Holy Panioly

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Lillie's POV

I wish this forest would last forever. It's so beautiful and peaceful...

"Look there," Ash pointed at a small clearing.

"What Pokemon are those?" I ask. One was a black and white horse like Pokémon and the other was a beige horse with blue flames.

"The one with zig zag features is a Blitzle," Bonnie said.

"And the other one is a shiny Ponyta," Ash informed. "We should try catching them the traditional way."

"For the first time in your life?" I questioned.

"No I've caught a Pokémon by weakening it first before," Ash defended himself.

"Ok but it might look bad if we just start attacking a shiny Pokémon," Bonnie pointed out.

"Meloetta can you tell them we want battle and catch them?" Ash asked of his legendary Pokémon. She nodded and gracefully went over there. She started talking and the two Pokémon looked at Bonnie and Ash each with a pokeball ready to go.

The two Pokémon nodded and Ash released his Litten and Bonnie released Star. "Traditional," I smirked as Meloetta came back with a smile on her face.

Ash laughed, "Litten get in there with fire fang." Litten's fur spiked up red and her mouth had fire emerging. She ran up with pretty good speed and landed the biting attack.

Ponyta shrugged it off and used stomp to hit Litten away. I turned my attention to Bonnie's battle and things didn't look so good for either Pokémon.

Both Pokémon were panting pretty hard while exchanging multiple electric type attacks. Blitzle stomped his feet and became shrouded in flames. He charged forward and stunned both Bonnie and Star. Wasn't that a flame charge.

"Star try a quick attack." Star used his new move and ran at Blitzle. I think he was surprised at such a quick counter attack because he didn't move a muscle. The electric horse Pokémon struggled to get up and Bonnie took her chance.

"Go pokeball," She yelled and threw the device. The ball shook... and shook... and then popped open. "So close." Blitzle was still recovering.

"Try the ball the professor gave you," I say hoping the special ball made for electric types will have a greater effect.

"Here it goes," Bonnie throws the black topped ball at Blitzle.

This time the capture was complete. I grabbed the transfer device out of Ash's bag and Bonnie sent the pokeball back to the house.

"Let's watch Ash now," I say as we turn and see Ash smiling cheekily with a pokeball in his hand. "Or not."

"We should hurry up so we make it there for dinner," I suggest and we get back on the path. The sky was getting a little darker as the sun went down. I can't wait to get there and relax.

"There's Paniola Town," Bonnie started running but then stopped.
"Shouldn't there be lights on by now."

Ash and I ran up and she was right. It was like a ghost town right out of a movie. "We need to find Nurse Joy," I say and we run towards the familiar red roofed building.

The building were all built like s ranch house and had an old western feel to them. The emergency lights were on in the Center but it was still kind of hard to see. "Nurse Joy what happened," I ask.

"Team Skull attacked the nursery up the road and must have taken out our power line," She explained while running around doing the best she could.

Time for me to take control, "Bonnie use all your Pokémon to get electricity running again please," She nodded and followed Nurse Joy to one of the back rooms.

"Ash let's go," I say and I drag him outside.

"What did you eat today?" He asked as he started running himself.

"I'm a trainer now and I want to prove to you that I deserve to share your Pokémon," I explained.

"You don't have to do that," He said and then I looked at him. "But I know I'm not stopping you now."

I smiled and we approached the five grunts guarding the North exit of the town. They had 3 Salandits and 2 Golbat out. "There they are," One of them yelled.

The Pokémon shot poison type attacks at me out of nowhere. I watched the purple blind girl towards us. Maybe I was in over my head. I feel Ash gran my hand and pull me closer to him and out of the way.

"I thought you said no more getting poisoned," He joked. I rolled my eyes but didn't move from his arms.

"Pikachu I choose you," I yell.

"Really?" Ash said. "Taking my first Pokemon from me." I giggled and focused on the battle.

"Bagon I choose you," Ash said releasing the hard headed Pokémon.

"How cute you guys use the same call?" The one grunt mocked.

"I think it's cute just like this," I yell. "Pikachu thunderbolt on the Golbat." Pikachu followed orders and shot down the two bat Pokémon with a bolt of bright yellow electricity.

"2 down," I smirk.

"Salamdit use toxic on the girl," My celebrating stopped and Pikachu was too far back to help.

"Bag gonnnnn," He jumped in front of me and glowed a familiar light. "Shelll," The now Shelgon growled.

"Thanks," I hear Ash say. Now he knows how I feel on a regular basis. "Shelgon use dragon breathe," Ash yelled with fire in his eyes.

Shelgon breathes the green and purple fire knocking out the rest of the Pokémon. "If you ever try hurting her again, I have more powerful Pokémon," Ash said as we walked by. I've never seen this side of him but I understand. With all the organizations he has had to defeat, I'd get pretty mad too. That is why he was so mad right?

We ran off and I grabbed his hand for "support". I gave him puppy dog eyes and he grabbed my hand back. "They're hidden in the hay stacks," I pointed out.

"I'll get the second and third one," He said and ran off.

"Pikachu thunderbolt on that haystack," I laughed. The grunt cane jumping out with his Hypno doing the same.

