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Bonnie's POV

"If these are just some random trainer's Pokémon, are they going to listen?" I hear one of the competitors ask.

"They'll listen just fine," I assure them while getting my balance on the board. "Ready Milotic?" I ask the majestic Pokémon. She nods and looks straight ahead at our first obstacle. It looks like we're doing some hurdles first. I look over at Lapras, can he jump that high.

I feel like bragging rights are the main reason why all of Ash's Pokemon agreed. I laugh and look at all their determined faces. "On your marks," I hear Sarah say.

"Get set," I pull the rope tighter so I won't get caught up in the jumps.

"Go!" I don't know if anyone saw us start because there was so much water pushed up I couldn't see. I feel myself move up, Milotic has this in the bag.

"Good job," I praise as we expertly pass this stage. I take the time to look back, the person with Totodile can't control his hyper ness and he's swimming all over. 1 down. I see an ice bridge and a Lapras on top. Never would have thought of that. I lean into the left turn so I don't fall off. I think it made a wave because the person with Dewott was knocked off and out of the race. 2 down.

"Head for that market way out there," I command. A small red lit up flag was bobbing up and down. It can't be this easy... Is that a wave? A huge wave was forming and it was length wise with us. "Just try to ease into it," I say. Milotic kept her calm and are now tilted up the inside of the wave.

"Oooo that didn't look too good," I heard Sarah say over the loud speaker. "The Buizel team took a tumble in that wave." 3 down. Our wave was starting to close in on us.

"A little bit faster," I say as I keep looking up at the impending doom. We weren't going to make it so I lie down flat and hope for the best. I close my eyes and I feel the warm water rush over us. I held the handles as tight as possible until it was over. "Awesome," I cheer and stand back up.

I look back as we are about to reach the flag and notice Squirtle and Gyarados the closest to us. I see a frozen wave which means the Lapras team is using the same strategy for each course.

The flag had an arrow pointing to the right so that can only mean one thing. "Turn right towards the buoys," I say and Milotic turns left.

"Your other left," I laugh and Milotic rushes back on track. "Just find the easiest path through."

I saw Squirtle's team zoom past us with the advantage of being smaller. I look back quickly and see Lapras having trouble with all the twists and turns. Unless something big happens it looks like us four are going on but bragging rights are more important.

We make it out and turn back towards the beach. "You can catch up," I encouraged Milotic. Gyarados and Greninja were well behind meaning we are second at least.

We were slowly inching closer but we were running out of race left. All of a sudden Milotic found a sixth gear and we were now neck and neck. "We got this," I say while pulling my tether rope tighter.

Ash's POV

All I could see was a huge splash of water when Milotic and Squirtle crosses the finish line and stopped before hitting shore. "The winner is," Sarah started while looking into a replay device.

"Squirtle and Kayla!" Sarah cheered. The water type Pokémon are going to be hearing about this for a long time. Gyarados and Greninja came in and I went over to return them like the other four I already have.

I pushed through the crowd that was looking at my golden Gyarados. "How did you catch such a rare Pokémon?" A tourist asked.

"Luck," I shrugged and returned them. "Good try Bonnie," I said and returned Milotic. She nodded and went off to get ready for the appeal round.

"Your Squirtle is amazing," Kayla said and handed him to me. She had bright purple hair that went about halfway down her back. I think she is only about a year or two older than Bonnie.

"Thanks all his firefighting paid off," I said and returned him.

"Well I better go get ready for the appeal round," She said and ran off.

I walked back to Lillie, "That was a fun challenge." I said sitting down on a blanket beside her.

"It was, too bad she lost though," Lillie frowned.

"She made it to the appeal round anyways," I smile. Being in Alola with none of the traitors knowing is sure nice...

Misty's POV

That had to have been Ash and Bonnie at the end there. That little idiot ran away like the scaredy Meowth he is. "I'm going back to the gym to train," I say and stand up.

"Why don't you want to watch the rest?" Lily asked.

"Because performances are stupid," I say and walk off.

"She's going mad," I hear my annoying sister Violet say. I grab my mallet from my secret place and throw behind my back without looking.

"Owww," I hear and I smile.

Professor Kukui's POV

"I can't believe Ash has so many Pokémon," My wife commented as we watched the Hibiscus Festival.

"And they listen to his every order," I say amazed. "They all seem to look love him so much."

"And the festival just showed they're so well trained they will follow other trainer's commands," Burnet said.

"He has a pretty good variety of types as well," I pointed out as we watched the first competitor appeal.

"I'm surprised you're not over there studying them 24/7," She laughed.

"That reminds me," I said. "I'll be going back and forth a lot from there for awhile."

"Why?" She asked turning to me.

"Remember that plan we're still not going to tell the readers," I said.

"Ohhhh," She said and we got ready for the third competitor to appeal.

Ash's POV

"Looks like Kayla is next," Lillie said as she cane out. "The sand has really messed with the first two people."

"I wonder how Bonnie will get past it," I said trying to think of something.

"Time to go Popplio," Kayla cheered.

"Is that the only Pokémon she has?" Lillie asked.

"Or her favourite." I said as Popplio came out and struck a pose.

"Poppolio use bubble with the sand," Kayla commanded. Poppolio blew the bubbles and they absorbed the sand. Poppolio sent multiple sand bubbles up high in the air. "Now use disarming voice."

The sound waves bursted the bubbles and the mixture of water and sand fell down. "The sand looks more wet now," I observed. Lillie nodded.

"This might hurt Kayla," she said.

