Fourteen: Naruto's decision

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain, the demon fox, and their abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Warnings: there will be two males kissing within this chapter so please don't hate!

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Fourteen: Naruto's decision

As we continued on with the mission, I apologized for snapping at Gaara. I had no right to take my anger out at him.
"It's all right Naruto. It is perfectly understandable. I just had no idea that your life hasn't gotten any better since the fourth ninja war. You know if you need someone to talk to you can come and see me." Gaara replied.
"I can't pull you away from your duties as Kazekage!" I stated in shock.
"Naruto you are my friend as you need someone who truly understands what you are going through. Regardless if I am the Kazekage, I will always make time for my friends. Plus, I kind of owe it to you as you had helped me out in the past." replied Gaara. I knew precisely what he was talking about.
"Give it up Naruto. Gaara's too stuborn to drop this. If we have learned anything it is that he is determined to help others out no matter what. Not that it is a bad thing." Kankuro stated earning a smack possibly from Temari. Gaara couldn't help but to chuckle at the two of them. It warmed my heart to see Gaara not as closed off as he once was when I first meet him. All of us Jinchuriki had one thing in common, we were all viewed as monsters and demons in human form to the point where it resulted in the villagers hating and fearing our existence.
"Thanks Gaara." I replied with a genuine smile on my face.
"So...... you and Sasuke......"
"I am not certain about that. He has no idea what it means to be in love or involved romatically with a Jinchuriki."
"Well you should tell him. If he truly does love you as he says he does, then he will except everything that is entitled to being involved with a Jinchuriki romantically." Gaara stated.
*He's right Naruto. After this mission is completed, you need to talk to Sasuke and tell him everything. All of it.* Kurama stated mentally.


It warmed my heart to see Naruto become almost like his usual cheerful self once again around the sand siblings.
"Naruto......" Sai stated grabbing the blonde's attention. "About your eyes......" Naruto unconsciously touched his blind eyes as we all knew that someone was going to say something sooner or later. He no longer had a head plate covering his blind eyes seeing how Hitan shattered his.
"It's almost the same as my Sharningan and Rinnegan. The nine tails is giving him his eyes to see." I stated.
"Sasuke is right. The only ones whom knew were myself, Lady Tsunade, and Yamato." Kakashi-sensei added.
"I was afraid of how people would react if they saw them. I am only to use the ability during missions. Kurama and I have set up a way that I can activate them when I need to. I am sorry that I didn't tell you guys. I was kind of afraid of your reactions." Naruto stated sadly.
"You should have had more faith in your teammates Naruto. Granted, I can understand your need and desire to keep them a secret. I however don't see you as a monster. It is thanks to you that I was able to discover some of my own hidden emotions." stated Sai. Tears streaked down Naruto's face as he was speechless for words.
"Hold on Naruto before we go any further, I need to give you a head plate until we get back to the village." Kakashi-sensei stated holding out Sakura's head plate. Yohko took the object in his mouth handing it to Naruto whom tied it around his arm.
"Kakashi-sensei, what did Sakura mean by the fact that I took everything from her?" Naruto asked as I have been wondering that to.
"Why don't we set up camp and I will fill you all in." stated Kakashi-sensei.


After camp was set up, we all sat beside the warm fire. Yohko was curled up next to me as his head was in my lap as I occasionally petted him.
"As you and Sasuke know, Sakura isn't from any clan like you as her family are civilians." I nodded my head that this information was nothing new to me. I remembered meeting Sakura's mother once when we became genin. She stared at me with such hate filled eyes. I recalled that several times she lead mobs of villagers to attack me when I was younger. I couldn't understand why the woman would act one way around her daughter anytime I was near and then turn around and try to kill me. "Well it happened around the same time that you were born Naruto and the nine tails attacked. Sakura's father was helping lead some villagers to safety."
"But none of that was Kurama's fault! He was forced to attack the village. No wonder why Mrs. Haruno tried to attack me several times. She must think that I am Kurama like everyone else does."
"And since Mrs. Haruno was on the council and the third hokage found out what she had done to you, she lost her job. Then there is the matter of Sasuke." stated Kakashi-sensei.
"I always knew that she was an obsessive fan girl since we were kids. Not once did I ever show any intrest in her and/or any romantic feelings towards her. Or any other girl for that matter." Sasuke growled. I could feel Sasuke's burning gaze on me causing me to gulp in fear. "Why did you promise her to bring me back to her any way Naruto?"
"Remember how I said that my nindo way was to never break a promise? Well it was shortly after you had left to join Orochimaru. Sakura made me promise to bring you back home. I knew how much she cared for you. I wanted to please her and bring you back because I knew that Orochimaru was clearly going to use you. But we all know how that turned out. Why did you come back Sasuke?" I asked.
"To tell you the truth, I missed someone very deeply as he always tried his hardest to make me realize how much of an idiot I was. I had discovered just how much this person truly meant to me." replied Sasuke. I could feel a visible blush cross my face.
"We should get some sleep as we have a long day ahead of us." stated Kakashi-sensei.

