Gotta Catch 'em All

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Ash's POV

"Your food always gets my energy back," I said to Lillie.

"How can you be so cheerful after this morning?" Lillie said worriedly.

"I'm used to the whole Ash-Greninja thing now," I said while helping her clean up.

"Sure you are," she said shaking her head. "Are we doing anything while we walk to Iki town?"

"Ash said that we are going to catch as many Pokémon as possible today," Bonnie cheered. I nodded as we finished packing up.

"Why's that Ash?" Lillie asked.

"I'm looking for some certain Pokémon and the more friends the better." I smiled.

"Let's go," Bonnie cheered.

We're walking through the canyon that route 3 is. There are only flying Pokémon every so often, I don't think I need more squawking Pokémon.

"Where does that cave entrance go to?" Bonnie asked as we stopped right beside it.

"We'll never know until we go in," I say as we walk in. I can see a bright light at the end and something that sounds like crashing water.

We got through and all I could see were yellow flowers. "What a beautiful place," Lillie awed as she ran her hand through the flowers. He long blonde hair flowing in the wind, she looked so peaceful, happy and cute. My cheeks flared as I thought that.

"Ash your cheeks are a little red," Bonnie said giggling.

"It's just really hot in here," I try to cover up and walk to the small lake under the waterfall. I begin putting water on my face as I look over to see a yellow Pokémon doing the same.

I stand up as does it. Then I wave my hand and it copies me. "Weird," I say as Pikachu laughs at us.

"Bonnie come over and see this Pokémon," I yell from across the Flower patch. She and Lillie run over. Rotom pops up and Bonnie nods.

"Oricorio the dancer Pokémon. The Pom-Pom Style Oricorio is very friendly toward people, and it uses dancing to encourage Trainers who are feeling glum. When it dances, its feathers are charged with static electricity. It's electric and flying," Rotom read from his internal database.

I look at Bonnie, her eyes were wide with excitement. "Go ahead Bonnie."

Bonnie smiled and walked in front of Oricorio. "Oricorio I'm Bonnie and this is our team," Bonnie said as she let out her three Pokémon. "We're going to be the best Flower Festival participants there ever was."

"Looks like your pep talk worked," I whispered to Lillie as I judged her with my arm.

"It helps when they have an amazing idol," Lillie winked.

"I am pretty amazing," I said as my ego rose. She playfully punched me.

"You can come with us and show the world your dancing," Bonnie persuaded. Oricorio did a little dancing creating a spark between it and a pokeball in Bonnie's bag.

Bonnie reached into her bag and pulled out a pokeball. Oricorio nodded and Bonnie caught her fourth Pokémon.

"Looks like you got a new friend to help you with your Flower Festivals," I said happy for her.

"Maybe he can help you with your dancing," Bonnie laughed, Lillie joined in.

"Touché," we walk out of the meadow and back onto the main route.

We approach the bridge that splits route 3 into two parts. I look down and see two Pokémon on a beach. I instantly sprint across the bridge and make my way down the coast.

Pikachu was already there and Lillie and Bonnie were still making their way down. The two Pokémon were an audino and a weird looking geodude.

Pikachu was talking with the Audino and then Pikachu explained to me. "From his surprisingly good acting it skills I think geodude has an electricity overload." I said to Lillie and Bonnie got here.

"That's an Alolan Geodude," Lillie informed us. "It's rock and electric."

"Pikachu try to absorb the electricity," I said hoping we could help. Pikachu put his cheek up to geodude's body and started removing the excess electricity.

Bonnie ran up and hugged geodude, looks like she's getting another Pokémon today. I helped Audino with the finishing touches.

"Geodude do want to come with me? I could use a strong battler like you seem to be," Bonnie said as she held out a pokeball. Geodude lightly punched the pokeball and got sucked inside. "Yay," Bonnie cheered.

I look at Audino now, "I can tell you like helping Pokémon." It nodded kindly.

"Would you like to help me out with 60+ training Pokémon at our house?" I asked because that could let them train even harder.

Audino got a huge smile on her face. She must like a challenge, "ok then." I catch her and put the ball in my bag.

