The Worst Possible Outcome

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Ash's POV

The smoke rushes by me and the whole stadium has an atmosphere of suspense. The smoke starts to disperse into the night sky. The referee waits patiently to make the call. It's pretty obvious though...

"Ughhh," I groan at the result. In front of me, Greninja is sprawled in the dirt with the swirly eyes I've seen many times in my life.

"You got to be kidding me," I hear Paul groan as well. Torterra doesn't have the body shape to sprawl like Greninja. He's just slumped and immobile.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle!" The referee announces. "Meaning this battle is a draw!"

We return our Pokémon and walk towards the middle for a handshake. The crowd cheers but it seems unfinished. I think we gave everybody pretty good entertainment though at least.

"Not bad Ketchum," Paul says and grips my hand firmly.

"It was fun," I respond. "But this battle leaves things undecided doesn't it?"

"We're basically on an equal level now," Paul sighs. "And I hate it."

"Me too," I agree. "We're having a rematch soon."

"Yep and I'll make sure it doesn't end like this again," Paul agrees.

"Let's head back then," I suggest and he nods.

Latias and Honchcrow get released and I get on top of Latias. Meloetta and Pikachu get settled and I hear a scream.

"Ash it's us!"

Max's POV

"Quicker dad!" I pull my father down the concrete stairs. We wind through people trying to exit and there's even more in the first row trying to get Ash's attention.

I release my grip and push through solo. Due to my lack of height I am able to get to front. "Ash it's us!" I scream.

He looks at me and his eyes open slightly. His smile drops a little and any hope I had of gaining forgiveness left. I can feel the smile I had drop and my head follows.

"See you in a few days Max!" Ash yells before taking off. I look up and watch the legendary Pokémon I've read so many books about. As soon as they got out of the stadium lighting they were gone into the darkness.

"He sure didn't hang around long," Misty says after they catch up to me.

"How rude," May adds.

"What could be more important then reuniting with us?" Serena asks.

"Sleep and not seeing you guys are better," I answer and catch up to my parent as we walk out of the stadium.

"Brat," I hear my sister mutter. I was about to respond but my mom gives me a quick glare.

It's not fair but I might as well stay as faraway as possible from their level. Four or five days until reunion time...

Ash's POV

Latias slowly starts her descent as the slightly cold breeze rushes by us. Hano Resort shines brightly with all of the pools and fountains lit up beautifully. "Try landing on the balcony," I suggest.

I notice Paul following us towards the balcony and we both land accordingly. I pet Latias and she flies off, probably back to the house. I open the door and we walk quietly into the living room.

Only a few lights are on, that way the bedrooms stay dark. Paul wanders off quickly down the hall towards his and Moon's room. I look around the room and the usual Pokémon that don't stay in their Pokeballs are out and asleep all over the room.

"Tapu Fini is in her cocoon form," I notice the legendary against the wall. "Must be how she sleeps."

I release Greninja and he slumps beside his mate. Pikachu followed and jumped on a chair occupied by Umbreon. He curls up beside her and Umbreon shifts to accommodate him. "They're both smiling in their sleep," I smile.

It seems like everyone has a perfect match out there somewhere. And our group shows that sometimes a random meeting can turn into something more. Pokémon and humans alike can find that one match that they love.

"Speaking of," I mutter. Lillie is laid across the couch with her hair all messed up. She sleeping soundly, either she stayed up to see if anything happened or she was going to meet me when I got back. But seriously, how can someone be so beautiful all the time? She's basically only halfway on the piece of furniture with her one arm slowly taking her over the edge.

I brush the stray hair behind her hear but I accidentally knock the rainbow feather out of her hair. I delicately place it back behind her ear. It starts to glow like it has recently, almost bright enough to light up the whole room. I can't believe it's still in perfect condition.

I chuckle and pick her up bridal style. She nuzzles her head into my chest almost like she subconsciously knows it's me. All of Bonnie's love lectures are slowly starting to make sense now.

Ever since the day I tackled Lillie out of the sky, which I'm surprised she still talked to me after, we've been getting close. We constantly teased, helped and just liked being close to each other. Wow, how did I not see that earlier?

Then thanks to Lillie we started dating and I honestly don't know how I made it earlier without her. Some people think young love is just based on a small crush but I don't think that's our case.

Someone you love is someone that you can't imagine living without, someone you want to come home to or they come home to you. It's also when you seem to be able to talk or do anything with them. Love is knowing that they always got your back and you always have theirs. And I'm pretty sure I love Lillie. Actually... I know I love Lillie...

I drop her gently on our bed and manage to get her under the covers. "Guess we're sleeping in our clothes tonight," I chuckle to myself.

I take off my jacket and pants so I'm not boiling while I sleep.

"Mela," Meloetta covers her eyes jokingly like this is going to turn into something more.

"Don't you have someone else to make fun of?" I ask chuckling lightly.

She looks up for a second like she's thinking. She nods and leaps out of the room. "She's a character," I mutter smiling.

I lay down and shift a bit. I close my eyes but then an arm reaches out across my body. Lillie opens her eyes and pretends to pout. I smile and pull her closer so that she's right up against me.

"You didn't win," Lillie says as her bright green eyes stare deep into mine.

"I know," I sigh. "But I didn't lose either."

"How do you feel about drawing against Paul?" Lillie giggles knowing the answer.

