TwentySix: SasuNaru's wedding

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

TwentySix: SasuNaru's wedding

The whole entire village now knows and recognizes Naruto as the hero of the leaf.  I couldn't be any prouder of my soon to be husband.  I had made the decision that when Naruto becomes hokage that I would become his close and personal Anbu guard.  Everyone within the village is now aware of Naruto's and my relationship.  The fangirls found it next to impossible that I was gay.  I put all of the rumors to rest when I kissed Naruto in front of everyone.  Many of the fangirls seemed not only in shock but also depressed that Naruto and I were in a romantic relationship but also planning to get married.  But in the long run everyone supported us.  Naruto and I were going over the last minute details for our wedding.  We planned for Tsunade to unite us in marriage.  Kakashi agreed to be our best man.  A special ceremonial kimono was being made for Naruto.  He would wear a white robe but over his robes he would wear an orange jacket with a golden yellow nine tailed fox on it.  I was going to wear the Uchiha ceremonial black robes.  We invited everyone who we ever helped out over the years.  Tazuna and Inari, Gaara and his siblings, Princess Yuki Fujikaze, Prince Michiru and his son Hikaru, Princess Shion, Amaru, all the teams and captains, Teuchi and Ayame, Suigetsu, Jugo and Karin.  Imagine my surprise when I learned that Karin is an Uzumaki.

"So do you plan on Karin to walk you down the aisle since she is your relative?" I asked Naruto.
"No offense Sasuke but, I hardly know the girl.  And from what you have told me about her, she sounds worse than Sakura." Naruto replied.
"Gaara maybe or even Konohamaru?" I suggested.  Naruto shook his head no.  This caused me to raise my brow in question.
*I am.  In my human form of course.* replied Kurama.  I looked at Naruto in confusion.
"Kurama was the most logical choice.  We have been working on a way for him to take control over one of my clones."


Sasuke looked at me both in shock and confusion.
"Since Kurama has been with me all of this time, he was the most logical choice to walk me down the aisle as he already considers me a part of his family."  Sasuke looked at me a bit lost.
*Kit in the demon language means child.* Kurama explained.
"Oh.....!" Sasuke replied as I gave him a sharp glare.  "Come on give me a break Naruto.  I am still learning some of the terms when it comes to my demonic half.  You practically grew up learning these words." Sasuke stated nervously.  I broke out in laughter watching him squirm under my gaze.  Sasuke gave me his 'I hate you' glare which didn't faze me in a bit.
"You know that I still love you, right?" I stated after I was done laughing.
"Yeah I know." Sasuke replied as he pecked me on my cheek.  I couldn't help but to look at our guest list.  Sakura's name had a question mark next to it.
"Sasuke, I am going out for a bit." I stated placing on my ninja shoes.
"Do you want me to come along?" he asked.
"Not really.  I am just going to walk around the village." I replied lying through my teeth.  Sasuke could easily tell that I was hiding something as he raised his brow.  I let out a long and hesitant sigh.  "I am going to see Sakura one more time.  We haven't seen her since I showed her my past memories."
"You know that you don't have to lie to me Naruto.  Just be careful." Sasuke stated.  I nodded my head kissing Sasuke on the cheek before I teleported to the hokage tower.

I arrived outside of the office door knocking on it before two voices told me to enter.  I entered the office to see Kakashi in his hokage robes going over paperwork while Tsunade was helping him out.
"Naruto, how can we help you?" Kakashi asked.
"I would like your permission to go and see Sakura Haruno.  I want to try one more time to convince her that I am not responsible for the things that have happened." I replied.  Both Kakashi and Tsunade looked at one another as I could tell that something was up.  "What is it?" I asked.
"Well frankly, Sakura has been asking to see you.  We figured with everything that was going on, you would be too busy to see her."  When I heard that she was requesting to see me, I left the hokage tower for the prison.

I arrived at the prison to have to the Anbu that was standing guard allow me in without question why I was there.
*Why do you think she wants to see you?* Kurama asked me.
*Who knows?  Let's just hope for the best.* I replied.  I stood outside of Sakura's cell to have her sitting on her small bed.  Her pink hair looked a bit longer and knotted from not washing it and/or brushing it.  "Sakura, you wished to see me?" I asked in a soft spoken voice.  Sakura looked up at me as she gasped softly at the sight of my eyes. 
"I heard rumors about your eyes but I guess that its true.  I also heard that you and Sasuke are getting married soon."
"Yeah.  We were just going over last minute details.  But why did you call me here?" I asked.  Sakura took a long deep breath as she refused to break eye contact.  It was almost like I was seeing my old true teammate from the time we were trying to bring Sasuke back home.
"I am so sorry Naruto.  I had no idea of the things that you went through all because of who you have sealed within you.  I wanted to believe that you weren't the monster that everyone made you out to be.  But ever since the Orochimaru incident on the bridge, seeing you unleash that monster, I started believing.  I put up a front around you making it seem like I was a friend.  I never believed that you would keep your promise to bring Sasuke back home." she stated as tears rolled down her face.  "I have been a terrible friend and teammate.  I started to believe all the lies my mother feed to me.  I should have asked you about all the things I heard spoken about you.  When Sasuke admitted about how he felt about you, I was shocked and didn't want the man that I supposable loved be into guys.  But as I think back on it now, you were always chasing after Sasuke.  Your bond with him was much with him was much stronger than my own.  I think that you also loved him but never acted upon it."  The tears streaked down her face much faster than before.  "I feel so bad about every bad name that I called you and for how I always beat you up.  Can you ever forgive me?" she asked.  I could tell that Sakura meant every word she spoke to me.  My own tears began to roll began to roll down my face.
"Do you ever need to ask me that question?" I asked her.
"Not really.  But I felt that I had to ask it.  I guess that I have always known the type of person that you are Naruto." Sakura repied whipping away her tears that were still in her eyes.