"Aqua jet," Poppolio was zooming across the sky doing loopy loops and other tricks. I noticed the sand becoming even more muddy. Poppolio ended the attack and flipped into a pose.

"Now jump up with bubblebeam." Kayla smiled. Poppolio tried to jump up but couldn't. Kayla had a look of panic, "sing."

"Uh oh," I say as a Popplio starts to put everyone to sleep.

"Me melala mel leta me." Meloetta started singing to counteract the attack. Popplio realized her trainer's mistake and stopped. Meloetta went back invisible even though everyone was looking our way and saw her.

"Thanks Meloetta," I whisper and act like nothing happened. Everybody focused back on the judges. There was the usual like Nurse Joy and Kahili again. The last judge was the owner of the Tide Song Hotel.

Professor Kukui's POV

"It's Bonnie's turn," Burnet said and I walked back with our teas.

"She's using a Chinchou," I observed.

"This could be something different," she said as Bonnie let Chinchou into the open.

Chinchou used bubblebeam into the sky. Then Bonnie commanded a thundershock that sparkles as it popped all of the balloons. Chinchou started glowing bright illuminating the surrounding water.

Chinchilla began swimming and interacting with the wild Pokémon that we can see because of the flash. "It's beautiful," Burnet awes.

"This festival is over," I say confidently.

"They still have to do the battle round," She said as Bonnie finished up.

"I'll be right back," I say and walk outside. I walk around the house five times.

"Okay point made," She said as I walked back in. I looked at the screen and Kayla's Popplio was getting pummelled by Bonnie's Pichu.

"Thundershock," Bonnie said and the battle was over. Pichu released the charged energy and landed the super effective attack.

Bonnie's POV

"We won," I yelled and ran up to Star. She started glowing and evolved right in my arms. "Star you're a Pikachu." She has a heart shaped end to her tail which was super cute.

"Congratulations," Kayla came up to me and shook my hand.

"Thanks and that was a good battle," I replied.

"I probably should catch some new Pokémon," She said timidly.

"You'll find some I'm sure," I said and walked up to receive my second flower of five. I attached it to the Lei around my neck and went to find Lillie and Ash.

"That was awesome," Ash said as I met them.

"Thanks," I smile.

"So where do we go off to now?" Lillie asks.

"We should go back to the mall," Ash trailed off at the end.

Lillie and I looked at each other, "Shopping!" We said and made our way to the mall.

Small time Skip

"So your next trial is at the Wela Volcano," I said while we looked at the red poster.

"I'm guessing it's a fire type trial," Ash said.

"Really?" Lillie said trying to look surprised. He face her a small glare and then joined the laughing.

"We have to head through Paniola Town," Ash read the map surprisingly well.

"We should check out the daycare there," Lillie said reading the details about the town.

"Already looking for daycares eh?" I smirked. Lillie's face was bright red and I'm pretty sure Ash was blushing too.

"There you guys are," A familiar voice says. We turn around and it was Jessie and James.

"Hey how's the detective work going?" Ash greeted.

"Good but we and the hotel owner want to talk about the Team Skull attack." James said seriously.

"Let's get going then," Ash said and we started heading towards the Tide Song Hotel.

"What information do you need from Ash?" Lillie asked.

"Information on the girl with the weird haircut called Plumeria and Melody as well," Jessie responded. Talk about weird hair...

"Why Melody?" I asked. "She seemed like a nice person."

"We will talk when we get there," James said. What's going on?

???'s POV

"Looks like the police are in contact with Ketchum," I tell my boss through the communicator.

"Do not let them tell Ash anything about me?" She says angrily. "But don't reveal yourself."

"Okay go eat a burger without eating it," I say sarcastically.

"I can demote you to grunt again Beat," she threatens.

"Sure you will," I say and focus back on the group I've been stalking. I haven't told her that I think they have Meloetta because if I do and I'm wrong she'll kill me. Maybe not kill me but I don't want to be a grunt again.

I follow them into the Owner's office and I used a device that will allow me to hear them.

"First of all I have a present for you Ash," I hear the owner say. "It's a Wailmer and I hope you can give it a life of battles it's always wanted."

I hear s thanks and blah blah blah. They're talking about Plumeria first so I shouldn't crash the party yet. So Plumeria is the only known admin. I don't think we should deal with Team Skull unless they start a conflict.

I hear "her" name and I crash through the roof.

Ash's POV

I instinctively grab Lillie and protect her from the shattered roof. Once the dust clears I see Jessie and James being held against the wall by a guy a little taller than me. The owner must've left.

"Who are you?" I hear Bonnie yell.

"I am Beat from Team Rhythm," He says. He had a black villainous outfit with a purple music note on the back.

"These two know too much about our organization so I'm taking them," he said simply.

"No you won't," I try to grab him but he hovers in the air from a jet pack on his back. "Ugh what is even your team's goal?"

"Like I would tell you," He scoffs. "I would watch Meloetta though." I freeze and he laughs as he flies away.

"Looks like you have two evil organizations to beat now," Bonnie joked. I try to laugh but I'm worried.

"Mela," Meloetta said sadly.

"We'll beat them just like Team Rocket," I assure her. We all smile and hope for the best.


Team Rhythm has officially entered the story. Thank you to Shogunlordpoke for the suggestion a "few" chapters ago.

Anyway Bonnie flew through her second trial win. Can she do the same all the way to the Flower Ceremony?

Now they get to go to Paniola Town!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may or may not have some ideas I've been waiting to write.

Hopefully this chapter makes up for the last one and thanks as always.

Cya next chapter

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