A Few Things Happen

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Lillie's POV

Ash grabs me and and keeps me behind him. I look around for Bonnie and Hau and I see them standing facing the two grunts by the front desk. I hear something and I see Ash talking to Meowth. Ash grabbed two transferred Pokeballs and released them.

A huge monkey like Pokémon that I remember as Infernape came out. The other one was a similar size but looked like a plant. I think it's a Sceptile.

"Ok bro this kid thinks he can beat us," the one said arrogantly.

"Let's show him how real bros fight," the other said.

"He's not a Bro though," the one argued. "He's a no bro."

I see Ash laughing at them. "You may need to release some Pokémon first," Ash pointed out. Infernape gave an intimidating growl.


"Golbat," They said as their voices shaked like a rattlesnake. What is a rattlesnake?

"Sceptile leaf blade on raticate," Sceptile didn't move for a second. Is he disobeying Ash...

I blinked and Raticate was in the wall unable to battle. Sceptile still had the leaf blade engaged and was still in the position he was in when he attacked. He stared right into the grunts eyes and I think there's a wet spot on his pants now.

"Sceptile you didn't have to scare them that bad," Ash joked. "Seems like the training is going good." How can Ash be so calm in a situation like this?

"Infernape use flamethrower so we can go help out." The grunt didn't have enough time to speak as Ash was already running out before it hit. "Pikachu protect Lillie," Ash yelled before running out. Pikachu saluted and jumped on my shoulder.

"Let's go help Nurse Joy with Bonnie and Hau," I suggested and we ran into the back room.

Ash's POV

"Holy Tauros," I say as I look around the previously peaceful town. There were about 10 grunts running around terrorizing civilians. There were some houses starting to burn while some were simply smashed to the ground.

There was a larger house but a lot of grunts were guarding it. That must be where an admin or leader is. I better help the people first. I started shouting orders to my two Pokémon. They easily blasted away Team Skulls Pokemon But they are still taking damage, I should have asked for more Pokémon.

Meowth's POV

I hear the Christmas music so I dash over to the house. Hopefully it's just Ash calling to give back Infernape and Sceptile. "Hello?" Lillie appears on the screen looking terrified. I can't believe I used to make people afraid like that.

"Meowth send all of Ash's water and flying Pokémon as quick as possible. We are north of the house remember," she said frantically then ended the call. I run over to the newly installed PA system and start talking.

"All flying and water type Pokémon head North of here quickly," I yell hoping they aren't too tired. "Bulbasaur, Bayleef, Torkoal, Torterra, Krookodile and Hawlucha come here."

I walk outside and meet the six Pokémon. "Why can't I go and fight?" Hawlucha complained since he's a flying type. Over their heads I see all of the flying types fly out at almost the speed of light.

"Because we need to have a meeting," I stated. "I called one of you from each region as you can see. It seems that criminal activity may be on the rise so every Pokémon needs to be trained the best they can be."

"We're already doing that Meowth," Bayleef said.

"I know but I mean more advanced training. Like learning movesets with three or four different types." I said.

"But we need TM's or a fifth move compatibility for that," Torterra said.

"I stole documents from Team Rocket that contain the info to make TMs but they take awhile," I say hoping to make sense. "And you guys can get a fifth spot if you work specially on that."

"Really?!" Torkoal exclaimed. I nodded.

"Just make sure the smaller newer Pokémon get up to your level okay?" I said. "Team Skull might not last long but we don't know how many teams might be here."

They all nodded and ran off. I probably should make a small team to head to Iki.

Ash's POV

"Sceptile look out," I yell as he got surrounded by 7 Salandit.

I look over and Infernape was occupied with a hypno. I don't want to bring out my new Pokémon but I might not have a choice. I start to grab a pokeball but then I see a flock of Pokémon approaching. "Lillie is probably the smartest girl I know," I whisper.

I watch eight of my Pokémon come diving down making a gust of wind. Everything and everyone stopped. The fires seemed to stop blazing, battles stopped, yelling quieted. Everyone stared in awe as my Pokémon came to a stop in the middle of the town.

I looked at them and nodded and just like that everything resumed. Noctowl and Charizard helped Sceptile our whole the others released all sorts of attacks on the grunts and their Pokémon.

