Thirteen: Sasuke's feelings become known

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain, the demon fox, and their abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Warnings: there will be two males kissing within this chapter. There will also be some major Sakura bashing so please don't hate!

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Thirteen: Sasuke's feelings become known

I could see the fear in Naruto's demonic eyes as he thought of himself as a monster. It broke my heart to see him like that. Gaara was the first one to move as he went up to the blond whom looked almost like as if he was ready to bolt. I could hear Naruto mutter to himself that he was a monster.
"Naruto you are not a monster. You have everyone back at the leaf village whom cares a great deal for you." Gaara stated in a soft spoken voice. Naruto took a step back way from Gaara as he snarled at him.
"Yeah right! My whole entire village hates and despises me. Even after saving them twice from total disturction, they still see me as a monster. You are lucky Gaara, everyone back in Suna loves you as you have earned their respect. No matter what I say and/or do they still fear and hate me. No one cares about me!" Naruto growled.
"That's not true Naruto! You have the other teams, their captains, Komamaru and his squad, Lady Tsunade, the people at Ichiraku, Iruka-sensei, your captains, and us. We will never see you as a monster Naruto. You have more people than you realize whom care for you." I snapped at him. This caused Naruto's eyes to widen before I noticed his demonic eyes begin to change to a dull glassy blue. It then clicked in my mind, Kurama must have given Naruto his eyes to see but he could only use them for missions. It would be almost the same as my kekkigenkai. I felt that now was a good time to tell Naruto how I truly felt. I could feel a smirk cross my face as it would forever end Sakura's endless obsession with me. "The truth is that you have someone whom loves you a great deal." I stated. This caused Naruto to raise his brow in question.
"Really...... Who? All I know of is Hinata and even her feelings towards me have changed as all she sees me is as a friend." replied Naruto. I was close enough to Naruto that I could grab him and pull him close.
"No it's not her." I stated as he looked at me in confusion. "It's me, you dweeb. I love you Naruto Uzumaki."
"What!?" roared out Sakura in shock. Even Naruto looked shock at my declaration.
"Ha...... Ha...... Very funny teme." Naruto stated.
"Fine...... I will prove it to you and everyone else here my feelings." I stated as I grabbed Naruto pulling him close. Before he had a chance to struggle, I placed a soft and gentle kiss onto Naruto's lips. I poured all of my feelings and emotions into the kiss.


My eyes widened considerably as Sasuke kissed me. This wasn't like out first accidental kiss. This one was filled with all of Sasuke's emotions and feelings. I found it hard to believe that my one time rival and fellow teammate could have these kinds of feelings towards me.
*It is about damn time that he finally admitted it to you.* Kurama stated in the back of my mind.
*Wait....! You knew all this time!* I yelled at the fox. *When and how did you know?* I asked him.
*I knew ever since you were healing after being attacked from Hitan. Sasuke admitted to you how he felt and how wrong he was to leave. He was blind to the truth. Now that he is back home, he made a promise to bring back your ray of sunshine and to get you to smile again.* Kurama replied.
*Why didn't you tell me?*
*Because it's not my place to tell you. It is for you to decide whether or not you are going to accept and return his feelings.* Kurama answered. Soon I pulled back away from Sasuke as I could feel myself blushing. I wasn't sure what to say.

"Sasuke...... I......"
"It's all right Naruto. You don't have to return my feelings right away." Sasuke stated softly.
"No...... No....... No!" screamed out Sakura as I could hear her charge at us. "Sasuke was supposed to be mine! How dare you Naruto. You have taken everything from me!" she roared out. I was totally confused by what she meant by that. Sasuke moved me behind him as I could feel Gaara's sand, Kankuro's chakra strings, and Yamato's wood style trap Sakura to prevent her from attacking me. "No.... Let me go. Let me kill that monster! He deserves to die for everything that he has done to me and everyone else. It's all his fault. He killed my father, made my mother lose her job on the council, and took away Sasuke from me. Sasuke was supposed to love me. Not some god damned monster!" she roared out. I tried not to cringe when I heard those words from her lips. I could feel Kurama comfort me from Sakura's harsh words. Soon a loud resounding slap echoed out.