I playfully glare at her, "We have already agreed to a rematch."

"Maybe you need me to cheer you on in person to win," The blonde smiles.

"I think I do," I agree. "Thanks for everything."

"Ash you don't-"

"Yes I do," I kiss her forehead.

"Thanks for everything too," Lillie says softly.

"Anytime," I reply. "Goodnight."

"Sweet dreams," Lillie giggles and the sparkle in her eye disappears under her eyelids.

What a night...

Lillie's POV

"It's the final day of this year's Flower Ceremony!" Sarah announces. "After three intense battles we will have a new Flower Champion!"

"The semifinals will be composed of two double battles. The matches will be randomly selected right after I finish talking."

"The winners will battle it out in a single battle to see who is the strongest!" Sarah cheers. "And I think it's time to start!"

A person brings out a black box, supposedly to draw names. Since this is a makeshift stage, it would have been a waste to set up a screen just for this. They probably didn't want to leave up the ones from the race for a couple days unused.

"The first battle will be... Kayla against... Olivia," The ginger announces. "Come on out!

The young brunette comes out first. Kayla waves and throws two Pokeballs high in the air. They burst open into two water types. "Shellder, Popplio let's win this!"

Olivia walks out next looking calm and confident. Different than the first time we saw her walk out for a battle. "Lillipup, Clefairy come on out!"

"Little different from the Pokémon we are going to see at the league," Gary comments. "None of these Pokémon seem to be battlers."

"Remember that competitors don't usually focus on battling," I say. "The winner of the battle will be whoever can create the most teamwork between their Pokémon."

"These battles should be fairly quick then," Brock predicts.

"Should," I point out.

"Battle begin!" Sarah announces.

"Spotlight!" Olivia calls out to her Clefairy. A beam of light comes out of nowhere and shines on the pink fluffy Pokémon. It disappears but it marks an interesting strategy being used. Now all attacks will be aimed at Clefairy...

"Okay then," Kayla shrugs. "Shellder ice beam, Popplio bubble!"

"Lillipup get into position!" Olivia orders the small brown puppy Pokémon.

The small black, purple shelled Pokémon fires the ice beam attack and lands a direct hit. It slowly turns Clefairy into a frozen popsicle making her even more unable to dodge any attacks.

Popplio blows the transparent bubble out of her pink button nose and shoots it towards Clefairy. The bubble absorbs the fairy type and she starts rising high into the sky. The bubble has to pop at some point while it hovers a long way from solid ground.

"Is this part of her plan?" I ask.

"I don't know anymore," Kyred sighs. "She's not even ordering Lillipup to attack while it's basically immune since all attacks have to go towards Clefairy."

"Here we go," Ash says as the bubble pops. Clefairy hurtles back to the ground while still enclosed in ice. She crashes, leaving a small dent in the stage, Clefairy is definitely unable to battle but Olivia wastes no time returning her.

"Now retaliate on Shellder!" Olivia commands while returning Clefairy at the same time.

Lillipup kicks her paws a few times and smoke flares up. The little puppy Pokémon runs right through Shellder and not lightly. The bivalve Pokémon looks worst for wear after the beating from Lillipup.

"Finish him with thunder fang!" Lillipup's mouth opens to reveal her sharp teeth. They start cracking with electricity while she runs at the defenceless clam Pokémon.

"Help out with aqua jet!" Kayla commands Popplio.

"Run faster!" Olivia urges.

Popplio become engulfed in water before rocketing towards Lillipup. Shellder stays still as he waits for the super effective attack to clamp down on him. It's a race between Popplio and Lillipup...

The sea lion Pokémon had to do a loop to build up speed so she couldn't defend Shellder straight up. The stream of water led by Popplio is closing in on the charging normal type.

It's going to get close...

Lillipup jumps forward to land the attack. She gets a little bit of her teeth down into Shellder before getting tackled by the speeding Popplio. Lillipup gets up shakily while Popplio comes out of the aqua jet in perfect health. Same cannot be said for Shellder though.

His large pink tongue is out and he is fully unconscious. It's now a battle between two...

"Thanks Shellder," Kayla says while returning him. She returns back to the battle that's nearing an end.

"Giga impact!" Olivia commands hoping to finish this battle up.

"Now's our chance," Kayla smirks. "Moonblast!"

Lillipup charges forward with white energy surrounding her. A moon appears above Popplio and begins to glow a faded pink. It keeps shining and shining while Lillipup continues to close in.

"Now!" Kayla orders.

The bright pink orb leaves its position in the sky and Popplio fires it at the charging puppy Pokémon. The two collide and dust flies up because of the outburst of power.

Was Lillipup able to get through?

No, no she was not.

The dust clears, revealing a fainted Unova Pokémon and a cheering Popplio.

"We did it!" Kayla cheers and hugs her starter Pokémon.

Olivia looks down at the ground and returns her Pokémon. "You did great Olivia!" Kyred shouts and stands up clapping.

She looks up and gives him a small smile. We all join Kyred along with some other people in the standing ovation. The two battlers meet in the middle and shake hands. Wow that was only one battle...


2 days in a row😱😱😱

Thanks for reading as always and I hope this slight transition chapter felt needed. Also I want to thank everyone for showing their support through comments and voted because that let's me know that you actually like the book.

Cya next chapter

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