TwentyEight: pregnancy

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

Major Warnings: There will be a boy giving birth and pregnant.  Also there is a huge time skip from Naruto when he first learns that he's pregnant to the point where he gives birth.  If you aren't into those kind of things, then please skip this chapter.

TwentyEight: pregnancy


I could already feel the cub that was growing within Naruto as well as my own mate Takaryu.  Both Takaryu's and my cub would grow and mature faster than the one that was growing within Naruto.  I could also tell that our cub was much like me in many ways possible except for that he will have a much darker fur color.  I could also tell that Naruto's cub will look exactly like Naruto except for that he will have Sasuke's hair color.  I laid wrapped around my mate in my fox form as he slept in his dragon form.  We were all worn out from our mating during Takaryu's first heat and Naruto finally being able to go all the way unstricted with his own mate during his heat.  I knew that both Naruto and Sasuke was aware of the cub that was now growing within Naruto's womb.  I couldn't help but to giggle wondering how things were going to be for Naruto now that he has a cub.  I remembered Kushina would get morning sickness, she had violent mood swings, and craved strange foods.  I wondered if Naruto was going to have the same reactions now that he was expecting.


I awoke the next morning feeling a bit under the weather which was a bit unusual for me considering how I am hardly ever sick.  I laid curled up next to Sasuke as we were both completely nude.  Bits and pieces of what happened entered my brain as I now currently pregnant with one of Sasuke's cubs.  We have been graced with a single child.  I couldn't help but to smile as I rubbed my hand over my slight baby bump that I had formed.
*I guess congratulations are in order.* Kurama stated mentally.
*Thanks.  I take it that Takaryu is also expecting.*
*Yeah. He is currently cursing me out while throwing up.* Kurama replied causing me to laugh.  I could feel Sasuke stirring besides me.
"Good morning beautiful." he whispered as his hand began to rub my belly.  "I can't believe that we have a child already growing within your womb."
"Takaryu is also expecting as he is going through the joys of morning sickness."
"What about you?"
"I feel a bit queasy but, I am alright.  Can we get washed up?" I asked.  Sasuke smiled as he got up scooping me up into his arms bridal style.  I blushed wildly as he carried me over to the waterfall.  My legs felt like rubber as I knew that I would recover in time.  We both got cleaned up as Sasuke wanted to spend the rest of our remaining honeymoon showing some more of the sights before he went back home.


The week had ended as we had make our way back home.  Yokho had found himself a female fox for a mate.  She was a ball of energy as she took an instant liking to Naruto.  I mean what isn't there to like about my blonde mate?  Because of her fur color was almost exactly the same as Naruto's mom, Naruto had named the female fox Kushina.  The pups that they would produce would make good partners for our children.  Especially the one that we were currently expecting.  As we walked back home we talked about names for our unborn son, who we would like to have as god parents just in case anything should happen to us.

When we came home our first stop was at the hokage towers.  Kakashi's face was now among the hokage faces that have been carved into the mountain side overlooking the village.  This brought a smile to our faces as Naruto held a sleeping Kushina in his arms.  We figured that Tsunade would be in the hokage tower.  If not there she was either at the gambling hall or getting drunk.  We knocked on the door to hear Kakashi telling us to come in.
"Ah...... Naruto, Sasuke.  Welcome back.  How was the honeymoon?" he asked looking up from his paperwork.
"Good.  Yohko found himself a mate.  And I am expecting." Naruto stated.  This caused Kakashi to smile from behind his mask.
"Congratulations Naruto.  So who else knows?"
"Gaara, as he was named the godfather." I replied.
"Oh...... I see.  Well, if you guys are looking for Tsunade, she's at the hospital."
"Thanks Kakashi-sensei.  Or should we be calling you lord hokage now?" Naruto asked.
"It's fine if you and the rest of team seven still calls me sensei." he replied.  Both Naruto and I thanked Kakashi before we took off for the hospital.


