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Lillie's POV

"Wela Volcano looks so much bigger up close," I said as we approached the base of the volcano.

"Do we have to climb it for the trial?" Bonnie asked.

"Probably," Ash replied. I notice a large tent where a lot of people were standing under. Something must be going on.

"Looks like our last two competitors have arrived," I heard Sarah announce as we walked up to the tent.

"What do you mean?" Ash asks as we get there.

"For the fire trial and Kali'o festival, 8 pairs will compete in the Kali'o festival," Sarah explained. "If you win, the festival competitor gets the flower while the trial goer battles Kiawe the captain with their teammate."

"Bonnie do you want to be partners?" Ash asked the girl.

"Sure and we're going to win," Bonnie said confidently.

"Once you have a partner come to the start line," Sarah said and walked over to an alternate path up. "Spectators can go up the normal path while the competitors will go up an alternate route for the challenge round."

I took Star, Squishy and Dedenne from Bonnie because she isn't going to use them. I already had Pikachu and Zorua while one egg was in my bag and the other I was holding. "You get one Pokemon," Sarah said. Bonnie released Geodude and Ash let out Ponyta.

I watched everyone line up, "Go!" Sarah screamed and they started running up the slope.

"Good luck," I mumbled. Wait is that Moon up there?

Ash's POV

"Be prepared guys it's got to get harder at some point," I warned as we held the lead.

"Aren't you smart," I hear Moon say as she closed in on us.

"Why are you here?" Bonnie asked. "You never told us anything about trials."

"I've decided to take part in trials now," Moon answered. "Olivia is my partner."

I look back and see the brunette trying to keep up. "Ajat and Hannah are back there too," I observed.

"This just got more competitive," Bonnie said and we started running faster. I can hear something heavy almost like it's rolling. I look ahead and there was a horde of Golem coming down.

"Get ready to jump," I say as Bonnie picked up Geodude. We jumped over but realized there were more coming our way.

"Geodude I have an idea but only if your as crazy as me," Bonnie says. He nods and I pick him up having a feeling what the plan is. "Remember dig down so you don't get blasted away."

I throw Geodude up ahead and we run as fast as we could and crouched begins him. Three or four Golems came our way and hopped over us. They were hitting Geodude and getting air allowing us to now proceed safely.

"Let's go!" I yell happy and we run to the next part with a nice lead.

"It's a cave," Bonnie pointed out. I shrug and lead us in. With Ponyta's fire we were able to see a fork in the cave.

"Now what do we do?" I asked not expecting an answer.

"Geo," Geodude pointed to the left path.

"You're coming in clutch today," I praise the rock Pokémon.

"Geodude must have natural instincts," Bonnie concluded as we followed her Pokémon through the cave.

"We've got to be near the end," I said. Geodude slowed down and we hit a dead end. "You were doing so good Geodude."

"Geo Geodude," He said defending himself.

"What do you mean you aren't wrong?" Bonnie guessed.

"Maybe there's a secret switch or something," I said and started feeling the wall around us.

"Surrrrrre," Bonnie rolled her eyes and laid against the wall. She must have hit something because the wall opened and light came pouring through. "I guess there was."

"We should get going," I say and once we get out the wall closes again. "I'm pretty sure we have a good lead."

"All we have do is finish," Bonnie stated as we started climbing the mountain like a rock wall.

"Ponyta how are you so good at this," I say as climb up with my Mankey like skills. She neighed and kept gracefully climbing up. I looked down to see how Bonnie was doing but I also saw other groups starting to make their way out of the cave.

"Just a little bit farther," I grunt while getting up past the ledges. I climb over and lay down exhausted. I move around to look over the edge to see Bonnie helping Geodude from falling.

"Uh-oh," I mumble. I climb down and help out Bonnie. Now I have to climb back up, ugh. I get up again and pull Bonnie and Geodude up onto the top. "We did it," I cheered.

"Looks like our first team has made it to the appeal round," Sarah announced. She was on top of a stage with a guy beside her. He had black hair with some red and had no shirt on.

"You better win Ash," The guy said and walked over to the judges table. "I'm looking forward to our battle."

I stand their confused as the next three groups finished. Ajat, Hannah, Moon and Olivia are all going on with us. And two other random people that won't be mentioned...

