All Have Faith in Emolga

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Ash's POV

"Let's see who will face Kayla in the finals!" Sarah announces. "Time for Bonnie against Emily!"

Bonnie runs out alongside Jolteon who looks ready to battle. Her shiny yellow fur is spiked up all around her and her black eyes rest on Emily. "Emolga you too!"

Bonnie's flying and electric type glides down to the stage after getting released. Emolga is a white, flying squirrel Pokémon . She has black eyes, a tiny nose, and yellow cheek patches. Her ears are rounded in shape and black in coloration, with yellow and white sections inside of her ears. She has a black cover of some sort as well. She also has yellow winglike flaps and her black tail is in a jagged shape.

"Cherrim, Gastrodon time to battle!" Emily announces and the two Sinnoh Pokémon come out onto the stage. Gastrodon is the sea slug Pokémon for a reason. His slimy blue underside squishes on the stage with his protective green cover on top. Yellow lines run along the side until they reach two soft green horns on both sides of his head. He has two oval eyes, along with something similar on his forehead.

Cherrim is a little for appealing to my eyes. She looks like she came right off a tree. She has pink curl on top that leads to a green, leafy cover. Cherrim's body is composed of long purple petals that cover something pink that's on the inside from what I can see.

"I'm surprised she's not opened up," Ash comments.

"What do you mean Ash?" I ask the boy with more experience and knowledge than most of the top professors in the world.

"You'll see," He smiles. At least they're smart.

"Why can't you tell me now?" I pout.

He shrugs, "I don't want to ruin it for you."

"Sure," I roll my eyes and sit back in my seat.

Bright blue waves roll up the beach, almost to the stage while Wingulls race around in the sky. The sun that is as hot as ever already today is almost right up above us. Wouldn't mind seeing a rain dance right now.

"Battle begin!" The enthusiastic announcer yells.

"Give them a pin missile shower!" Bonnie orders.

"Emolga add a discharge!

"Defend with water pulse Gastrodon!" Emily yells.

"Cherrim start getting a sunny day ready."

The lime green seed-like missiles fly high into the sky. The electricity follow up never went with it though. Before the pin middle could separate, Gastrodon fires the blue orb of water directly at the centre. The collision creates a cloud of smoke in midair, hiding nothing but disappointment in Emolga.

Speaking of, she's having a nice relaxing sleep on her side of the stage. Bonnie looks at Emolga and starts to say something but she's interrupted.

"Body slam on Emolga, sunny day Cherrim!" Emily commands, completely overpowering Bonnie.

"Don't let him in easy! Stop him with double kick Jolteon!"

Cherrim glows a faded white and a bright red orb forms above her. It slowly rises into the sky before bursting in front of the sun. The area gets even hotter as the extra sunshine shines down on the stage. Cherrim glows brightly while Gastrodon charges in on Emolga.

He makes his way slowly towards the resting, disobedient Pokemon. Jolteon, who is way faster than the sea slug, charges forward and jumps up in the air. He turns around so his hind legs aim toward the water and ground type.

Gastrodon doesn't even attempt to move out of the way, he has one objective and that is to hit Emolga. Jolteon dives on for the kick but the attack is absorbed fully.

Gastrodon's squishy body makes the electric type Eevee evolution bounce of harmlessly. And he just keeps moving on towards his target.

"There's no stopping him so go after Cherrim Jolteon," Bonnie states. "Pin missile!"

Jolteon follows the same routine as earlier and the lime green misfiled shoot out everywhere. They shoot towards Cherrim, wait what happened to her?

Instead of the purple petalled Pokémon, a brighter, more cheerful one is now in its place. New Cherrim is a yellow sphere with happy eyes that make you happier just from looking at them. Five pink petals surround her head as well as a pink skirt-like petal that leads to a small yellow body. There's also two dark pink orbs on her forehead.

"That's what you were talking about," I realize that the form change is what Ash was hinting at.

"Yep and Emily's chance of winning just got a lot better," Ash sighs.

"Don't say that," I scorn even though he's a hundred percent right.

"Type disadvantage at the start, Emolga not listening and now Cherrim becoming even stronger," Brock lists everything not going Bonnie's away. "It's going to take a lot to change the momentum of this battle."

We're interrupted by the explosions of the pin missile hitting Cherrim. Smoke shoots up, hiding the grass type.

A pink aura radiates from the smoke, as well as Gastrodon. Who finished slamming Emolga off the stage and struggling to get up. As Gastrodon is making his way back to Emily's side, the smoke disperses showing a barely scratched Cherrim.

"What!?" Bonnie exclaims.

"Flower gift," Emily smiles. "Raises a team's attack and special defence."

It seems like everything is spiralling out of control for Bonnie.

"Emolga!" I scream comes from the electric and flying type.

"She looks happy," Gary says sarcastically.

"Emolga use-" Bonnie starts but she would have had a better chance commanding a brick wall. Emolga doesn't retaliate in any way, all she does is summon a weak green barrier around herself. Maybe it blocks noise and now she can sleep better.

"Cherrim use solar beam on Jolteon!

"Gastrodon use mud bomb on Jolteon!"

Cherrim spins around gracefully while her two pink orbs become glowing with solar energy. It takes almost no time for her to be fully charged and ready to fire. Mud rises up from the stage somehow and spins into... well a bomb as the attack suggests.

