A Battle and Wonder Trading

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Ash's POV

I woke up before Paul so I decided to give him payback for Sinnoh. "Pikachu," I whispered shaking him awake. Instantly he sparked his cheeks mad that I woke him up. "Wait don't shock me, I thought you might want to give some payback for all the times Paul insulted us."

Pikachu gave the most devilish laugh I've ever heard from him. He walked over while charging his electricity. "Pika, Pikaa, Pikaaa, Pikaaaa Chuuu."

Pikachu decided to shock both of us, you can never trust that guy. "Pikachu why did you shock me too." I yelled at him.

He shrugged and ran out the tent. "You guys are pathetic." Paul said and went outside.

"How about we have our battle now to start of the day right?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want to start off with a loss?" Paul smirked. "That's not exactly starting off right."

"I'll referee," James announced as he came out of the tent.

"Ash you better not lose to Plum Head," Moon said.

"Troublesome," I heard Paul mumble.

"Moon I thought you would be cheering for Paul not Ash," Bonnie said smiling at the now flustered girl. We all looked at Bonnie wondering what she's talking about.

"Bonnie you funny little girl," Moon said and took her to the side.

Bonnie's POV

"Bonnie don't say things like that," Moon said quietly to me furious.

"Why? Because what I'm saying is right?" I asked innocently.

"Ugh," I giggled. "Looks like Lillie found a way to avoid the battle."

I looked over towards the house and saw Lillie through the window. At least she's making food for us. Moon and I walked back over to everyone.

On one side Paul had his Electivire out and ready while Ash was talking to his Noivern.

I remember Electivire from my book. It can learn a lot of different moves but relies on its fists a lot. With a flying Pokémon it could make the battle even.

Moon and I sat down with the TRio. Jessie and James seemed pretty happy not being the ones targeted by the two Pokémon but also having friends. Meowth seemed zoned out for some reason.

"This will be a single battle between Ash and Paul." James announced. "Battle begin."

"Noivern get in there with Aerial Ace," Ash commanded looking to start off quick.

Noivern started flying towards Electivire. Paul gave a small laugh. "Thunderbolt one you get hit." Paul said calmly.

I thought Ash would react but he just let it happen. Noivern got a direct hit to the stomach but Electivire kept his balance. The bolt of electricity struck Noivern and he went down.

"Noivern are you good to keep going?" Ash called out. Noivern pushed himself back up and gave Ash a nod. "Into the air then."

Paul looked up ready to call something but Ash acted first. "Noivern use Boomburst." Noivern started charging his ears.


Electivire brought his tails to the front and the green barrier formed. Noivern sent out the sound energy but all it did was push Electivire back a little.

"Stay away Noivern." Ash warned.

"Thunder." Dark clouds started to form.

"Noivern use Dragon Pulse on the clouds." I watched Noivern fire the attack straight up. Nothing happened.

"Good try Ash." Paul taunted.

We all waited for the thunder to hit Noivern but the clouds started turning green.

"Uh oh." I said.

"Noivern get down!" Ash yelled. Everyone else followed and got down. The green light got brighter and brighter than struck down towards us.

"Ko Koooo," I heard a voice. I look up and see a bright light intercepting the green bolt of lightening. I look around and see some of Ash's bigger Pokémon start firing attacks to help. Eevee decided it would be better to curl up in my lap.

The yellow light got brighter and then everything was back to normal. The clouds started dispersing and everyone stood back up.

Lillie's POV

I hear a loud sound from outside and immediately rush over to the window. "What did they do this time?" I sigh to Zorua.

"Zorua," she rolled her eyes and climbed on the counter to see outside. I look outside and couldn't believe my eyes. Ash was standing face to face with Tapu Koko.

I was going to go outside but pancakes were cooking and food is life.

Ash's POV

"Hello?" I said looking straight into the Pokémon's face. "Thanks for helping us."

"Ko." It still looked serious.

"It's the legendary Pokémon Tapu Koko." Bonnie read from her book. Tapu Koko nodded supporting Bonnie.
"It's the guardian of MeleMele Island."

"Your pretty good at your job then," I joked. His expression didn't change.

"Tapu," It said that flew off.

"Well that was weird." Jessie said. "And that's coming from me."

"So are you going to finish the battle?" Bonnie asked.

"Pancakes are ready." We heard Lillie yell from inside.

"Guess not." I said. Paul nodded and released his other Pokémon. They wandered off with mine to get some exercise before a long flight home.

We all sat down and had a fair share of pancakes. "Ash 15 pancakes are not a fair share," Lillie called me out. I reluctantly put a few back and started eating.

Pikachu came inside and took one of my pancakes. He looked at Zorua and they talked quickly. Everyone was watching as Zorua transformed into a Bonnie look alike and opened the fridge. She grabbed whipped cream and ketchup.

She set them down next to Pikachu and transformed back. Pikachu split the pancake in two so Zorua and Pikachu could put their favourite condiment on their pancake. "Really guys?" I sighed.

"He he he," Zorua laughed. Pikachu was too into his ketchup pancakes to notice me.

We all spent the rest of breakfast talking about what's next and other things. "Ash can I ask you something?" I looked over at the Scratch Cat Pokemon.

"Surrrrre," I reply. He's been quiet all day so maybe it's been bugging him.

"I want to join your team." He said boldly. I wasn't the only one surprised.