Lillie's POV

I'm kind of excited to see what Ash and Bonnie present. As long as it isn't an Ash idea it should be pretty good. "First up we have Bonnie and Ash."

They're using Greninja and Blitzle. Ash must have a reason to use him in an appeal. "Double Team," They said in unison. The two Pokémon multiplied and started running in the crowd and jumping over people. Definitely Ash's idea, I giggle.

"Stomp," Bonnie said quite simply for an appeal. The copies moved back towards the middle and circled around leaving a bare circle. Greninja jumped over the back curtain out of nowhere with the real Blitzle in his hands. When they neared the ground he flipped and Blitzle landed the stomp perfectly in the middle.

The shockwave from the stomp dispersed the copies and left Blitzle standing there proudly with Greninja doing a handstand on Blitzle's back. That was amazing, especially for Ash.

"Ready for part 2?" Ash asked. The other three up there nodded. The frog Pokémon jumped straight up with a front flip and landed behind Blitzle who moved forward a bit.

"Blitzle start running with discharge," Bonnie called out. Blitzle used his speed to circle around and around Greninja while glowing yellow from the charged electricity. "Now add flame charge."

What? Blitzle now was a combination of fire and electricity. The elements started forming a cyclone surrounding the seemingly frozen Greninja.

Now that Greninja was fully out of sight, Blitzle stopped and moved towards Center stage. "Let's goooo!" I heard Ash yell. Why is he so excited? Then I found out why...

The cyclone was blown to shreds and left a new funny looking Greninja. With a red crest and black head fins, Ash-Greninja has made an appearance in Alola. You could feel the power emanating from Greninja. "Water Shuriken," Ash said.

Bonnie followed by ordering a thunderbolt. Greninja swung the shuriken off his back and threw it towards the very top of the volcano. The thunderbolt charged it, making it glow and crackle as it entered the top. A small explosion was heard and the volcano steamed.

Everyone was speechless, no one could believe the performance they just saw. "Judges," Sarah managed to squeak out.

"That was stunning, 10," Nurse Joy said.

"10," Kahili said with her eyes wide open still. They even managed to amaze a past winner.

"The power," Kaiwe the trial captain muttered. "10."

"A perfect score!" Sarah cheered and we all have them a standing ovation.

The next group wasn't that good so it was a good chance for everyone to cool down. "Next we have Olivia and Moon."

Meyer's POV

"Clemont your friend is here," I yell through the house. Serena apparently played a big part in the betrayal and I'm not exactly keen on leaving her with Clemont.

"Hey Serena," Clemont greeted as I opened the door.

"You could have dressed up," She said with her hands on her hips.

"Sorry," he muttered. "We'll get out of your way dad."

"You won't even see us the next few days," Serena assured me.

"Actually I have some news for you two," I said and led them to the living room. "I'm going to Alola."

"For how long?" My son asked.

"A long time," I say mysteriously.

"Can you tell us why?" Serena asked.

"I'm going to see my wife who is also your mom," I laugh and grab
my bags. "Now That Alain has taken my duties as city protector I can reunite with her."

"Why aren't I going?" Clemont said angrily.

"Because after what you did to Ash and Bonnie, you aren't part of the family," I say and leave. As I enter the waiting can I yell, "The house is yours but I'm not paying."

They stood on the front step stunned by my actions. Also probably because they thought they got away with the betrayal. "I can't wait to see her again," I mumble as the taxi takes me to the airport.

Lillie's POV

"Moon and Olivia finish with a 24 leaving them in second," Sarah said. "Now let's welcome Ajat and Hannah."

"Grovyle," Hannah let out her starter Pokémon.

"Sneasel," Ajat called out his agile weasel.

"Use razor leaf," Hannah shouted.

"Defend with metal claw," Ajat called out. They must be having s mock battle to show off their Pokémon's skills. Sneasel moved her arms at a speed I couldn't follow. All that was left of the razor leaf was a pile of shredded leaves.

"Fire multiple dark pulses," Ajat commanded. Sneasel shot small bursts of dark purplish energy at Grovyle. He expertly dodged them all with cartwheels, flips, etc.

The rest of the appeal was a repeat of firing and dodging attacks. This could be close...

"I give it a 7," Nurse Joy judged. Kahili followed with a 7 as well. That means they need a 10 to tie for second.