I had troubles falling asleep as Gaara's suggestion kept me awake. Kurama had also came to the same conculsion as Gaara that I needed to tell Sasuke everything there is about dating a Jinchuriki or even being remotely involved with one. I even thought over what Kakashi-sensei had told us about Sakura. No matter how hard I tired, I couldn't hate her for her and her families delusions about me.
"What's the matter Naruto? Can't sleep?" called out a soft voice. I recognized it as Sasuke's.
"Too much is on my mind. Can we go somewhere and talk for a bit? There are something that you need to know about me before you truly want to commit to this relationship." I replied. I could feel Sasuke take me by the hand leading me away from the camp and the others.


Once we were a good distance away, I turned to Naruto wondering what could be so important that it would make him doubt my feelings for him.
"Alright Naruto...... Spill." I stated kind of roughly. Naruto began telling me about how once every year he would go into heat. "Heat?"
"Where I crave sex. Remember during spring when I couldn't do any missions for the whole month maybe weeks at a time?"
"I remember...... Oh god during those times......" I felt like such an idiot. Naruto was hardly ever sick except during spring. Even when he was injured he healed abnormally fast. Part of it was thanks to Kurama, the other because of his Uzumaki blood.
"Yeah...... I would want it so badly. To prevent myself from hurting anyone or forcing me onto them, I would lock myself within my home. Well during these heat phases if I had a willing mate......"
"Significant other......" Naruto replied pausing as I allowed him to continue. "This mate can be male and/or female as we Jinchuriki have no gender preference. But I would mark them as my mate transforming them into a half demon." Naruto stated. I felt myself touching the mark Orochimaru gave me as the image of my cursed form crossed my mind.
"And if your mate was male?" I asked still processing what Naruto just told me.
"Well depending on who is the seme and the uke, depends on who becomes pregnant and carries the cubs."
"Wait...... You mean to tell me if you and I have sex, one of us could get pregnant and have children?!" I asked in shock. Naruto just nodded his head weakly. I didn't know whether to be over joyed or completely in shock. Since I had fallen in love for Naruto, I had given up the idea of rebuilding the Uchiha clan. But now Naruto was telling me there was a chance that I could still rebuild my clan with him. I could sense that there was still more that he needed to tell me. "What else Naruto?" I questioned.
"By marking a mate, they will be able to see and hear Kurama in the same way that I can. We would be able to talk within each other's mind. Remember how I told you they would become a half demon? Well they too would gain not only a demonic form but also an inner demon as well kind of like Kurama. This mark will bind us together forever. The cubs that we produce will also bear these same traits." Naruto stated as he turned heading back to camp. "I will understand if you want nothing more to do with me because of this Sasuke." I caught Naruto in a tight hug before he could leave as I could see tears begin to form in his eyes.


Sasuke held me tightly as I tried not to break down. He turned me around to face him never breaking the hug.
"None of that bothers me Naruto. I was already marked once by Orochimaru and transformed into a demon. If you can override his mark then I am willing to make our relationship work. Do you remember when we were kids and Kakashi-sensei made us tell everyone our goals?"
"Yeah...... It was to kill a certain someone and to rebuild your clan."
"Exactly. Now I can still do that with the one person that I care for most in the world. Nothing else matters to me anymore but you Naruto." Sasuke stated as his words vibrated to my very core.
*He truly means it Kit. I didn't think that it was possible but, this Uchiha brat truly loves you with all of his heart and soul. He is our true mate, our soul mate.* Kurama stated. Sasuke reached up wiping away the tears that were forming within my eyes. I pulled Sasuke closer to me as I kissed him long and hard. I could feel him deepening the kiss as I moaned out allowing him to snake his tongue into my mouth. I could feel our bond grow even stronger than ever before as I could sense and feel what Kurama meant. I knew then that I too had fallen for Sasuke Uchiha. Our kiss began to get more aggressive and rough that I was forced to break away when I needed to breath. During our kiss I could tell almost instantly that I would most definitely be the uke in our relationship.
"I love you Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze." Sasuke whispered using my full name.
"I love you as well Sasuke Uchiha." I whispered back meaning every word.

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