TwentySeven: honeymoon

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Major warnings: this chapter will have boyxboy (male) sex, kissing, touching, and nudity. If you don't like that sort of things please skip this chapter.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

TwentySeven: honeymoon

After the wedding was over, Sasuke and I posed for some photos for our wedding album.  Kurama even psed for some of them before I dispelled the clone allowing him to go back into my mindscape. 
*Thanks for doing this Kurama.  It means a lot to me.  I just wish that my parents could have been alive to see this.* I stated.
*Not a problem Kit.  I believe that they maybe up in heaven smiling down on you.* replied Kurama.
*Are you sure that you don't want to attend the after party?* Sasuke asked.
*What's the point when I can't attend it with the one that I love?* Kurama asked.
*Sorry Kyu  but, since no one but the hokage's know about Sasuke's demon form.  It is possibly better if I was to remain a secret.* Takaryu replied.
*Takaryu has a point Kurama.* Sasuke stated.

At the after party, we were often congratulated on our union.  Everyone seemed to have a good time.  Sasuke and I cut the cake made by Ayame as we feed each other a slice.  We also both shared a slow dance to a song that summed up how we both felt towards one another.  As the party winded down, I had yet to toss the bouquet of roses that I had carried down the aisle.  All of the girls within the village huddled behind me ready to catch the flowers.  I tossed the bouquet high into the air to see the flowers land in Konahamaru's lap.  I couldn't help but to laugh as all the girls gave him the "I will kill you" look.  The very same one that I had once received when I kissed Sasuke for the first time.  Sasuke also laughed as Konahamaru had to flee on sight before the girls could kill him. 


Naruto and I went back home as I grabbed him quickly to carry him over the threshold of our house.
"Put me down teme!" Naruto cried out as his face was a bright shade of red.  He hit me hard on the chest trying to force me to drop him.
"Nope.  I kind of like holding you in my arms my lovely husband." I stated as I carried him to our room.  When we reached our bedroom, I tossed Naruto onto the bed.
"God damn it you bastard......" he managed to growl out before I kissed him hard and passionately.  Naruto tried to deny me access into his mouth.  But I managed to roughly rub his crotch making him gasp.  I took the chance to slip my tongue in mapping out Naruto's mouth.  When we finally broke the kiss, a string of saliva connected us together as Naruto was a much darker shade of red.  I lightly laughed at how flustered my husband was.
"Pack your things for a week long romantic getaway Naruto.  We are going on our honeymoon.  We should arrive at our destination before you heat hits."  Naruto looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Where are we going?" he asks as I just gave him a light kiss on his nose.
"You will see.  I had found it when I was away from the village training with Orochimaru.  We will also take Yohko as there is a large forest.  Maybe he can find his own mate."  I could tell that Yohko was excited as he barked happily.

Once we had everything packed, Naruto and I left the village holding hands.  I lead the way to what used to be the sound village.  As we traveled Naruto and I talked about how many kids we would like to have.  We both agreed on four kids, two males and two females if it was possible.  We also talked about moving to the Namikaze estates as we were going to need more room for the kids when they came.  We often talked picturing what our kids would look like.  I could picture both our girls having Naruto's long blond locks and blue eyes.
"Come on Sasuke.  Don't you want at least one of our girls to have your dashing good looks?" Naruto questioned.
"If one of them did, I wouldn't let a boy within a hundred yards of her." I growled out.  Naruto laughed at my reaction.  "On a different note, how are you going to give birth to the kids?  I would imagine that it would be kind of difficult."
"Sasuke did you forget about my sexy jutsu?"
"Not really as I didn't think about it.  But what if you didn't create that jutsu?"
"Caesarean.  They would have to cut me open to take the cubs out."

We finally arrived at the sound village as I blind folded Naruto.  I didn't want Naruto to see where I was leading him to as I wanted it to be a surprise.
"And no fair peaking or having Yohko tell you." I stated lacing his headband over his eyes.  I allowed him to hold onto Yohko's special harness as the three tailed fox followed my lead.  I lead Yohko to a cave that was hidden behind a waterfall.  I entered the cave to see crystals hanging off the celling, coming out of the walls and floors.  I set up a small fire by performing my fireball jutsu.  This was the same cave where I perfected my lightning jutsu.  Once the fire was going I went over and undid Yohko's special harness.  "Go on Yohko.  Find yourself a mate.  We will be here for at least a week."  Yohko nodded his head as he took off heading for the forest.