"Jessie you owe me 5 bucks," James said. Jessie shoved James off his chair.

"So after 8 years of trying to take Ash's Pokemon, you want to become one." Paul said sceptically.

"I know it's a crazy idea but I've been thinking about it for awhile." Meowth said. "I could stay here and take care of everything when your gone. I can transfer, feed and translate for you."

"Do you want to battle at some point?" Moon asked the talking cat.

"I don't know." Meowth said. "And I want you to catch me in a pokeball this time."

James and Jessie gasped. "Seriously Meowth?" James said.

"Yep, that way Ash can trust me this time." Meowth answered. He's really serious about this. I grab a pokeball from my bag.

"Welcome to the team then," I said and throw the pokeball across the table. I instantly let him back out.

"That was a terrible experience." Meowth panted like he almost died.

"What did you mean by 'this time'?" Lillie quoted.

"I might have accidentally tricked Ash's Unova gang into thinking I was their friend." Meowth said embarrassingly.

"Accidental I'm sure," Paul smirked.

"It was during Team Rockets latest big mission." Jessie remembered.

"There probably won't be another like it." James added. They sure seem like Team Rocket is done.

"You guys leaving probably didn't affect Team Rocket that much." Bonnie pointed out. "How do you know Team Rocket is pretty much finished?"

"It just seemed like HQ was dead," James said.

Ring Ring Ring

I get up and pick up the phone. It was from the Wonder Trade people.

"Hello," I started.

"Hi Ash, we were wondering if you and your friends would like to come down for a tour?" The worker asked. I look back and received some nods.

"We'll be on our way." I say and finished up the call.

}}{}}{{{}{{}{{{{}}{}}}}}{}Time Skip

Lillie's POV

It was now just Ash, Bonnie and I. Paul had to catch his flight and Moon was going with him for some reason. Jessie and James headed to the station to get their next mission. "What is wonder trading?" Ash asked me.

"If I'm right," I started unsure if I know my facts. "You deposit a Pokémon and it gets randomly exchanged with another deposited Pokemon. It's a growing thing and most major buildings have a machine to wonder trade."

"Seems kind of heartless," Ash said. Pikachu seemed to agree. Dedenne was asleep in Bonnie's arms so he didn't give an opinion.

"Sometimes it's good though Ash." He looked at me like I was dead inside. "If someone has a Pokémon that may be happier somewhere else it's a good thing."

"That's exactly right." One of the workers came from behind us. "My name is John by the way. I'll be giving you guys the tour."

"Some people wonder trade because they don't battle anymore but their Pokémon want to still." He said. "But there's some people who just do it to get rare Pokémon."

He showed us a map like thing in the big screen. It had many different Pokémon travelling to different parts of the map. "Some Pokémon stay in the system for days, weeks without properly being released." He explained.

"Who would find the first Pokémon they can and trade it to someone they don't know?" Ash said astonished.

"Ash you have 30 Tauros," Bonnie said. "Do you think most of them would be happier with someone else?"

Ash looked at Pikachu. "John what Pokémon has been in the system the longest?" Ash asked.

"An Alolan Rattata."

"Just wait," Ash ran over to the PC and called Meowth. Bonnie started talking to me about Eevee so I couldn't hear their conversation. He came back over with a pokeball. "Can you make sure I get that Rattata?" Ash asked.

"I could but why?" John asked.

"Because that Rattata has been in there forever and no Pokémon deserves that." Ash is too kind to Pokemon. "And I think Bonnie is right that some of my Tauros deserve to be with someone else."

"Ok bring it over here." John said as he typed into the computer. The transfer started and a new pokeball appeared.

"Rattata come on out." Ash shouted. It looked confused and kind of sad thinking it disappointed another person. "Welcome to the team."

It still had tears in his eyes but it jumped into Ash happy it found a trainer. "You'll be the strongest Rattata ever." Bonnie cheered. It was heartwarming to see how Ash can affect so many people in a good way.

"We should probably just hang out for the rest of the day," I suggested. Ash and Bonnie nodded so we left after another eventful day.

Greninja POV

"Greninja could you swim a little faster," I heard a voice from my back. "I can't wait to see Bonnie."

"I'll be able to swim faster if I fling you off," I said irritated with the legendary Pokémon.

"We're past Hoenn I'm pretty sure so we are more than halfway there." A more mature green blob said. "Are you sure you didn't need a break?"

"I'll be fine," I said. "Special training is key to victory."

It's almost time to show what Ash and I can do. And it's almost time to water shuriken Hawlucha for his goodbye comment.

Dawn's POV

One win down, 4 more to go. "Good job Dawn," my mom congratulated me.

"Thanks but I thought you wanted me to be more independent." I said.

"That was when you were with people that could take care of you," overprotective mothers am I right.

"I just want to win that trip to Alola," I said sadly.

"Don't feel bad because of what happened," my mom tried to comfort me. "Just admit it like you already have and fight to make things right again."

"Thanks Mom," I said.

"Let's get home and find out where the next contest is." She suggested and we went home.


So a few things happened this chapter and a lot of foreshadowing was put in if you picked up on it all.

After such a long delay on the last chapter I decided to get this one done faster to make it up.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading.

I need oc NAMES and if you want you can give me a description. Either comment or message me(messaging is easier for me)
I need help please...

Cya next time...

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