The fires were still going though, I wish...

Then I see all of my water types get to the city and start putting out the fires. I run towards Charizard and tell him to come with me. He looked ready to kick some punk butt. Infernape and buizel followed.

"Infernape and Buizel you guys take the grunts to the side. Charizard you and I got the middle one." I say as we walk towards the three guarding the main house.

Infernape and buizel instantly started battling the Hypno and the Raticate. "You really think you can get through me?" The grunt said as I stepped up.

"Look at the size of my Charizard then look at the size of your Salazzle," I smirked. Size doesn't matter but this grunt is stupid enough to believe it.

"Uhh," he stuttered. "Salazzle use toxic ." The purple has came floating towards Charizard.

"Blow it away from you," Charizard flapped his wings hard and sent the gas back. Salazzle is a poison type so it didn't poison him. Suddenly Salazzle fell down and purple bubbles emitted from it. What?

"Damn corrosion ability," the grunt said frustrated. The ability corrosion must make poisoning poison types possible.

"Charizard dragon pulse," Charizard shot the green and purple pulse at Salazzle. The attack knocked it right out and I charged into the building.

I see a funky dressed girl holding a bigger man's shirt demanding something. "Where are the Z-rings?" She yelled at him.

"I'm not telling you!" The man yelled back.

"Golbat use leech life," The Golbat went over and was about to sap the mans energy.

"Charizard flamethrower," I said hoping to intercept Golbat. Charizard fires a straight beam and hit Golbat. I'm surprised it's still conscious.

The girl looked over, "I'm Plumeria, nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

"I honestly do not care," I snapped. "Let him go or else."

"Or what?" She asked smirking. Or else this.

"Charizard dragon claw on the Golbat," I said. Charizard flew over and extended his right claw. The glow appeared and in one slash Golbat was knocked out.

"Anything else?" I asked. She was still staring at Charizard.

"Salazzle come on out," she yelled and threw the man against the wall so she had room.

"This one's stronger than the one we just beat," I warned Charizard. He nodded back and got ready to battle.

"Flamethrower," I yelled hoping to get the first hit early.

"Defend with dragon pulse," Plumeria said calmly. The two attacks met and the flamethrower was a lot stronger. Salazzle was struggling and both attacks ended up exploding in her face.

"Charizard get in there with dragon claw,"Charizard flew up with the extended claw.

"Sludge bomb," I forgot Salazzle was poison type. The purple poison bomb exploded in Charizard's face and Charizard barely touched Salazzle.

"Good job Salazzle," Plumeria praised. At least Team Skull are nice to their Pokémon.

"You ok bud?" I asked. Charizard stood up ready for more. "End this with flare blitz." I could see the hesitation but I thought this through.

Plumeria looked shocked that I would use such a strong attack in a house. Wait I forgot we're in a house! Too late now, Charizard was covered in flames and was on course with Salazzle.

I saw Plumeria looking around not even focusing on the battle anymore. The attack hit and took the whole back wall of the house with it. Oops.

The smoke cleared and Plumeria and her Pokémon were gone. "She got away," I muttered.

"Sorry about your house." I apologized to the man.

"Thanks for saving me, Z-rings are important and not good in the wrong hands," he said. "I'm Hala the Kahuna."

"Your the one I'm having a grand trial against," I exclaimed. He laughed nervously.

"If you have more Pokémon like that Charizard it won't matter," he laughed.

"I do but I'm only using my new Alola Pokémon to battle with," I stated. "Until the league that is."

Charizard flew out to go round up grunts that hadn't escaped. We walked outside and the town was a mess. "Woah," I said. There were families just sitting in front of their burned houses.

"It's going to take forever to fix this town." Hala states. "Looks like your grand trial won't happen for awhile.

Usually I would be fine maybe a little disappointed but I think I can fix this. "What if me and my Pokemon he'll fix the town for the next few days?" I suggested.

"You've helped so much kid but you would need s lot of Pokémon to fix a whole town," Hala said sadly.

"See all those water and flying types," I pointed out.

"Yes. It's very nice to know that trainers let their Pokémon help out," Hala said.

"Those are all mine," I said laughing. "And I have a lot more."

"Boy you're a hero," Hala cheered. I nervously laugh.