We arrived and entered the hospital to see Tsunade lay down some rules.  Possibly some concerning me.  The staff went back to work as Tsunade turned towards us.  The frown that was etched on her face transformed into a bright smile.  I knew instantly that I was expecting a child.
"Naruto!  Congratulations.  I guess that we have to set up your appointments to monitor the baby.  So please come with me and we will talk some more." Tsunade stated as she lead us to an examination room to check my health and everything else.  We talked about the birthing process as I filled Tsunade in to the fact that I would be giving birth to our child using my sexy jutsu.  I would carry nine months like most women but, I could carry the child in my natural form and be able to feed them too.  I was told that I had to make sure that I got plenty of rest and exercise.  So in other words, no missions for me for a while.  Once the appointments and medical file was all set up, we went to the Inuzuka compound to get Kushina her shots and license.  I could already tell that the next nine months were going to be interesting to say the least. 


The nine months went by in a blink of an eye.  Naruto and I had moved into the Namikaze estates as our clan symbol sat on the gates surrounding the compound.  We made the basement into a den for the foxes as Kurama created a summoning contract that would allow future generations to summon him and his ancestors.  Since the room that was supposed to be Naruto's when he was born remained untouched, we decided that could be our son's room.  We gave him the toys that Naruto received when he was blind and the toy that Naruto gave me.  We transformed what used to be his parents room into our master bedroom.  Everything was set for our son.  Naruto practically glowed when he was pregnant as we would spend time cuddling while I would stoke his belly.  I was practically in tears when I felt our son kick my hand for the first time.  It was coming close to Naruto's birthday as our son was also due on the same date.  Kushina (the fox), already had a litter of four pups.  A small blond four tailed fox would often curl up on Naruto's stomach.  Naruto named the fox cub after his father, the fourth hokage, Minato.  I named the other three pups after the family that I had lost and who loved me the most.  My brother Itachi, my father Fugaku, and my mother Mikoto.

We were at Ichiraku Ramen shop as I occasionally treated Naruto out for ramen.  With tomorrow being his birthday and the due date of our son, I decided to splurge on him a bit.  Tenuchi and Ayame always welcomed us with a warm smile as I was glad for the close bond that we had with them.  Suddenly I could see Naruto fall off his stool grabbing his stomach in pain.

"Naruto!  Are you all right?" I asked in concern as I rushed to his side.

"Sasuke...... It's time......" he moaned out.  I reacted quickly not caring who saw me in my demonic form.  I scooped Naruto up bridal style while I flew as fast as my wings would carry me to the hospital.


Even with my immense healing factor, I could feel the intese pain of my son ready to come into this world.  Sasuke landed shapeshifted back into his human form rushing me into the hospital.
"Tsunade......  It's time!" he yelled out.  Both Sakura and Tsunade came rushing to my side as Sasuke placed me onto a gurney.  Sasuke continued to hold my hand during the whole entire process as he refused to leave my side.  I took long steady breaths as Sasuke only let go of my hand in order for me to perform the sexy jutsu.

Several hours of pushing and grunting in pain, our son popped out releasing a loud cry while I undid my jutsu.  I was exhausted as I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't just yet.  Sakura took our son and cleaned him up while Tsunade did a check up on me to make sure that I was alright.  Once everything was alright, Sakura handed me my newborn son.  He had my small spikes but they matched Sasuke's hair color.  Three whisker marks caressed his cheeks just like I had.  When he opened his eyes he had the same sapphire blue eyes that I used to have. 
"Congratulations....... It's a boy." Sakura stated.
"What are you two going to name him?" Tsunade asked.
"Menma... Uzuchika..." both Sasuke and I replied in unison as I held Menma in my arms. Tears of joy and happiness streaked down my face. Sasuke was also in the verge of tears.
"Welcome to the world Menma. And happy birthday Naruto. I hope that you don't mind sharing this day with him especially considering the bad memories that this day is usually bound to bring up." stated Tsunade.
"Not at all. Now I have a bright ray of light to shine on this day. I know that they would want for me to be happy." I replied letting out a slight yawn.
"Let me have Menma while you get some rest Naruto." I gave Menma over to Sasuke as I slowly began to drift off to sleep. I could hear Sasuke whisper "I love you" as he kissed me on the forehead before I had lost complete consciousness.

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