I kind of felt like I was on cloud nine after I shared my intimate kiss with Naruto. Of course Sakura had to ruin the moment. I couldn't take how she bad mouthed Naruto. Some of the things that she blamed on him had nothing to do with Naruto. I could see Naruto cringe at Sakura's harsh words that I went up and slapped her hard across the face. Her eyes widened considerably when I did that. I could feel my Sharningan throbbing as she had no clue some of the things that Naruto has been through. I could see Kakashi-sensei walk up to Sakura whom laid trapped by Gaara's sand, Kankuro's chakra strings, and Yamato-sensei's wood prison as Kakashi-sensei took off her head plate.
"That's mine!" she screamed out.
"Not any more. Lady Tsunade had given you one more chance to redeem yourself Sakura. And you spat on it trying to attack and kill a teammate. From this moment on you are no longer a leaf ninja. Your actions will be dealt with when we return to the village."
"You can't do this to me!" she snarled. Kakashi-sensei looked at me nodding his head. I allowed my Sharningan to manifest. "Sasuke....... You can't honestly tell me that you love that monster."
"The only monster I see here is you Sakura. I was never yours to begin with as I never told you that I loved you as you are god damn annoying. You have no clue to half of the things that Naruto has been through because of him being a Jinchuriki. Perhaps it is about time that you experience it all for yourself." I hissed at her as I placed her in a Tsukuyomi rendering her unconscious. Of course I had no idea of some of the things that Naruto has been through either but, I had a very vivid imagination with what little I did know.

"Do you think we should head back to the leaf?" asked Temari after everything was over with.
"No we can continue on with the mission. Yamato can bring Sakura back to the leaf and inform the hokage about what had happened." Kakashi-sensei stated.
"Then we should get going. I don't want to take the chance of that man showing up again." Gaara stated. Kakashi-sensei nodded his head as Gaara retracted his sand along with Kankuro's chakra strings.
"I shall join up with you as soon as I can." stated Yamato-sensei as he turned heading back to the leaf with an unconscious Sakura. The rest of us continued on our way bringing Gaara back to Suna. Naruto looked deep in thought as no doubt he was trying to process everything that had happened.


We continued on with the mission to bring Gaara home despite the fact that we were a teammate short. But then again I didn't expect for Sakura to try to attack me. Nor did I expect for Sasuke to hold those kind of emotions and feelings for me of all people. I kind of felt conflicted as those whom had loved me ended up dying. First were my parents as I never placed the blame on Kurama for that, then there was the third hokage whom was killed by Orochimaru, my godfather Jiraiya whom was killed by Pain, and Hinata whom was also nearly killed by Pain. I was a bit afraid to open up my heart to anyone. Even though I would possibly never admit this to anyone not even Sasuke, but I felt like our bond has gotten stronger than ever since he had returned to the village. He too had lost a lot of people whom cared for him. But he got to actually know these people and live with them as he witnessed them being killed. I never truly got to feel what it is like to feel the love from another person my entire life.
*Hey Kurama?* I asked mentally earning a questioned growl. *I thought that you hated the Uchiha's because two of them used you as a weapon.*
*That's true but, Sasuke feels different. I could hear sincerity in his words as he apologized for the actions of his ancestors. He promised that he would never use us like that. He missed your smile and rambunctious attitude. And to tell you the truth so do I.*
*So you wouldn't be upset if I did return his feelings?*
*Naruto, I am only a part of you. It is your body and your emotions. I say give him a chance. He became a genin again for you, took you in when he realized that you would never see again, and he has done so many other things all for you. It is up to you if you are going to return those feelings.* Kurama stated. I thought over what the fox said as I got his impressions about Sasuke. He didn't truly hate Sasuke despite him being an Uchiha.
*Hey Kurama......* I stated earning another questioned growl. *Thanks.*
*Anything for you kit.* he replied.

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