Seven: more changes

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only character I claim to own is the OCC villain and his jutsu's. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (author notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Seven: more changes

I could hear Naruto cough lightly grabbing my attention. I turned to the blond to see him twiddling his thumbs.
"So I am going to stay with you?" he questioned.
"That's right. Kakashi-sensei and Yamato-sensei helped me with moving your stuff. I even got Tazuna and Inari to remodel the Uchiha district. I gave most of the houses up only keeping the main house for you and me."
"But who will be watching over me while you complete more advance missions because of being a chunin?"
"I am not a chunin anymore. I went to being a genin." Naruto looked shocked to hear this. "I was given the rank by the council even thought I was still technically listed as a rogue. I got my status wiped clean and told Lady Tsunade that I wanted to rightfully earn the rank of chunin. She agreed as part of my mission will be helping you out since you can't see." I replied as I pulled up a chair next to Naruto's bed. "I think I understand why you pushed me out of harm's way. But I need to make certain. Was it because the council told you too?"
"Hell no! Even if they didn't tell me too...... I would have still pushed you out of the way. Remember the wave mission when you shielded me from Haku's attacks? It felt like the same thing was happening all over again. I wasn't going to stand by and watch a teammate get killed." Naruto yelled as he gripped his blankets hard in his hands. I gently touched one of his hands calming him back down.
"I thought as much. Thanks Naruto." I stated smiling at him even though he couldn't see it.
"Your welcome teme. So who's all the flowers from?" I looked at him in shock. How could he know about them?
"I could smell them. The nine tails enhanced my other senses to cover for me being blind. I can smell them all." I let out a soft sigh as I looked at Naruto. His eyes where still covered by bandages but the rest of them were that used to be on his body had been removed.
"Some of them are from Lady Tsunade, Kakashi-sensei, and Yamato-sensei. A few of them are from Tazuna and Inari as well as Teuchi and his daughter Ayame. The rest are from me." I stated bashfully. I was partly glad that Naruto couldn't see me blush as I grabbed a stuffed bear given to him by Ayame. I noticed that the bandages around his eyes were coming loose. "Here let me take off you bandages since they are coming loose dweeb." I stated handing him the stuffed animal. His hands ran over the object feeling it before he placed his head on top of the bear's head. I almost got a nose bleed from seeing him like that. 'God damn it. Why did I have to fall in love with him of all people?' I asked myself as sometimes Naruto was too cute for words. He looked so fragile and vulnerable. I carefully sat on his bed reaching over to undo the bandages. They unraveled revealing Naruto's blue eyes but now they were dull and glassy. Tears began to stream down from his sightless eyes. I began to gently wipe them away as it broke my heart to see Naruto cry.
"Hey Sasuke.....?"
"Thanks." he replied staring almost at me.
"You're welcome Naruto."


After a while Sasuke had left to get me some clothes as I should be released soon. I let out a soft sigh that I have been holding since Sasuke came into the room.
*You know he has visited you almost every day. The ones that he had mentioned occasionally came by but Sasuke came almost all the time.* Kurama stated through our mindlink. I was still a bit speechless seeing Sasuke smile and blush. I never knew he had it in him. I have seen him smile genuinely a couple of times but usually his face was an emotionless mask. I wonder what changed him. *Hey Kit...... Did you hear me?*
*Huh..... What?* I asked earning a grumpy growl from Kurama. *Sorry Kyu..... I heard you. It is just so strange to see that side to Sasuke.* I replied as I could smell Tsunade's scent enter the room as I turned my head towards her presence. "Grandma..... Could you shut the door for a minute or two? There is something important that I need to show you and tell you." I could hear the door close shut as Tsunade approached the bed.
"Is there something wrong Naruto?" she asked as I could feel her chakra going over me to make certain that no wounds remained.
"It is about my eyes. The nine tails told me that I will be permantely blind but there is a way for me to still see. Kurama is going to give me his eyes to see but it will only be for things like missions." I could hear Tsunade's stunned gasp. I knew how everyone felt about Kurama as they thought that he was a mindless and emotionless beast. But they haven't come to know him like I have. At first we had this hate and hate relationship but now we have a more common relationship almost like we are friends.
"The Kyuubi would do that for you?" Tsunade asked in shock. I could hear Kurama snarl through our mental link.
*Calm down Kurama. I don't think they realize that you are far different from what they know. I will set the record straight.* I told him mentally.
*Thanks Kit.*

I told Tsunade about what truly happened sixteen years ago on the night I was born. None of it was Kurama's fault. He was ripped out of my mom after she had given birth to be as Obito threatened to kill me if my dad didn't step away from my mom. According to Kurama, Obito managed to hip him out of my mom who tried to keep him bound despite the seal being weakened because of my birth. Once free of his former host body, my mom was dying much in the same way that happened to Gaara when Shukaku was ripped from him. Obito took control of Kurama using the Sharningan.
"Naruto with him giving you his eyes to see, is there still a chance that a Sharningan could control you and him?"
*Not certain. I don't think Sasuke would do that to us. But if he wanted to, he could. Madara did the same thing to me many years before Obito did.* replied Kurama.
"Yes, there is always a chance that Sasuke's Sharningan could control us." I answered wondering what Kurama meant that Sauske might not try to control us. Clearly the fox knew something.
"Whom else are you going to tell about your eyes?"
"Both Yamato-sensei and Kakashi-sensei since they are our captains."
"I understand. I shall suggest that you tell them right away. But in the meantime I want you to rest and get used to everything. You will have a very trying time ahead of you Naruto." Tsunade stated almost like reflex I touched my sightless eyes knowing that is what she was talking about. I could feel Tsunade touching my hands causing them to lower into my lap as she opened up my hands. I could feel her place an object in my hands as I allowed one of my hands to guide over the object. When I felt the soft fabric meet with the cold metal, I instantly knew that I was holding my leaf headband. "Naruto no words can ever say how sorry I am for everything we have put you through. In no way shape and/or form did you deserve this. But I promise you as Hokae I will make certain that no one ever speaks ill of you ever again or treats you poorly. You are the hero of this village as it is about time that the people here treated you as such." I gently reached out to touch her hand as she gripped my bed hard.
"It's alright Grandma. I am used to it. Besides I want everyone here within the village to see me in the same way that you and a few others see me. Not as the jailor to the nine tailed fox but me as Naruto Uzumaki." I told her as I could feel her grip loosen.
"Are you certain Naruto?" she asked in concern. I just slowly nodded my head yes. "Very well. In the meantime I am going to have Kiba Inuzuka train you for your enhanced senses. We don't want anyone to know that you aren't actually blind."
"But Grandma I am blind, without Kurama helping me to see. I can't see a single thing." I told her.

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