"Ash," Lillie yelled and ran over and hugged me. That took me by surprise. "I'm glad you're okay."

She stepped back and her cheeks were bright red. I forget what Bonnie said that means. "The towns a mess," Bonnie said as she came over."

"We have the resources to rebuild it right gramps?" Hau asked.

"Yep and Ash knows how to do it fast." Hala said looking at me.

"I have to go make a call," I said and ran off to the somehow unharmed Pokémon Center.

"Meowth it's time for special training," I start off with.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You'll see, bring everyone here," and I ended the call.

"Okay they're on their way," I announce as I walk up to everybody.

"We are going to need shelter for tonight," Hala pointed out.

"What if we make temporary shelters quickly?" Lillie suggested.

"That should work," Hala said. "The tree farm is down the road and they are always happy to help out."

"I just wish we could make something good out of this," Hala said looking down.

"What if we made a pretty lake?" Bonnie smiled.

"It's doable," I added.

"Looks like Iki town is getting a lake," Hala announced. "I'm going to go inform everybody in town."

I decided to let out all my Pokémon except for Milotic. Bonnie followed and Hau let out his Rowlet.

"You guys can just explore and help if needed," I told them. Zorua hopped on Lillie's shoulder while Pikachu was on her other one. "Lillie you're stealing all my Pokémon," I joked. She just giggled and stuck her tongue out.

"I'm going to go get-" I started.

"Kokooooo," I look up and see the same Pokémon that saved us during Paul and I's battle.

"I wish I had a translator," I muttered.

"You have one," Meowth said and came over while my other Pokémon just talked with the ones already here and got to work. "I think he wants to battle."

"Really?" I asked the legendary guardian Pokémon.

He made a come at me sign and I looked at Pikachu. He got ready to jump off but then...

"Ninjaaa," If it isn't Greninja.

"Welcome back Greninja," I said smiling. "How have you been doing?"

"He says questions later, battle now," Meowth said.

I looked at Greninja and nodded. The familiar torrent of water ride up and swallowed Greninja. When the water dispersed Ash-Greninja was there instead.

Tapu Koko said something and then Greninja looked down red faced. "Koko said Greninja had a battle with Tapu Fini recently," Meowth translated. "And lost but she thinks he's cute."

Hawlucha said something laughing and got a water shuriken to the face and blasted off. "He'll be fine." I said sighing.

"So Greninja became a ladies man while he was busy," Bonnie laughed.

Eventually we all stopped laughing at the embarrassed frog. "Ready to battle now?" Both Pokémon nodded.

The field turned into an electric terrain. Tapu Koko must have the ability electric surge. "Double team Greninja," Greninja multiplies into lots of copies all over.

Tapu Koko started moving faster, must be agility. "Greninja Water shuriken.

Every Greninja copy took the giant shuriken from they're back and throw it. It's going to hit, never mind. Tapu Koko moves out of the way just in time. Suddenly plants came out of the ground and attacked all of the copies.

"Nature's madness," Hala muttered. That must be the move. Koko looked around confused, I kind of am too. I get into Greninja's vision and see that he's in a tree.

"Night Slash." I commanded. Koko looked at me then got slashed in the side of the head by the dark type attack.

Greninja started running away but Koko recovered fast enough. He charged an electro ball and hit Greninja square in the back.

And of course now my back hurts, and I have to build a town tomorrow. I can tell he wants to keep going but a legendary super effective move did some damage.

"Aerial ace." Tapu Koko backed up. Greninja can make that distance though. But then charged a Brave Bird and met Greninja head on. I was blown back by the amount of damage we just took.

"That's enough for now," Hala stepped in. "You both battled well."

I walked over and helped Greninja up. Tapu Koko flew over and handed me a black bracelet. He flew off quickly.

"What's this?" I held it up.

"It's a Z-ring..."


Well that was a long chapter...

I hope it was as good as I think it is but it's not up to me to decide that.

Ash finally got a z ring which I debated putting into the story at all but decided to anyway.

Greninja also came back but where are the two green blobs that he came with.

Team Skull got back into the story with their first main mission and failed beautifully.


They might not be focused on again until the end of their arc somewhere between the second and third trial. Ash may or may not get a legendary at that time...

Anyways thanks for reading and cya next chapter(hopefully)

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