truly abandoned him. Perhaps there could be a chance for Naruto to love Sasuke back. Not that I hate the Uchiha but when it came down to his ancestor Madara, I hated the man with a passion. Him along with Obito whom thought that they could use me as their own personal weapons. I am glad that both men were dead. Perhaps there may be a chance for Sasuke yet as I could easily forgive him for what happened in the past. But that was Naruto's call if he would forgive Sasuke. If I ever caught Hitan's scent again, I will kill him personally especially for what he did to Naruto. He deserved to die. Plain and simple.


I could feel myself dying but at the same time I was still strangely alive. I could hear the voices of my parents telling me that it wasn't time for me. That I had to go back and correct the wrongs that have been made. That my one true soul mate was waiting for me. There were still people whom care deeply about me.
"Don't hate the village Naruto and/or the people whom live there. Show them how wrong they are about you and the nine tails. Show them how strong you are and that the will of fire burns the brightest within you." I could hear my father say before everything went deadly quite. Suddenly loud sounds blared in my ears as I sat upright quickly trying to drown out the noise. Everything was so damn loud and too dark.
*Naruto..... Naruto..... Calm down. It's all right everything is all right. You are safe and sound back in Konaha.* called out Kurama. I was in pure panic that I didn't understand what was happening around me as I slammed my hands over my ears.
'Make it stop! Please...... It's too loud! Why can't I see anything?' I asked myself. Suddenly I could feel myself being pulled into my mindscape. I could feel myself being held tightly by someone that I clearly didn't recognize. It made me panic even more.
"Naruto please calm down. I am not going to hurt you. Please Kit..... Relax as you are safe." spoke a voice that I was all too familiar with. I turned to see an older looking man with long reddish orange hair that was tied up into a ponytail. Two long black strands framed his face as I could see Kurama's familiar eyes staring at me. The man was wearing an orange oriental style kimono robe as he had slightly pointed human ears. When he smiled, I could see a pair of sharp fangs. He held me in his arms almost like I was a treasured possession.
"Kurama?" I asked in shock wondering why it was I could see within my mindscape. The man nodded his head as he began to cry into my shoulder.
"I honestly thought that I had lost you. Don't ever scare me like that Kit. Please don't ever leave me Naruto."

I allowed Kurama to cry as he held me. It felt strange for me to see the once mighty nine tailed fox as a frail human. After a while Kurama had calmed down as he wiped away some of his stray tears.
"Sorry about that. It is just these human emotions tend to over whelm me at times."
"No problem. It is just strange to see you like this. When did you become human and why?" I asked him.
"While you were out cold I had worked on a jutsu to make me become human." Kurama replied as he tightened his hold on me. "I couldn't do this in my natural form. I felt like you were in need of this as I wanted to hold you and comfort you."
"I see..... Hey Kurama?"
"Yes Kit?"
"Thanks. I am sorry about worrying you. I didn't expect that man's jutsu to do that much damage to me."
"Yeah about that...... We need to talk." stated Kurama. He explained that while I was in my mindscape, I could see just like normal but outside of the mindscape, I was blind as a bat. He also told me that Sakura didn't fully attempt to heal me. I didn't know whether to be upset and/or angry about hearing that. Because of the jutsu frying my eyes, I would never be able to physically see ever again. "Because you have lost your sight, I enhanced your other senses. But the more I thought about it, I could give you a blood line trait."
"Really? How?"
"I will give you my eyes to see but you won't be able to use them all of the time. My vision will be much sharper than what you are used to. If I were you, I would keep your eyes a secret."
"Kurama would it be alright if I only tell a few people?" Kurama scratched his chin deep in thought.
"Your hokage and your two sensei's." Kurama replied before shape shifting back into his true fox form. "You better go Naruto. You have a visitor."
"Thanks Kurama." I replied before leaving my mindscape.

When I came back around everything was still pitch black as Kurama helped lower my hearing to make it a dull roar. The smell of older herbs and medicine drifted up my nose. I lowered my hands from my ears as I turned my head slightly.
"Whose there?" I asked out loud.
"How are you feeling Naruto?" asked a voice that I clearly recognized.
"Grandma?" I asked as I heard Tsunade chuckle out loud.
"Who else would it be?" she asked as I could hear her come close to the bed that I was on. I could feel her hands ruffle up my blond locks. The smell of herbs and medicine was coming from her. "You all had us a worried for a bit." A slight frown crossed my face.
"Well probably not everyone. How long have I been out?"
"Almost three weeks. So much has happened since you have been unconscious." I would have looked at her in confusion but since I couldn't see, I had to ask her what she meant. Tsunade told me that she had to discipline Sakura for not healing me properly when she learned what the elders of the council told me and Sakura to do. They told Sakura that if I got wounded to make sure not to fully treat my wounds. In other words let me die. Sasuke had told Tsunade about what the two elders of the council said when they came to visit me. Tsunade was very upset to learn that the council would be so underhanded as to direct two of their ninjas in such a way. A new scent caught my attention as I could smell fire and ash coming from this person whom had entered my room. A stunned gasp came from that person.
"Naruto?" asked the voice as it belonged to no other than Sasuke.
"Ah just in time Sasuke. I was just about to tell Naruto that he will be living with you from now on."
"What?!" I yelled out in shock. I could hear Kurama laughing through our mental link. *You knew you damn fox!* I yelled at him.
*Hey I wasn't the one who took a deadly jutsu to the chest losing my sight.* Kurama yelled at me as I knew that he had a point. I was literally blind as a bat until Kurama gives me his eyes to see. I let out a long sigh as I knew that I had no choice in the matter.
"I will leave you two to talk. I will check up on you later Naruto." stated Tsunade as she kissed me on the cheek before leaving.
'Just great...... Does the whole entire world hate me now? I have to live with my all-time rival and emo ninja. I sighed to myself as I could hear Sasuke shuffling about the room. *Hey Kurama, can you give me your eyes for a second? I want to see what he is doing.* I could feel a sharp sting as I opened up my newfound eyes which was still hidden by the bandages that I was wearing as I was able to see like the bandages weren't there. Sasuke was rearranging some of the flowers. I wonder where all of these flowers came from. What I noticed the most was how attractive Sasuke was. He was no longer wearing the outfit from when he was with Orochimaru but a brand new outfit. It was a white high collar shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back. He wore a pair of black Anbu style pants along with his usual head plate and ninja shoes. I could feel myself blushing at the sight that it felt like my heart was literally beating a mile a minute in my chest.

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