"You'll pay for that," The grunt yelled at me. "Hypno use psychic on the rat."

Pikachu was lifted into the air and thrown around. "Hang on Pikachu," I try to encourage. What can I do? I'm not meant for this. I'm going to lo-

"Zorua," She said snapping me out of my thoughts. She used dark pulse effectively in Hypno and freed Pikachu from the psychic. I ran up and caught Pikachu.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I heard Zorua finish off the battle. Pikachu licked my cheek making me giggle.

I looked up and Zorua was dancing around Hypno. I chuckle and pick up the little black hero.

"Let's go find your other trainer," I say and we run down the path towards the nursery. We passed another grunt laying on the ground next to his Pokemon. Then we went by another grunt in the same position. Ash is flying through...

I enter the nursery and see him surrounded by grunts. There was a women and a man assumingely husband and wife tied with rope in a corner. The grunts noticed me and dropped Ash who was now tied. "Where's your leader?" I demand.

"Silly girl, they're not here," One of the grunts stood up. "This is simply to buy time but we captured Ketchum."

"And what can a little girl like you do?" Another one mocked. I noticed Ash laugh and roll a pokeball to me.

"I'm so scared," I act and fall over dramatically while picking up the ball. They came over with rope and an ember went shooting over my head. Looks like Litten was in the pokeball.

The ember attack set the rope the grunt was holding on fire causing panic between them. Pikachu ran over and sliced the rope holding Ash with an iron tail. Ash released Greninja and he put out the fire.

"Water shuriken." Ash yelled.

"Litten you attack too," I say. Greninja shot a storm of little water shuriken that effectively knocked all the grunts down. Litten roared and the attack shot a hit fiery wave at the grunts that tired them out and burnt them.

"Pikachu," Ash called out while looking at me. "Thunderbolt." We said in unison. Pikachu smiled and then sent the grunts flying through the roof. "We haven't blasted anyone off in a long time." Ash chuckles and scratches Pikachu behind the ear.

"Litten what attack was that," I asked while picking up the black and red cat. She started glowing and when the glowing stopped she was a little bit bigger and had bright orangish reddish fur instead of the dark red.

"It was a heat wave," The man said as Ash untied him. "It's a move that can only be learned by a Litten through birth."

"We call them egg moves and they're really rare," The lady said. "I'm Kathy and that's my husband John."

"We run the nursery and take care of all the eggs we find," John explained.

"Good thing Lillie stopped Team Skull then," Ash said.

"You helped too young man," Kathy said and walked into the back room. She came out with two egg cases. "These eggs weren't wanted and it's the least we can do."

"You guys can pick who gets what one," John said taking the case that was brown with a cream bottom.

"Actually it doesn't matter," Ash said. "We share all of our Pokémon." Our...

Kathy gave us a knowing look and I felt my face heat up a bit. "I'll carry this one, what is it?" I ask.

"It's all part of the surprise," Kathy laughed and handed Ash a blue and black egg with white splashes of colour. "By the way this one is different from all of the other eggs of this species."

Ash held up the case and smiled. "I can almost feel how powerful this Pokémon will be."

"Mela," Meloetta flew around dancing in the air. She must be happy.

"You have a..." John started.

"Mythical." Kathy finished.

"You know about Meloetta," Ash said equally as shocked as them.

"You guys are special," Kathy said and picked up a broom.

"Thanks again for everything," John said and started picking up the larger pieces of the roof.

"Except maybe the roof," Ash laughed and after some good byes we left towards Paniola Town.

After such an exciting event it was nice to walk slowly along the moon lit path. I yawned and set my head on his shoulder. He looked surprised at my actions but put his arm around me so my head wouldn't fall off.

I smiled and closed my eyes. Nothing could make this moment better. "Are you two finally a couple?" Bonnie ran up and asked me as Ash and I parted. I blushed and shook my head no as she laughed at my reaction.

"I was just tired," I say embarrassed.

"Sure but that crush of yours doesn't seem like just a crush anymore," Bonnie smirked.

"Whatever," I sigh while hiding my face.

Gary's POV

"Suicune," I said in awe of the blue legendary dog.

"We need your help in Alola," Professor Oak cut to the chase.

He looked interested and I decide to explain more. "An evil organization is polluting the water at an alarming pace. You're the only one that can help now."

Professor Oak walked up and pet the diamond shaped horn. He showed Suicune a map of where we need to go. "This is really important," Gramps said.

"Sui," He nodded and lowered himself. He started running in the direction of the ocean. Johto to Alola...

???'s POV

"We have every known bugium," Plumeria informed me. I fiddled with one of the lime gems. "Where to we go from now?" She asked.

"We need to increase the production of Z-rings," I announced. "We'll show them why Team Skull is more than a nuisance."

I started to evilly laugh and continue to plan our future ideals.

Little did he know they should be working on defense instead of offense...


We are nearing the end of the first major arc. And things are going to get interesting fast.

I hope you guys liked the Team Skull attack chapter and THREE new additions to Ash's and Lillie's team.

Anyways thanks for everything as usual and see you in an action packed next chapter. I found a way to make the next trial and festival to be more exciting.

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