"Now don't open your eyes until I tell you to." Sasuke stated as I could feel him undo my headband that covered my eyes.  I could hear him step back a bit away from me.  "All right open them."  I slowly opened my eyes to see colorful crystals glistening against the firelight reflecting onto the waterfalls that used to be the same color as my eyes.
"It's beautiful Sasuke." I stated as tears began to form in my eyes.
"Not as beautiful as you.  When I found this place, all I could think of is you.  There are other sights like this that I wanted to show you." Sasuke stated as he moved to wipe the tears away from my eyes.
"I never realized just how much I missed you when you were gone.  I had promised myself that one day I would return you back to the village.  I just missed the close bond that I had formed with you as you were my rival still at the time.  Someone who I knew suffered just as much as I did.  When you came back to the village, I was overjoyed but also depressed as no one gave me a second thought.  When the elders told me to protect you because they chose you to become hokage, I felt my world crumble all around me." I stated as the tears began to fall faster than before.  Sasuke pulled me close to his body to allow me to cry into his shoulders.  "When I lost my sight, I thought that I would never see beautiful sights like this ever again.  The people whom cared the most for me or that I had ever loved all died......"
"It's all right Naruto.  I am not going anywhere.  No one is going to take me away from you ever again.  I was so stupid to leave the village seeking out revenge.  I had no idea of how much you have been suffering.  But all of that is in the past as I want to look forward to a very bright future with you and our kids.  No longer do I have to fear people using me for my name.  I am now a Uzuchika and proud to call you my husband."  Sasuke's words meant the world to me as I cried my eyes out.

After I had calmed down, Sasuke took me to a lookout point where you could see several of the villages.  It was a lovey place to watch the sun set and when it was dark enough, to see the stars when they came out.  The things that Sasuke had shown me, all of the love, and affection that he has doted on me would be forever etched into my brain.  I told Sasuke that because of our inner demons within us, we would age much slower than normal people.  Everyone we knew would have died of old age and be wrinkled from old age while we still looked to be in our prime.  We went back to the cave as I knew that I had several hours before my heat hits me.
"I have to warn you that I may become aggressive when my heats hits.  I will want sex as many times as possible until I become pregnant with a cub."
"How will we know that you are......"
"Trust me, you will know." I replied.


That night we cuddled next to each other as I had no idea of what I was getting into when it came to Naruto's heat.  He told me that I would now right away when he becomes pregnant.  I guess that it had to do with my demonic instincts.  Because that I was only a half demon, I wouldn't go into heat like Naruto.  The next morning, I awoke to Naruto nuzzling me as he nipped at my mate mark.  I could instantly tell that his heat was beginning.  His whole entire body felt warm to the touch.  His eyes turned back to the sapphire blue that I used to love so dearly.
"Naruto?" I questioned earning a low husky growl from the blond.
"Mate.......  Sasu......" he growled nipping on the mate mark much harder than before as his claws ran over my partially nude body.  They tugged aggressively near my boxers as his knee rubbed at my crotch.  My head rolled back as I moaned out loud Naruto's name.  His claws ripped off my boxers exposing my semi hard erection.  Naruto began to nip and lick down my body as he pumped my erection.  Once he got down to my erection, he engulfed it into his warm mouth while sending wonderful vibrations through it.  My eyes closed enjoying the immense pleasure that I was receiving.  My hips matched Naruto's thrusting.  Moans slipped out of my lips as I chanted Naruto's name.  I could feel him pick up the pace as he massaged my balls.
"Naruto....... Ah...... I'm gonna......." I growled out.  I could feel Naruto stop just before I could climax as I opened my eyes to see him climbing on top of me as he worked my erection into his dripping wet hole.  He thrusted onto my erection hard that I screamed out in pleasure as my hips rocketed upwards. 

I could see the lust both on Naruto's face and within his eyes as he moved roughly onto my erection.  I meet him thrust for thrust causing groans of pleasure to rip through his chest.  I could feel my demonic instincts begin to take a hold as I flipped our position.  I slammed into him hard and fast as I could feel his claws sink into my back.  Naruto's growls and moans of pleasure increased while Kurama's chakra began to change and coat his body.  I could feel my own body also begin to change as I rammed into my mate harder and faster changing positions once again as Naruto was on his hands and knees while I knelt behind him thrusting wildly.  I grabbed a hold of Naruto's leaking erection as I pumped it in time with my wild thrusts.  My mind was overcome with pleasure that I had lost track of how long we have been fucking each other and how many times we came.  We did it in as many ways possible as it seemed almost like we couldn't stop until I knew for sure that I had impregnated Naruto.  I could feel the pleasure through our bond as we went at it like wild demons.  Our growls and moans echoed through the cave along with the unbridle heat that was escaping from Naruto.  I could feel it the back of our minds that we were both nearing our climax.  Naruto growled out loud screaming "Mate" as he came violently against me.  I followed shortly after screaming out Naruto's name as my seed rammed deep into Naruto.  Naruto collapsed into my arms as I stood on my shaking legs with Naruto's legs wrapped around my waist.  I slowly noticed the demon cloak begin to retreat from his body.  I could feel my own demonic transformation reseeding as our bodies were covered in both sweat and cum.  I could see Naruto flash me a brief smile before he had passed out.  I carried him over to our sleeping bags and I could sense it in the back of my mind.  I knew almost instantly that Naruto was now carrying one of our cubs.  I laid down next to him cuddling up as I grabbed a blanket covering our nude bodies.  I was so tried and drained that I fell asleep instantly with a smile stretched across my face.

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