It has been several days since Sakura has been freed from prison as much like when I first returned, she was kept under strict supervision.  Sakura and Rock Lee also began dating considering how heartbroken he was over the girl being imprisoned.  Sakura decided to give Lee a chance.  Today was Naruto's and my wedding as I couldn't help the butterflies that were constantly flying in my stomach.  I was such a nervous wreck.  I could only imagine how Naruto was feeling.
*Calm down Master.  You will do fine.* Takaryu told me mentally trying to calm down my nerves.
*Sorry.  I am just so nervous.  After all this is a very important event for me.  This invent is going to change my life once again.  But this time it will be a very positive change.* I replied.  I could hear the music start up as Kakashi nudged me.  I looked up down the aisle to see the sakura petals raining down as Kurama whom was in his human form walk Naruto down by his side.  Naruto looked so beautiful in his kimono that I felt my breath leave my body.  A light blush crossed his face as he held a bouquet of red roses in his hand as one arm was laced through Kurama's arm.  Kurama wore the kimono that I usually saw him wear when he was within Naruto's mindscape while in his human form.  I could instantly see why Naruto often dreamed of hold the wedding outside while the sakura trees were in bloom.  The memory of how he looked right now stirred within my very soul.

Kurama pushed Naruto forth to join me as he gently kissed Naruto's cheeks before stepping off to the side.  He nodded his head at me as I slightly nodded mine back.
"Friends and family, we are gathered together to unite these two men in holy matrimony.  Who gives away this young man Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki?" Tsunade asked.  Kurama stepped forth.
"I, Kurama Kyuubi no Yohko do."  Kurama announced before stepping back.  Naruto and I joined hands facing one another. 
"Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki, you both have been through so much since becoming genin of the leaf.  You both went through unbearable pain and grew up going through some of the same experiences.  You both have a strong bond that has brought you together through so many trials.  You both have overcame many obstacles to stand before me hand in hand.  By joining you both together in holy matrimony marks a brand new beginning for you both." Tsunade stated.  I could hear many fangirls along with Rock Lee and Might Guy crying.  I couldn't help but to roll my eyes earning a very light chuckle from my mate.  "The rings please." Kakashi stepped forth presenting a gold band with a silver plate.  On the plate the words 'Taken' were engraved.  Both my family stones of red and white sat before the words along with Naruto's family stones of orange and blue sat after the words.  Kakashi gave me one while he gave the other to Naruto.  "Sasuke Uchiha, do you take Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki as your wedded husband.  Do you promise to love and cherish him for better or for worse until death do you part?"
"I do." I replied slipping the ring over the engagement ring that I gave Naruto.  A wide smile caressed my face.  Tsunade asked the same question for Naruto.
"Of course I do..... believe it!" he exclaimed slipping my ring on.

I couldn't help but to laugh at Naruto's reply while possibly everyone else rolled their eyes.  I could even hear Kurama giggle as well at Naruto's reply.
"Is there anyone who believes that these two shall not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace."  Tsunade stated.  I could hear a couple of fangirls begin to protest earning a deep growl from Kurama as he unleashed a mass amount of killer intent at them.
*Kurama!* Naruto yelled mentally.
*What?!  I wasn't going to have them disrupt this.  Not that they could break you two apart as you are already bonded.* Kurama replied.
*Don't tell me that you have gotten soft Kurama.* I stated.  As the nine tailed fox rolled his eyes at me almost making Naruto and I to break out in laughter.
"Well then on behalf of everyone here may I proudly present Mr. and Mr. Uzuchika.  You may kiss your husband." announced Tsunade.  I pulled Naruto closer to me as I planted a long and aggressive kiss onto Naruto's lips to have him moan deeply.  I could hear the crowd erupt into cheers and several breaking out into tears.
"I love you Naruto Uzuchika." I whispered once I broke the kiss.
"I love you as well Sasuke Uzuchika." Naruto stated blushing madly.  The memory of our wedding would remained etched possibly within both Naruto's and my soul for all eternity as I wondered if our families had been alive would they be happy for us.  I hoped that in someways that I was living up to the goals that I had set.  I was going to rebuild my clan and get married but, although it wasn't the Uchiha clan.  I was building a new clan with the one person that I loved and treasured most in the world and no one was ever going to break us apart.

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