"You guys showed off your Pokémon's skills but it wasn't exciting in an appeal setting," Kiawe said. "Not a 10."

"Now we get to the battle round," Sarah announced.

Hannah's POV

"It's all my fault," Ajat said as we walked behind the curtain.

"No it isn't," I tried to assure him.

"Now you might not make it into the Flower Ceremony because of me," He cried out in shame.

"I have four you know," I laughed. "We did pretty good they just were better."

He didn't respond so I went over and hugged my best friend. "Hannah."


"I like you," He responded.

"Do you mean in the-?" I start to ask.

"Yes," He said quietly. I wonder if he's held it in as long as I have.

"Well I do too," I say and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He looked at me and smiled for the first time since we got here.

"Let's go watch the battle," He cheered and I giggled at the change in behaviour. I grab his hand and we go sit where I saw Lillie.

"Hey Lillie," I greeted as we sat down.

She looked at our interlocked hands, "Congratulations you two," she smiled. I looked at Ajat and we smiled knowing that our bad day got better.

"Now it's time for you and Ash," I lean over and whisper into Lillie's ear. She blushed and then got very interested in the ground. "You'll have to look up to watch Ash battle."

Lillie's POV

I didn't think she knew, or maybe my reaction gave it away. Ash let out his Pikipek and Bonnie brought out Jolteon. Olivia is using her Lillipup and Moon is using a Brionne.

"Pikipek use rock smash on Lillipup," Ash yelled. Olivia froze for some reason so Moon had to help out.

"Brionne help out with bubblebeam."

"Jolteon thunderbolt on Brionne," Bonnie shouted. While Pikipek was flying towards Lillipup Brionne got ready to shoot the line of bubbles. Jolteon's thunderbolt stopped Brionne first allowing Pikipek to get the second super effective attack that happened.

Lillipup and Brionne were both shaky and tired. What could have been an amazing battle is about to end.

"Pin Missile," Bonnie commanded hoping to finish. Ash just watched as the green missives flew towards their targets and left two Pokémon unable to battle.

"Well that was quick," Ajat said.

"Olivia couldn't handle battling Ash," Hannah said. "Looks like you're not the only one Lillie."

"Be quiet," I sighed.

Bonnie ran up and received her third flower. She's really been on a roll lately. "Don't leave yet folks," Sarah announced. "After a lunch provided by Aina's kitchen we will see Ash Ketchum try to defeat Kiawe."

"Ever thought that Ash could just power through with Greninja for all of the trials," Ajat laughed.

"Sure would quicken things up," I sighed and went to find Ash and Bonnie for lunch.

Lusamine's POV

"I came," a bored voice walked through the door of our Aether house on Ula'Ula island.

"Nanu," I greeted the grey haired leather wearing man. "Those sandals really finish your look."

"What's the urgent problem that I had to come because of?" He asked annoyed.

"Come sit down and stay awhile," I joke and lead us to the bright white living room.

"You know there are other colours then just white," He says sitting down.

"I have a problem," I joke and then become more serious. "The other problem is Team Skull."

"I got the Professor," Gladion announced as the two walked in and joined the discussion. "Professor Oak is on his way as well. He and his grandson are resting in Hoenn before making the final leg of their journey."

"We can fill them in later," I say. "Team Skull's pollution is getting out of control."

"You brought me here to talk about saving a pond," Nanu said angrily.

"If the ocean is a pond," I snap back.

"The Oak's are bringing Suicune to purify the ocean," Kukui explained. "But to stop the pollution we need to stop Team Skull."

"It's that easy isn't it," Nanu replies still angry. "Hala is too old to go, Olivia doesn't have enough Pokémon to fight against a large organization, Hapa is too young and I just don't want to. That's four of the only strong trainers here that can't help."

"I have a few good Pokémon," Gladion tried to argue. "You can still battle Nanu."

"That's only two of us even if I do help," Nanu countered.

"Three of you would do," Kukui said smirking.

"How?" I asked confused.

"Ash Ketchum."


Things are heating up...

It may be because I wrote it but I think Ash's and Bonnie's appeal was the best one so far. I hope you guys liked it as much as I did writing it.

Anyways thanks as always and C U Nxt Chp!

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