Bonnie is left helpless, she knows Jolteon can't counterattack from behind and in front at the same time. So she does what all good trainers do when they're screwed...

"Dodge!" Bonnie shouts the most used move in the Pokémon universe. Except this time it failed.

The yellow Pokémon jumps up, forgetting that mud bomb attacks from above. The ground type attack travels in a rainbow like path and it nails the airborne Pokémon. The teamwork of Emily's Pokémon might be even more impressive than we've seen so far though.

Thanks to Gastrodon, Jolteon falls right into the beam of solar energy. The yellowish beam powers through him and he goes crashing into the stage...

"Jolteon is unable to battle!" Sarah exclaims. "Neither Cherrim nor Gastrodon are greatly damaged."

"Thanks Jolteon," Bonnie sighs. "It's all up to you now Emolga." Sadness littered in every word.

Emolga opens one eye from her sleeping position and realizes that she's now a solo battler. She visibly sighs and gets up. Great timing...

"Better late than never," Gary shrugs.

"They have a lot of work to do before coming close to winning," Brock states.

"Brings back memories eh Ashy-boy?" Gary smirks.

"Once again Gary," Professor Oak sighs. "He still went farther than you in that league."

Gary falls off the bleachers and curls into a ball. Trembling from the taunting he seems to receive on a daily basis. "He deserves it," Gladion shrugs even though he probably has no clue what they're talking about.

"What's wrong with him?" A green haired girl joins us on the bleachers.

"Being a crybaby," Ash chuckles and lightly kicks one of his best friends.

"I got that," Mallow giggles.

Gary looks up glaring at her but suddenly his eyes widen and blink a few times. "I prefer the term 'rightfully wronged into despair'." He states and brushes off his navy shorts that don't go at all with his pink flowered shirt.

"That doesn't even make sense," Paul sighs. "Your falling farther down the list of Ash's best rivals."

"Guys stop or he's gonna curl up on the floor again," The energetic trial captain jokes and moves over so he can sit beside her.

"Listen to the smartest one here," The auburn haired researcher says.

"Mallow," She introduces herself.

"The one and only Gary—————Oak," He announces.

"Didn't know you were going to stop by," I say to the grass type specialist.

"I decided to stop in before heading over to New Tapu Village," She answers. "Im assuming all of you are going after this as well."

"You're looking at the favourite to win it all," Gary states and Mallow, along with all of us look at him confused. "Ash of course, I retired after an unfortunate loss."

"To me," My raven haired boyfriend smirks.

"Pika Pikachu," The electric type starts laughing.

Gary took back his position on the floor and is now shutting the world off.

"Go Bonnie!" Sydney randomly yells to bring our attention back to the battle.

Gastrodon looks pretty untouched but the same can't be said for Cherrim. Emolga zig zags across the sky before nailing a powerful acrobatics attack on Cherrim. The super effective attack proves to be too much for her. Her petals curl at the ends as she faints.

"Cherrim is unable to battle, meaning this is now a one on one battle!" Sarah exclaims. "Can Bonnie and Emolga complete the comeback?"

"Emolga acrobatics!" Bonnie commands.

The rodent follows and starts zig zagging in swift motions towards Gastrodon.

"Body slam!"

The size difference is pretty substantial and usually the bigger Pokémon wins when two bodies collide. Sadly Emolga couldn't be an exception.

Gastrodon completely tanks through the small Pokémon. She gets flung and slides across the stage. Her arms shake as she tries to push herself up. I don't think she can get up.

"Finish with muddy water!"

The sea slug Pokémon uses all his remaining energy to jump... only a few centimetres off the ground. But brown, muddy water splashes from himself. The attack completely covers the stage in one big wave, taking away everything in its way. Emolga was in its way...was.

The water drains harmlessly off the stage and Emolga finds herself getting carried off the stage. Granted I don't think she's fully conscious.

"Emolga!" Bonnie cries and runs over to pick up her defeated Pokémon.

"Emolga is unable to battle, which means Emily will be moving on to face Kayla in the finals!" Sarah exclaims. "What a comeback by Bonnie though."

The crowd cheers all around us as the two shake hands and walk off. Bonnie has a small smile but I can tell she's pretty disappointed to lose.

"I think I'm going to go talk to her," I state and my legs try to get up for the first time in awhile.

"Actually Lillie I think I'll take this one," Ash says and gets up with no difficulty.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I've had my fair share of experience losing," Ash chuckles. "I got this."

"Look at the parents deciding who should go comfort their child," Lusamine giggles.

"You're her actual mom," I say blushing.

"Nice one," Gary high-fives my mother.

"You're coming too," Ash says to Gary.

"Why?" He questions but gets up anyway.

"If someone is there with the same amount of accomplishments as her that should help," Ash smirks and walks off.

Gary looks ready to curl back into a ball but instead he responds with, "I have to respect that to be honest."

And with that the two disappear behind the bleachers and towards where Bonnie should be.

"Wait a second," Gladion says. "Wasn't Ash talking about how they stopped Team Flare in Kalos and how Bonnie was a big help?"

"So Bonnie actually has done more with her life than Gary," Paul laughs. "That's too funny."

"At least he's cute," Mallow says in a dreamy voice.

I raise an eyebrow and even with her tanned skin, I can see a blush.


Why is roasting Gary so much fun lol?

Anyways thanks for reading and see ya next chapter.

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