Time Skip

"We're almost there," Lillie says as we walk through a hilly area.

"Let's go faster," I suggest and start running.

"Ash look out!" Lillie yells. I look up and smack.

I sit up and my head is pounding. "Ash are you okay?" Lillie ran up to me checking for any serious injuries.

"I'm fine," I say. I look up and see a blue Pokémon with a white thing that looks like hair on its head and down it's neck.

It's a bagon, "You were trying to fly weren't you?" I said knowing its intention. It looked up looking sad and sorry at me. "It's okay." I rub it's head.

It smiles and jumps in my lap. "I have lots of flying Pokémon if you want to meet them," I said hoping to cheer it up. It nodded vigorously and instantly went into the pokeball I brought out.

"Well that was interesting," Bonnie stated as we continued walking.

"Alola," we turn around and see a guy that looks around 11 or 12 running at us. "Want to battle? I just got my starter Pokémon. I'm Hau.

"I'm Ash and this is Bonnie and Lillie," I introduced. "And I accept your battle."

"Litten I choose you," I said as I let out my fire breathing cat. Pikachu understood thankfully as he went over to Lillie. She gave him a ketchup packet and is now his best friend.

"Time to have fun Rowlet," Hau cheered as he let out this small beige owl with a green bow.

"Koo," It spread his wings and got a fierce look.

"Use leafage," Hau cheered excitedly. Rowlet must be a grass type and flying maybe.

"Burn it up with ember." The flames burned up the leaves and the attack was made useless.

"Try a peck attack." Rowlet flew in fast at Rowlet. I gotta think of something fast.

"Growl." The attack visibly affected Rowlet and he ended up only nicking Litten's tail. "Get in there with a lick."

Litten ran up hoping to get there before Rowlet could fly up.

"Rowlet get up and out of the way," Hau said confidently. That won't work.

"Litten use the trees to get up." I watched Litten expertly run up the trees and land the attack. Rowlet was now laying on the ground paralyzed, partly in fear and because he was actually paralyzed.

"This battle is over," I said as I walked up to Rowlet. "Have this," I feed it a Cheri berry.

"Thanks that was an awesome battle," I shakes his hand as he danced with Rowlet. The complete opposite of when I lost my first battle. I thank Litten and return her while Pikachu stayed with Lillie.

"Are you going to Iki town?" Lillie asked as he walked with us towards the small town.

"Yep there's going to be a huge festival for the next two days," He cheered. "The Ginger festival and two grand trials."

"So Ilima was right," I said remembering that Hala likes to make it a big deal.

"Does that mean..." Hau tried to put his thought together.

"I'm one of the challengers," I said proudly.

"That's awesome," Hau cheered. "I can't wait to watch the battle."

"Let's go to the Pokémon Center first," Lillie suggested. "You need to transfer some Pokémon."

We enter the center and I walk up to the phones with Lillie while Hau and Bonnie went to get their Pokémon healed.

I ring our number and all I can hear is Christmas music...

"Hey guys," Meowth said as he answered. "You guys made it to Iki town fine."

"Yep and we added four new members," I said smiling. "I also got you guys some help for everyone's training."

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Audino," Lillie answered.

"You don't know?" Meowth said confused.

"No AuDinO," I said trying to sound it out for him.

"What?" He asked.

"Just look at the screen," I say as I transfer her over.

"Ohhh, my bad." Meowth said sheepishly.

"I'm also sending you Snivy back," I informed as I sent him her pokeball.

"So you have Pikachu, Bagon, Rattata, Litten, Zorua and Milotic then right?" Lillie said. I nodded.

"See you later," I say and end the call.

Suddenly I hear a crash and I look towards the front door.

"Yo, Yo, Yo it's a Team Skull takeover..."


Cliffhangers, everybody's favourite thing.

A little bit of a shorter chapter but it's a needed set up for what will be the most action packed chapter yet.

So team Skull came in to ruin the day while Ash and Bonnie got some new Pokémon.

Hopefully next chapter is as good as I keep saying it is going to.

Thanks for reading and cya next time.

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