TwentyFive: the hokage's announcement

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

TwentyFive: the hokage's announcement

Winter had finally passed.  Spring was finally here as Sasuke and I began to make plans for our wedding.  A part of me wished that the village didn't look down at me and accepted me.  No one besides those who we trusted knew that Sasuke and I were gay.  I wondered at times how the villagers and the fan girls would react to when they learn that their idol Sasuke is gay.  We already knew that the fan girls would be totally devastated.  Often I began to wonder if there was any home to save Sakura.  We haven't paid her a visit since I had shown her memories of my past and what I have been through.

One day everyone in the village was summoned to the hokage's tower.  It seemed that Tsunade was going to make several announcements.  Sasuke and I knew that one of them was concerning Kakashi becoming the sixth hokage.  Sasuke and I often teased him about it.  But in the long run we both knew that Kakashi would make a great hokage.  Both Sasuke and I prepared to leave the house to head towards the tower.
"Should we bring Yohko?" Sasuke asked.
~Can I stay home please?  I don't want to be around all those people whom hate and fear both my master and father.~ Yohko asked me.
"You don't have to come Yohko." I told the fox.  Yohko jumped up on me knocking me to the ground as I earned licks of affection from the three tailed fox.
~Thank you......  Thank you......  Master!~  I couldn't help but to giggle at the fox. 
*Ok Yohko that's enough.  We have to get going.* Kurama commanded.  Yohko got off of me as I looked up at Sasuke to see him smirking.  I could tell that he was holding back his laughter as he helped me back up to my feet.  I quickly stuck my tongue out at Sasuke once I was on my feet as I headed out the door.  I could hear Sasuke laughing as he followed behind me.  I couldn't help but to smile as I ran on ahead forcing Sasuke to case after me for a change.


I finally caught Naruto hooking my arm through his as we held hands.  We both ignored the hate filled glances we got.  When we approached the hokage's tower, we could see that there was a huge turnout.  Naruto and I found a spot where we could see and hear everything.  Once everyone was gathered, Tsunade took to the roof of the hokage building.
"Thank you for all coming!" Tsunade stated loud and clear once everyone had quieted down.  "I have several announcements to make.  First is the announcement of the sixth hokage....... Kakashi Hatakte!"  Kakashi took the stage wearing a hokage robe that read "Rokudaime" or the sixth fire shadow.  Loud cheers arouse all around.  None louder than Naruto's.  Kakashi gave a light wave before stepping back.  Tsunade held her hand up causing everyone to quiet down.  "My next announcement is concerning a great injustice that I have seen and allowed to go unpunished.  This person has sacrificed much for this village as we have failed to acknowledge him for the hero that he is."  The villagers began to talk whispering amongst themselves.

Once again Tsunade held her hand up to quiet everyone down.
"This person held two S-Ranked secrets that were only known to a select few.  But I felt that it was time for us as a village to recognize this young man and everything that he has done for this village by allowing the truth about this young man's sacrifices come to light." stated Tsunade.  I kind of figured out where this was going.  I looked over at Naruto whom looked visibly pale.  I grabbed his hand squeezing it gently in comfort. 
*It's alright Naruto.  I trust that Lady Tsunade has a reason for announcing this.* I told him telepathically.
*Sasuke is right.  You should be hailed as a hero.  Let's see where she goes with this.* Kurama stated.


Tsunade quieted down the crowd once again with a simple hand guesture.  I began to wonder why she was announcing the two S-Ranked secrets that I held.
"This person's story begins on the same night that the nine tailed fox attacked.  You were all told that the fourth hokage, Minato Namikaze had killed the fox.  But, this was a lie.  The fourth couldn't kill the fox instead, he managed to seal the great beast into the body of a newborn child, his own son."  The villagers began to whisper and talk amongst themselves finding it odd that my dad even had a child that they didn't know about.  Once again Tsunade raised her hand to quiet down the villagers.  "The nine tails was ripped out of its previous host and forced to attack by a man whom was brain washed by Madara Uchiha.  That person was Obito Uchiha."  Voices rose up in protest as Tsunade yelled at them to be quiet.
"What Lady Tsunade says is true.  The Uchiha Sharningan can control the Biju and force the creatures to obey them.  The fourth's own wife Kushina was the nine tails Jinchuriki.  But you all treated her with respect while you treated her own son with hatred for what the nine tails did." Kakashi stated.
"The fourth wanted for his son, this child whom holds the nine tails as a hero but, you all have done the opposite.  It is thanks to him for stopping Shukaku, the one tail Biju from totally destroying this village and befriending its host.  He was also instrumental in stopping Pain of the Akatsuki.  The person that I speak of is none other than Naruto Uzumaki." stated Tsunade.

