Twelve: demon eyes

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain, the demon fox, and their abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Twelve: demon eyes

It would take us three days to reach the sand village. As we traveled, Gaara asked me about Yohko. He thought that I had found a way to summon Kurama from beyond the seal. I had explained to him that Yohko was found by Kiba Inuzuka and team eight while on a mission to shut down a black market ring that was sealing animal pelts as these pelts would have more than one tail. I told Gaara that according to Kurama before the Biju were sealed within us, they may have taken on mates. These mates would bear cubs with multiple tails. Yohko just happened to be one of Kurama's ancestors.
"I see. I have been wondering about that since I have seen the three tailed fox by your side. On a more personal question, why are you and Kurama so mad at Sakura for?" Gaara asked. It surprised me that he had heard my outburst but didn't understand why we were pissed off with her. I had explained what had happened when Hitan first attacked us resulting in my blindness. I could feel Gaara's sand leaking out of his gourd as he wanted to kill Sakura. Gaara took several long deep calming breaths calming himself down before he did something that he was going to regret. "If I wasn't the kazekage and good friends with the leaf, I would honestly strike her down without any hesitation. Now I understand why he is a bit ticked off about that pitiful apology. What was she thinking?" Gaara asked in a low snarl.
"To tell you the truth Gaara, I don't know. Whatever her reason maybe, it is still no excuse for what happened." I replied.


I smiled mentally to myself when I saw bits of Gaara's sand come out and head towards Sakura. No doubt that the kazekage knew what happened to Naruto. Suddenly without warning I could see Naruto tense up as he pushed Gaara behind him. Yohko let out a low deep snarl as I could hear one also rise up from Naruto as the blond went into a defensive stance. I quickly went into a defensive stance as well activating my Sharningan. I noticed everyone else also went into defensive stance ready for whatever attack that was about to come. With the way that Naruto and Yohko was reacting, it only led me with one person whom would be so bold to attack a group of ninja. I could feel myself tense up as I wanted to attack Hitan before he could attack us.
"My...... My...... My...... Such hostility. I am surprised though that the nine tails Jinchuriki had survived my black lightning jutsu." I could see red chakra begin to cover Naruto's body taking on the form of a one tailed fox. His nails sharpened into claws as a pair of sharp fangs emerged from his lips. I have seen Naruto like this before from time to time when we fought. Kurama was clearly giving Naruto his power.
"You are a dead man Hitan Kiasho. Why are you after those with kekkigenkai eyes and the Biju chakra?" Naruto asked in a low deep voice as I could hear bits of Kurama's own voice mixed in with Naruto's own.
"Sorry I can't tell you. Let alone I can't allow you to find out about me and my clan." Hitan replied. Naruto quickly made the hand sign for his signature multiple shadow clone jutsu as at least a hundred copies of him and Yohko puffed into existence. The two charged leaving the true Naruto and Yohko with the group. I watched carefully through the Sharningan as Naruto and Yohko fought Hitan. I knew that Naruto was analyzing what kind of techniques this man was capable of.

Hitan ran his hands through a series of hand signs as he created shadow clones each one had lightning as black as night wrapped around his hand. It was the same jutsu that he tried to kill Naruto with. I quickly ran my hands through a series of hand signs calling upon my own lightning jutsu as I rushed in to Naruto's aid when Hitan's real body went for Naruto. My chidori clashed with Hitan's black lightning causing sparks to fly as both Hitan's and Naruto's shadow clones vanished in a puff of smoke.
"So you guys are taking me on more seriously this time. You will still all fail as I will get what I have come for." Hitan stated boldly. Gaara's sand shot out trying to catch Hitan which he managed to avoid getting caught.
"There is no way that we are allowing you to lay a single hand on us." snarled Gaara. Kankuro had all of his puppets out protecting Gaara in case Hitan came after the kazekage. This caused Hitan to smirk as he seemed confident that we couldn't beat him.


*I truly don't like his smirk. He clearly has something planned. Be careful Naruto.* Kurama told me mentally. I kept all of my senses trained on Hitan. I had to agree with Kurama on one thing. I didn't like the way that he was smiling as if he knew that he had already won.
"Let's see if you guys can hit what you can't see." Hitan stated as he ran his hands through a series of hand signs. "Darkness wave!" he called out as a wave of darkness shrouded the area. Kurama's keen eyes could see clearly everything despite the darkness that surrounded us. Yohko allowed a light flame to be produced by his tails allowing everyone else to see. I watched carefully waiting for Hitan to strike as I could feel Kurama's chakra giving me two tails. I could see Hitan's hands glowing in a light blue light as he stealthfully approached both Gaara and Sasuke. I had no clue what he was planning but I knew that I had to stop him. I moved with a burst of speed placing myself in between Hitan and his targets. His hands hit my head plate which was covering my eyes causing it to shatter. I could hear everyone gasp when they saw my glowing Kurama eyes as the darkness wave dissipated.
"Damn....... I was so close to having the Uchiha's eyes." Hitan stated as he leapt back away from me. I could feel my rage boiling causing me to sprout a third tail.
"Everyone get back!" commanded Kakashi-sensei as I charged wildly at Hitan. I was blind with rage as I noticed my team back away from me just in case I went into a fourth tail state. I couldn't easily control myself in that state. Hitan noticed my enraged state as I think he realized just how dangerous I was.
"Perhaps I think it is time for me to take my leave." he stated.
"You're not going anywhere!" I growled as charka arms went to grab Hitan before he could escape. Hitan screamed out in pain as I grabbed him and slammed him into the ground hard. When the rubble cleared, I had found that he had used a substitution to escape.
"I would love to play some more with you nine tails. But after seeing your display of power, I think that I need to rethink my stagey. Until next time!" Hitan called out before he vanished from sight.
"I will kill you Hitan Kiasho!" I roared out. After I had felt his presence was completely gone I began to power down Kurama's chakra. I turned towards my group to see everyone look at me with fear in their eyes for I had become a monster. I didn't want to be a monster in their eyes but now they have truly seen what I am capable of as they all feared me with good reason.

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