The villagers all turned looking at me with the usual hate filled glares as they began to shout out.
"There's no way that he is the fourth's son.  It's because of that beast that I have lost my loved ones.  The fourth should have just killed the beast."  I could see some of them reach for their weapons.  All of the teams that I had befriended moved taking a defensive stance before me.  This also included both Sai and Sasuke.  Kakashi and Tsunade tried to get the villagers to back off.
*Naruto......  Reverse summon me!* Kurama yelled at me.
*Kurama......  Don't......* I began.
*Don't worry Kit.  I am not going to do anything stupid.* Kurama replied.  I lifted up my shirt to reveal the seal that laid on my stomach.  I bit into my fingertips drawing blood as I ran my hands through a series of hand signs.
"Reverse Summons....... Kurama!" I called out slamming my hands down onto the ground.


Lots of smoke surrounded me as I materialized in full flesh and blood.  I let out a loud roar causing the villagers to back off in fear.
"It's the beast!  It's going to kill us all and destroy this village!"  some of them stated in fear when they saw me.
"If I wanted to destroy this village, it wouldn't be still standing.  You all have no idea of the hardships that Naruto and I have faced.  You all have been blinded by hatred and fear.  Twice I was forced by those of the Uchiha clan to destroy this village.  Twice your previous hokage's laid down their lives to stop me.  I never asked to be used as a weapon as most humans see us Biju as that.  I also didn't ask to be ripped from my past hosts which ended up killing them.  All of my hosts were those belonging to Uzumaki clan as their unique chakra made the perfect jail for me." I stated as I told them my story about how I was created and everything about my past.  I could see most of the villagers start to realize that Naruto and I were not a threat.  Their eyes turned towards Sasuke as he was the last living Uchiha as they knew with his Sharningan, he could take control of me and force me to attack this village.  If he so desired.
"What Kurama has told you is the truth.  Yes, some of my clan has used him to destroy this village.  But I am nothing like them as I do not desire the destruction of the place that I call home.  Nor do I want to kill the person whom I love and cherish with all of my heart." he stated as he went to Naruto's side as the two held hands.  The villagers began to feel bad about how they treated Naruto as he had saved this village three times from ultimate destruction. 
"The reason to why we are divulging this information is because it had been prophesied by the great toad that Naruto would be the one to save the world.  And he has done so many times over.  Naruto has gone on far too long for not being recognized for the hero that he is." stated Tsunade.

The teams erupted in cheers followed by the villagers which brought tears to Naruto's eyes.  Both Sasuke and I were grinning happy for our fun loving blonde.  Finally, Naruto had been acknowledged and had everyone's approval.
"We would also like to announce the person chosen to become the seventh hokage.  Congratulations....... Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki!" both Tsunade and Kakashi stated in unison.  Even louder cheers erupted as Naruto collapsed to his knees.  Tears flowed heavily from his eyes.  A wide Cheshire grin crossed my muzzle as Sasuke wrapped Naruto up into his arms.  Finally, at long last, Naruto had achieved his lifelong dream.
'Minato....... Kushina....... You would have been proud to see the way that Naruto has turned out.  He now has the love and approval of everyone within this village even though it didn't start out that way.  He is now hailed as the hero that you knew he would become one day.  I foresee nothing but good things to come for Naruto.  I promise you Minato...... Kushina...... to protect the legacy that you have left behind until the day that I die.' I thought to myself as I looked over at the hokage monument.  I could feel that Naruto's ancestors were smiling down at him happy for the young man that I was proud to call my host.

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